Utiliser "go against" dans une phrase
go against exemples de phrases
go against
1. situation, in spite of the circumstances of this world, you go against the
2. crime itself! They would understand that this would go against the very moral
3. You want to go against the norm
4. That way they would not dare to go against him or question his dealings
5. She never was one to go against our parents’ wishes in any form
6. Certainly, they could recreate life; except that would go against the most fundamental teachings of the Temporal Directive
7. The people have been campaigning for a complete return to Earth and these miners think they can go against
8. 5 billion years old, it makes it easier to accept that the Geologic Column is an historic record of past ages; even though there are various aspects found within the “Column” that go against the idea of it being formed gradually or being millions of years old
9. Is the information that is presented to you based on facts that can be proven as 100% true - leaving no doubt in your mind when you evaluate the claims? Do these arguments have missing pieces that do not fit the claims that are made, or is there evidence that would go against them? If this is the case, the claims are false and not based on facts
10. spring of 1861, and he would not go against his word
11. Whether the United States should suspend its forty-three (43) year embargo against Cuba and resume normal trade relations with that country‘s communistic regime is one of the overriding questions presently being debated by our nation‘s political leaders
12. If they go against your wishes you will not be held accountable, but they must be very careful:
13. “I hate to think you’d go against the family
14. Now Sierra said she hated to go against his lead, but her heart was in television
15. The commander who suggested the opposing idea, was not thrilled, but he knew better than go against the blind advisor
16. Historically, we see oppressive political regimes who go against the will of their citizens and of Natural Law, and the ultimate result is always negative
17. campaign a historic moment and emphasized the urgency to go against prevailing
18. 6 And you shall go against all the west country because they disobeyed my commandment
19. Among the singular events: the deployment of the CGC Chase to the Persian Gulf to support the United Nations oil embargo against Iraq; Operation New Frontier which initiated the use of special pursuit boats and armed helicopters; training teams sent to the former Soviet Republics of Azerbaijan and Georgia to develop and train national coast guards; the development of coordinated pollution control and response plans with Russia and Mexico; a National Strike Force response to an oil spill in the Galapagos Islands; the combining of BM/QM and ET/FT ratings, and the creation of OS and IT rates; the global circumnavigation of the CGC Sherman; the largest Coast Guard port security operation since World War Two in response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the United States; and the drafting of a terrorist resolution which was passed by the International Maritime Organization (Coast Guard, “Adm
20. But he thought he could go against th’ capital of th’ Archipelago usin’ a fleet of ships with just a handful of enslaved mages where th’ best weather mages of the seas live? That tells me he’s not as smart as he comes across
21. "He won't go against His own laws
22. "Because if you do decide to do that and go against ICM, it will be your thoughts all over the street
23. Her temper is terrible if you happen to cross or go against her
24. dared to go against him
25. Often we have to go against the ‘appearance’ of things and often against our own material assessment of a situation
26. He knew the Bloodtooth kid would hit first because coach wanted him to go against the best hurlers, especially with the three well-heeled alumni hanging by their thick fingers on the sagging chain link backstop, laughing and telling jokes as the boys trod through the stifling heat to their positions; none in the shade
27. These thoughts or actions go against the soul’s true and higher self
28. I could use the interviews and go against my earlier agree-
29. He would not dare go against the farmers
30. Yet when Aureliano Segundo had his first son she did not dare go against his will
31. The Embargo Act of 1807 involved an embargo against France and Great Britain during the Napoleonic Wars
32. I mean, he has a close relationship with his grandmother, but I don’t’ think he would do anything to go against his father
33. Wasn’t a revolution fought two hundred and fifty years ago against Great Britain?
34. ‘’Because the American cinema censorship board has refused to let us distribute our documentaries around theaters in the United States, on the pretext that they are blasphemous and go against public morality
35. go against my instincts
36. Looking at his mother's distressed face broke his heart, even though his initial reaction was to go against his mother's wishes
37. aspects of the situation, he wasn’t about to go against his father’s wishes
38. To go against the norm must be written somewhere as the thing not to do, but in this aspect, I’ve never been accused of being normal
39. Maybe it’s time to take a look at ourselves, go against the norm, fall in love with the Creator, turn our back on the traditions of the ‘old man’, and seek God’s face, pray and be healed of all that has kept us anchored to the past
40. They were even ready to go against their own council members to protect him
41. “That would go against the prime directive,” Garcia said
42. They feel shame when they go against these instincts
43. Sir Anthony, arrange with the Arabs a threat of an oil embargo against the United States
44. Just two days ago my new secretary of state, Christian Herter, got a visit from the Canadian ambassador, who told him in confidence that the Canadian government of Prime Minister Saint-Laurent is disassociating itself from British Middle East policies and will not support the oil embargo against the United States
45. This was not good, as seeing such a juicy rumor appear in the historical archives from Ville-Marie would clearly go against the Time Patrol’s preference for discretion
46. highly controversial The White Goddess— marked him as a man who was clearly willing to go against the grain
47. ‘Doesn’t it go against the other saying,’ he said, winking at her, ‘that variety is the spice of life?’
48. Slowly but steadily, we had struck a beautiful relationship, and, so to say, she took charge of my life; by the time I returned from work, she used to wash and press my clothes besides setting my bed right; how her brothers used to protest in jest that she washed my undergarments even as she refused to touch theirs; well she was wont to aver that I was her very special one, and once, when I was down with typhoid, my benevolent cousin came to take me along with her, but as my caretaker would have none of that, I had no heart to go against her wish; oh, how she rolled the roles of a mother, sister and wife into that womanly care! But later, when I decided to leave the place in search of better pastures, how upset she was; she seemed as if she were bereaved but she was reconciled to the dictates of fate as she put it
49. principled and the most truly noble are those that go against the grain
50. have to undergo the tribulations of fire, he would not go against his orders! That why he would say such tender words to a young girl whom he had never met!