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    Utiliser "grandiose" dans une phrase

    grandiose exemples de phrases


    1. Zharvai is a pretty lively city, much steeper on it’s dam than the Yakhan, with a lot more styles of the northlands, grandiose Dwarven architecture, signs with sigils from Salvadoran times

    2. Their next tape had turned into a project, one of the most grandiose forms ever cast in plastic

    3. The song was more grandiose than she thought it should be, but behind its front meaning of breathless relationships enjoyed in the khumes, was a celebration of right here, right now

    4. The reviews weren't that great, too grandiose, too long, but it was taken seriously

    5. spectacle is more grandiose

    6. Before him the mock-Roman pillars, grandiose and slightly forbidding

    7. Not in the busy tunnels and crowded chambers of Brockenhurst Sett, as grandiose as they probably are

    8. President Bush must protect the security of this country, not the political feelings, the grandiose ambitions and economic interests of an ungrateful country like France which the United States defended and protected during the two world wars of the last century

    9. War was lawlessness in itself, a grandiose lawless fair where people died horribly and for reasons beyond their understanding; a time when nothing mattered more than victory

    10. The state-owned grandiose and expensive infrastructures of the countries, international aid organizations and the organizations of the Third Sector of the civil society (non-profit) seek to solve serious social problems that last long per millenniums, however they don’t obtain the definitive solution to the human beings’ basic necessities that become excluded in its majority for imposition of the perverse existent socioeconomic model in the world that privileges minorities and it impedes that all the citizens live with dignity and well-being in any country

    11. However, current society is tied with so many laws that impede any change, for this reason we idealized this intention with utilization of the Third Sector of the economy so that it participates of this grandiose event to harvest success and to accomplish its altruistic dreams with completeness, efficacy and global reaching

    12. There is conscience that the human society in any country has grandiose problems in the aspect social, political, administrative, juridical and economic

    13. For only 990 dollars for beneficiary person, the world will have its grandiose resolved problems, without anybody loses anything

    14. The ones where people saw themselves in grandiose or glamorous lives were mostly created by subconscious desire

    15. His outline would include history’s more grandiose and unambiguous examples of imperialism

    16. The true motives of the Obama administration in health reform and other grandiose plans have surfaced by forcing a degree of “transparency” the planners had promised but had never planned on delivering, and the planners have become hysterical

    17. In that grandiose mansion collections of

    18. In general, it was written in terms that are overly grandiose and complex, and often used a great deal of specialized or archaic vocabulary

    19. It was so grandiose and ridiculous that no real dragon would ever actually assume the position unless their goal was hilarity

    20. As their Mercedes long taxi pulled up by the grandiose Azadi Monument downtown everyone was quite taken with

    21. In today’s world it was a matter of favourites, exploitation and not sounding grandiose

    22. grandiose oval table enthroned in the middle, capable of

    23. ” Now, that is a grandiose

    24. Ancient Thebes was too grandiose, too wasteful, too ridiculously pretentious after the serene simplicity of Kanu’s village

    25. The rain intensified and Alex continued to watch with his companion, feeling comforted in the large, in the grandiose, not wanting to return to the mundane

    26. While the ‘hard to please’ editors reduced the aspirants to the ranks of unpublished writers, the ‘harder to amuse’ reviewers seemed to wait in the wings to turn the published ones into failed authors! Anyway, while tending to debunk the book on hand, Rau had observed that most of the reviewers aired their grandiose views on the book’s topic or tried to exhibit their profound scholarship and/or both

    27. But he was engrossed with his broodings, which had become blacker and grimmer as the years crawled by, and with his vague grandiose dreams; and with the girl whose possession was a bitter pleasure, just as all his pleasures were

    28. men typically continue to experience themselves in this grandiose manner, which

    29. nor by a grandiose extension of themselves into others and thus does not lead them

    30. Joey’s vision was so blinded by the images of a grandiose life that he didn’t see the police officer in front of him

    31. The fact was that until the Prestige System, Lezura lived a grandiose life far away from crime and violence

    32. Two days later, Old Chippy arrived in Kreplon City train station; a grandiose looking place, if that was what one could call all the rusty looking colossal metal arches above with their glass roves punctured with holes like a meteor hit not too long ago

    33. Here in this hall, Niro would have grandiose parties, where he, his brothers and fellow nobles would eat, drink, and have sex with the youngest girls in the country that would be offered to him

    34. a God of unconditional love, peace, respect, and brotherhood; what is your choice? I behave better and feel better with the second faith, and find the first faith fearful, controlled, self perpetuating, grandiose, divisive, and a catalyst for evil

    35. I live a simple life without embellishment; there are no grandiose, extravagant luxuries

    36. His speech was relatively short but grandiose, describing yesterday’s air battle in heroic terms that were hard on Ingrid’s modesty

    37. Mary Catherine confidently strode onto the terrace of the grandiose

    38. After the war, German military commanders would claim that Hitler's grandiose plan was never really feasible and totally beyond the capacity of the Wehrmacht

    39. Hitler's grandiose scheme may have been brilliant in concept, and it came ominously close at times

    40. aren’t grand, but grandiose

    41. Up the main grandiose stone stairway,

    42. But it was the grandiose delusions of his mania that were responsible for

    43. "We're going the only way we can to stay alive, you grandiose WOP," said Patch, while using his

    44. Keisha gave a grandiose

    45. about, but the most interesting sight, almost dead center of the village, was a monolithic structure of a grandiose design beyond the apparent technological means of the Gorn

    46. “Nothing so grandiose,” Picard said

    47. “As Prime Minister, my primary responsibility is to the general welfare of the British public, not to the grandiose ideas some may have about Britain becoming again the master of the World

    48. Indeed, it is precisely this apparent lack of a biography that qualifies these leaders to represent and bring about a fantastic and grandiose future

    49. Ignores data that conflict with his fantasy world, or with his inflated and grandiose self-image

    50. Sets ever more complex rules in a convoluted world of grandiose fantasies with its own language (jargon)

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    Synonymes pour "grandiose"

    grandiose hifalutin highfalutin highfaluting hoity-toity la-di-da magnificent pretentious ambitious showy lofty