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    Utiliser "gasket" dans une phrase

    gasket exemples de phrases


    1. bearing, or the effects of a leaking gasket

    2. Is a head gasket used to fix a broken toilet?

    3. More recently, I exposed the full extent of the Russian supply of arms to both the Syrian and Iranian governments, something that really made the Russian leaders blow a gasket

    4. ‘’Full colonel at the age of nineteen! Quite a few in Washington will blow a gasket on hearing that

    5. gasket provided a tight seal between the trailer and the building

    6. There was Don, face red, about ready to blow a gasket, with Cecily, Paul, Christina and Danny still flooding up the stairs behind him

    7. He did not inform the men that the canvas would serve as a sort of sealing gasket of the can opening

    8. Regardless, the pressure inside the can fell dramatically when the humid vapor was cooled and atmospheric air pressure squeezed the can from all directions, including down upon the wood plank with its canvas gasket

    9. “Can’t you hear the head gasket going?” Denny said

    10. Tom turned each bolt a single turn, loosening them evenly to spare the gasket

    11. Tom inspected the gasket for leaks

    12. ” He picked the oily gasket from the running board and fitted it carefully on the block and pressed it down

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