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    Utiliser "grocer" dans une phrase

    grocer exemples de phrases


    1. ” The grocer nodded in agreement, muttered something about 'probably should make sure,' put his keys in his vest pocket and shuffled quickly toward his own home not far away

    2. Before Lemoss could think, the three men bustled out, pushed him roughly aside before crossing over into the grocer

    3. Nimblefax had skipped into the grocer to check the damage, when he came out he found a dazed Lemoss rolling in the kerb

    4. No grocer or butcher ever saw Mona without a properly covered head

    5. Then I turned around and who was there, but old man José, the grocer

    6. A Lebanese grocer in some town within Contra Costa County bought the older of the two Fords, the green ‘68 Fairlane that we brought with us from AZ

    7. Once in the back room, King threw the grocer into a chair behind a desk

    8. Bloodied and battered, the grocer unlocked his wall safe and signed over the deed

    9. At the end of what was now their street, stood a grocer shop with the name

    10. His grocer was about to shut off his credit

    11. The first thing this grocer did was to remove the easy chair

    12. After a few months, as a Fallujah police officer, he was assigned to investigate the theft of a local grocer

    13. His story with the green grocer shows that, he wants all women to remain in a clean and pure atmosphere with happiness and guiding their chastity

    14. “Portus, the grocer, is, in a manner of speaking, our town

    15. For many years after, the grocer hid

    16. For this reason, the grocer was well loved and respected

    17. bird identifi ed the grocer as he stepped from his shop

    18. In the eave of Green’s Guesthouse next door to the grocer, a

    19. its way into the coff ers of the grocer, the baker, and others

    20. was born in 1813 in a small village near Parma, Italy, his father was a grocer, when

    21. In their summer vacation they mixed business with pleasure and opened shop next to our grocer and did some leisurely commerce on the side, mainly with foreign tourists

    22. I visited the shops next to our grocer, one of which sold toys and another that sold hand made shoes and stood, like I used to stand, and watched the craftsmen cut the fine leather for the shoe and the thicker one for the soles and the hand-sewing with thick, long, curved needles and waxed strong thread and the gluing of the heels, slowly, almost lovingly bringing a shoe to life, to our life

    23. When I was young and pretty my family married me off to a two-bit grocer I did not like

    24. That I knew of a better place and we walked further down the road to a grocer and had two large, delicious, fresh bread sandwiches with white feta cheese and olives and a coke for dessert

    25. The short, rather plump wife of a starved grocer, and the mother of two children withal, this lieutenant had already earned the complimentary name of The Vengeance

    26. Saint Antoine slept, the Defarges slept: even The Vengeance slept with her starved grocer, and the drum was at rest

    27. If you would have the goodness to order Camus, the grocer, to let me have a little soap, it would really be more convenient for you, as I needn't trouble you then

    28. There is nothing more heroic in being drowned very much against your will, off a holed, helpless, big tank in which you bought your passage, than in dying of colic caused by the imperfect salmon in the tin you bought from your grocer

    29. The daughter of a grocer seems to have forgotten her humble beginnings

    30. They still owed several weeks' rent, and were already so much in debt to the baker and the grocer that it was hopeless to expect any further credit

    31. Pumblechook appeared to conduct his business by looking across the street at the saddler, who appeared to transact his business by keeping his eye on the coachmaker, who appeared to get on in life by putting his hands in his pockets and contemplating the baker, who in his turn folded his arms and stared at the grocer, who stood at his door and yawned at the chemist

    32. The week before old Linden went into the workhouse Owen earned nothing, and to make matters worse the grocer from whom they usually bought their things suddenly refused to let them have any more credit

    33. The grocer, however, was inexorable; he repeated several times that his books were full of bad debts and his own creditors were pressing him

    34. That same day, when he returned home after his interview with the grocer, they had a loaf of beautiful fresh bread, but none of them could eat it, although they were hungry: it seemed to stick in their throats, and they could not swallow it even with the help of a drink of tea

    35. Fogarty was a modest grocer

    36. He had a bag of money in his pocket, like a pudding in the cloth, and on that property married a young person in bedfurniture, with great rejoicings; the whole population of Portsmouth (nine in number at the last census) turning out on the beach to rub their own hands and shake everybody else's, and sing "Fill, fill!" A certain dark-complexioned Swab, however, who wouldn't fill, or do anything else that was proposed to him, and whose heart was openly stated (by the boatswain) to be as black as his figurehead, proposed to two other Swabs to get all mankind into difficulties; which was so effectually done (the Swab family having considerable political influence) that it took half the evening to set things right, and then it was only brought about through an honest little grocer with a white hat, black gaiters, and red nose, getting into a clock, with a gridiron, and listening, and coming out, and knocking everybody down from behind with the gridiron whom he couldn't confute with what he had overheard

    37. About twenty yards away, the shop formerly tenanted by Mr Smallman, the grocer, who had become bankrupt two or three months previously, was also plastered with similar decorations

    38. Madding, the wife of the village grocer, who was dangerously ill of typhoid fever

    39. That joint outfit had enjoyed some success before Bruce fell out with one of the brothers and left to join Moonrider, a group led by Keith West, who had written the lyrics of the wonderfully strange ’60s oddity “Excerpt from ‘A Teenage Opera,’” on which a children’s choir laments the death of an elderly grocer called “Jack

    40. On the last night, with my trunk packed and my car sold to the grocer, I went over and looked at that huge incoherent failure of a house once more

    41. Mawmsey, an important grocer in the Top Market, who, though not one of his patients, questioned him in an affable manner on the subject, he was injudicious enough to give a hasty popular explanation of his reasons, pointing out to Mr

    42. Mawmsey was not only an overseer (it was about a question of outdoor pay that he was having an interview with Lydgate), he was also asthmatic and had an increasing family: thus, from a medical point of view, as well as from his own, he was an important man; indeed, an exceptional grocer, whose hair was arranged in a flame-like pyramid, and whose retail deference was of the cordial, encouraging kind—jocosely complimentary, and with a certain considerate abstinence from letting out the full force of his mind

    43. Brooke, as not too "clever in his intellects," was the more likely to forgive a grocer who gave a hostile vote under pressure, had become confidential in his back parlor

    44. 'More like a grocer than a burglar' indeed! Well, we'll hear no more of that

    45. At the time, many other investors believed that Whole Foods Market was a high-priced grocer and that its customers would abandon the store in search of lower prices

    46. -based grocer, I read many articles about Tesco’s commitment to retaining customers

    47. When my firm first began buying grocer Whole Foods Market, we paid 20 times adjusted EPS for our initial purchases, at $40 per share

    48. Combeferre when he came up again said:—"It's the old stock of Father Hucheloup, who began business as a grocer

    49. Or maybe he would bring Mr Jacobs, the grocer, whose clothes were rich with lettuce, celery, tomatoes, and the secret tinned and hidden smell of the red demons stamped on cans of deviled ham

    50. Jacobs, the grocer, whose clothes were rich with lettuce, celery, tomatoes, and the secret tinned and hidden smell of the red demons stamped on cans of deviled ham

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