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    Utiliser "golden mean" dans une phrase

    golden mean exemples de phrases

    golden mean

    1. The next one was “Kirk and the Golden Mean

    2. He was the center, the golden mean, the balance between Spock’s logic and McCoy passion

    3. “It is, actually, a great way to explore the Golden Mean

    4. The exclusiveness of monogamic fellowship, the out-coming of the deep hunger for a unique experience in affection, can be greatly misinterpreted by failing to see that it is human nature's effort to keep to the golden mean as one is driven by tremendous impulses toward the supreme man-woman comradeship

    5. Before the golden mean was found, however, Meg added to her domestic possessions what young couples seldom get on long without, a family jar

    6. A whole political school called "the golden mean" has been the outcome of this

    7. struck myself with the thought that I was the incarnation of fever and delirium, sitting opposite the incarnation of prose and the golden mean

    8. And what is my own character? The golden mean: neither wise nor foolish, rather stupid, and dropped from the moon, as sensible people say here, isn't that it?"

    9. He also expressed the hope in that letter that the monk would influence her in the right way, urging her not to depart from the golden mean, and to live like a good Christian without trying to upset the present conditions of her life

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