Utiliser "grandmother" dans une phrase
grandmother exemples de phrases
1. She was born in Patras, she has an older sister and a younger brother, her parents were too poor to bring up three children, so the girls were raised by their grandmother
2. The family likeness is very obvious seeing the two men together like this, but there is also a little of his grandmother as well, a gentleness which you don’t often see in men
3. ‘You can’t hang around just because your grandmother says you should!’ I exclaimed trying to lighten the atmosphere
4. She has in her possession a fascinating diary written by her grandmother who came across during the Troubles
5. I gather that once, when he was a young man (very young I should imagine), he met her grandmother and was immediately struck by the resemblance Angie bears her … sounds unlikely to me, but who am I to quibble?
6. bag and eagerly run to their grandmother to show her the
7. ‘Your grandmother was prone to attacks of nerves
8. That way she's a happy grandmother who loves being appreciated and the future takes care of itself
9. ‘Berndt, you never told me she had grown so like her grandmother
10. As I open it, she explains that it belonged to our grandmother
11. A gift from my grandmother … for someone who doesn’t have a single item to her name – let alone any souvenirs of her past life – this is a truly irreplaceable jewel, a link with my past … I wonder what she was like, this grandmother I never met
12. ’ He said smiling at me, ‘Though I have to say that my grandmother was a stonemaster – a fine one too - if the tales I have heard are true
13. Your grandmother was a good woman, Lintze
14. grandmother, who is a virulent old woman at the best of times,
15. grandmother and had gone to stay with my father
16. My grandmother had said for
17. reminds me of the sort of place my grandmother used to live in
18. Tom knew that his grandmother had taken him in as a young
19. Tdeshi was raised by hired women under the control of her paternal grandmother
20. The two-piece set her grandmother had
21. "Mom didn't even know her Grandmother used to live here
22. " Shelly remarked, not mentioning how rich her Grandmother appeared to have been at one time
23. Her Grandmother never told her
24. Her own Great Great Grandmother Emme, was the only one she’d found a marriage record for, but that didn't mean much in an area entrenched in Mormonism
25. Except in her case, Emme had maintained it had to be handed down to her oldest Granddaughter; Emma's Grandmother, despite what Old Johnny thought or pressed Emme to do
26. Her Grandmother had said they were a blessing, and at times, they were, but it was beginning to scare her
27. Although he spoke about the different family members, And when they all went their separate ways, he never talked about her Grandmother
28. “Did you hear that?” my grandmother asked
29. Emme, her Grandmother, had inherited the money to buy the place, from her Grandmother, and although hers to do with as she saw fit, she was to leave it to her oldest granddaughter, Lizzy
30. What was she to witness? Would it tell her something about her Grandmother? She hadn't long to wait, from the far side of the pond, come a tall dark man, he must of been at least seventy
31. "The girl is your Grandmother
32. " He answered, the words stuck like a thorn in her heart, he said he hadn't heard much about her Grandmother
33. She hadn’t seen a man cry since her father, after the death of her grandmother
34. "Your Great Grandmother, Emme Bloodworth Chatterton, inherited it from her Grandmother, Emmiline York Worthington, who inherited it from her Grandmother, Emmiline Wentworth York
35. She recalled hearing her Grandmother, speaking about it every chance she got
36. If memory served her right, her Grandmother had mentioned that it was the biggest event of a young girl’s life
37. Therefore, he’d been able to buy it for ten cent an acre, if it hadn't been for Emme's Grandmother dying when she did, he wouldn't have had the funds to do so then
38. "They just called me the other day, the doctor said that her Grandmother was killed, and since there wasn't going to be anyone there, to help her, she would—" again his voice trailed off into nothing
39. Emma recalled, how her Grandmother had always insisted, that was a true sign of a real woman
40. "But considering she's had to put this together by herself, without her Grandmother to tell her, she's done very well" Emma looked to Jim, had he known the story all along? Was it what, he was referring to when he’d insisted he couldn't tell her? "He couldn't tell you Emma
41. “When he ran your Grandmother off"
42. Attached was a copy of a letter to her Great Grand Grandmother
43. The wide range of nationalities made her realize just how accurate her Grandmother was, when she would call her a Heinz 57, meaning a little bit of all
44. Looking up at Jim, she whispered, "That was my Grandmother and your Grandfather
45. "Why did you think, it was his grandmother?"
46. How did you know it was his grandmother, if you didn't meet her?"
47. There it was; a rag doll handmade by her grandmother
48. grandmother, but there was a less than altruistic reason
49. and grandmother, X’ander thought, storing the memory of her alongside that of her maternal ancestors
50. be sharing a gondola with their parents and grandmother