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    Utiliser "gathered" dans une phrase

    gathered exemples de phrases


    1. All Jorma gathered from that was that a waterpark used a steam-driven industrial irrigation pump

    2. It would infect people in different ways: some formed boils under their armpits, some on their genitalia, and then some had pneumonic plague which gathered in the lungs

    3. And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together

    4. It seemed that every man, woman and child had gathered around the half-finished statue

    5. So, with his one good arm, Onidas gathered up a bolt and loaded it, frantically cranking the winch to add tension to the drawstring

    6. Because her sister could be involved, she gathered that he feared something from YingolNeerie

    7. Each time the Universe completed one rotation around the star, all the gods gathered at that point

    8. All of the creatures of Eden gathered to Him

    9. Then God said, “Let the waters under the heavens be gathered to-

    10. ors gathered together, and they saw these men on whose bodies the

    11. Ava had a virtual universe set up that she said was copied from data she had gathered from the planet, animated with video and audio that is broadcast in their net

    12. The sun is up and a rowdy crowd is gathered around a raised dais in a central square of the city

    13. dogged its tracks, but as Lucy moved closer, as the figure gathered its limbs together

    14. She flew into a place where people had gathered in a courtyard to listen to a speech from a man in robes on a high balcony

    15. Since there was a crowd gathered, she stopped the probe to listen

    16. The Lord said:”Where two or three are gathered together…”

    17. Where two or three are gathered together 115

    18. Where two or three are gathered together 117

    19. Where two or three are gathered together 119

    20. “And Moses and Aaron went and gathered together all the elders of the children of Israel”

    21. A cluster of three gathered around one of the new emitters

    22. He looked around and saw the council was gathered around him, their robes flapping in the raw wind

    23. The girl visibly gathered her courage together, fiddling with the spoon in her saucer for a moment as though rehearsing the words she wanted to say

    24. On the ground the shape seemed almost frail, as though it could not carry the burden of terror that forever dogged its tracks, but as Lucy moved closer, as the figure gathered its limbs together and began to unbend, began to straighten and stand, she saw with horror that he, for it must be masculine, was tall and thick set and lithe, as if he were a wolf or a hunting cat

    25. So in the land of the 12, 12 baskets of bread are gathered up

    26. In the land of the twelve, 12 baskets of bread are gathered, and in the land of the seven, 7 baskets of bread are gathered

    27. soldiers gathered and were trained by their superiors and Son

    28. It is where two or three are gathered in His name that He is in their midst

    29. cheerfully at the crowd of neighbours who had gathered

    30. As she gathered her

    31. They are gathered from the nations to come back to Israel (Psalm 107:2-3)

    32. God has gathered Israel back to the Land, and is continuing to gather them, until the decreed time to pour out His vengeance upon them

    33. Using the information you have gathered about yourself intelligently will help you over the next week

    34. A small crowd of children and idle onlookers has gathered on the quay to watch the boat as it prepares to sail; I scan their faces wondering if any of them know who I am, half looking for the men who chased me through the streets of Ercolano

    35. They gathered up all the students they could find and herded them below into the underbelly of the ancient school

    36. ‘No, I gathered that much

    37. From Homer I gathered a huge range of heroes and myths about monsters and magic that I'd tell to my dormitory mates after lights out

    38. Before it got extremely late she gathered the courage to tell Yarin not to expect her

    39. The French honey that is gathered from the blooms of gooseberry and sycamore trees is an exquisite sea green

    40. I had been warned that there would be a large number of people at the ceremony, but even that did not prepare me for the crowds which are gathered outside the Gotteshouse and the amount of attention I personally attract

    41. A child is pushed forward with a hastily gathered bunch of flowers garnered from goodness knows where

    42. When Diana landed Wolf tried to prepare her, but when she saw them all gathered around him she became panic-stricken

    43. Everyone gathered around and watched to see what he was doing

    44. 'I'll have to explain,' Alessandra gathered her thoughts

    45. Before my eyes I saw it roll and swoop and buck and cow-kick at the onslaught of the storm as if the tempest gathered vitality from the sea itself

    46. Arriving back at the Hold hours later, their arms laden with packages, Mistress Sera and Rayne were oblivious to the men gathered about the table

    47. He looked about the room at the small amount of people gathered there, he estimated between 30 and 40

    48. Everyone in the temple gathered around TV sets

    49. They gathered around the video screen as the scene came to life before them

    50. They gathered on the levels above and watched what was unfolding below

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    Synonymes pour "gathered"

    collected gathered joined united met