Utiliser "geniality" dans une phrase
geniality exemples de phrases
1. I could see that his attendants were very pleased by my words, but the doge betrayed no emotion except geniality
2. His sharp blue eyes, topped by bushy dark eyebrows, showed none of the previous geniality
3. With her, he behaved particularly pleasantly, answering her questions with geniality and friendliness, fact that confirmed me that his distaste was directed exclusively to my person
4. there is something about the geniality
5. A dent I’m sure he remembered beneath all the chatty geniality of his phone conversations
6. This was one of his parts in the popular comedy he was performing,—a make-up he had adopted and which suited him about as well as the masks worn on the classic stage by paternal actors, who seen from one side, were the image of geniality, and from the other showed lips drawn down in chronic ill-temper
7. I knew nothing of finance, but I heard it said that his dealings were badly looked on by orthodox Conservatives; even his good qualities of geniality and impetuosity counted against him, for his parties at Brideshead got talked about
8. Now the master, mellow almost to the verge of geniality, put his chair aside, turned his back to the audience, and began to draw a map of America on the blackboard, to exercise the geography class upon
9. Then he began to chat of all things except ourselves and diseases and with such an infinite geniality that I could see poor Lucy's pretense of animation merge into reality
10. and geniality with which he always addressed the soldiers
11. Henry Baker, I believe,” said he, rising from his armchair and greeting his visitor with the easy air of geniality which he could so readily assume
12. “What year did you enter the service?” he asked with that affectation of military bluntness and geniality with which he always addressed the soldiers
13. "Your welcome visit," said the author, addressing his guests with all the geniality of which he was master (for they seemed somewhat stiff and ill-at-ease), "gives me peculiar gratification