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    Utiliser "ground floor" dans une phrase

    ground floor exemples de phrases

    ground floor

    1. They left the chaos behind as they moved quickly but cautiously up to the ground floor

    2. Molly gives me a quick tour the ground floor, saying that she’d rather wait until Stephen got home to show me the annexe and then taking me though to the kitchen

    3. liana as a rope so that he could slither down to the ground floor

    4. Yet, she suggests she and I should change houses: she prefers to live in my house, on the ground floor, because it is bigger and it has a veranda; therefore, I will move into her apartment, on the second floor, which is much quieter since it is not so close to the street and the outdoor garage

    5. Converted from a small house at some stage in its history, the ground floor front rooms had been knocked into one characterless space painted a boring shade of blue

    6. It's only a mile and a half long and hardly ever more than three stories high, with stairs connecting to both fourth and ground floors of the outdoor streets

    7. There is a modern bathhouse on the ground floor and a decent hypocaust

    8. 'Naseer Alam, seventh pol, third house on the ground floor

    9. She was also blessed with the good fortune to have moved into one of the two ground floor bedsits, which boasted high ceilings, large sash windows and more than enough room to swing a cat

    10. The house is late 19th Century I think but has been divided into three apartments – the owners have the ground floor and let the two other floors

    11. ‘It was a mess, no doubt about it, but that’s because most of the house was unused; her parents were living in a handful of rooms on the ground floor by then

    12. She lead down smaller and smaller alleys in the bazaar, they became paths in residential neighborhoods, some had tiny shops on their ground floors, some did not

    13. have moved into one of the two ground floor bedsits, which

    14. ground floor of the House, the old building Tom had noticed earlier,

    15. Ken tries to peer in through a ground floor window while Davie returns to the car to get further instructions

    16. "That's fine, Sir, ground floor, non-smoking

    17. He is directed to the first floor of the Ladywell building on the far side of the hospital, and taking the advice of the porter, Alex heads off in the direction of the link corridor on the ground floor, two floors down from the current level

    18. Ken follows his boss down the stairs, stopping for a moment by the door to the ground floor area of the old barn to listen for signs of life

    19. He’s got a ground floor flat at ‘Chamberlains’, a very up-market sheltered housing property on the outskirts of Chippenham, and has a terrific social life charming all the old ladies who live in the property

    20. including a reception room on the ground floor for

    21. it by the fact that the ground floor belongs to a

    22. Also under the balcony are the kegs, the stairs up to the hallway they came in on, the stairways to the ground floor and the restrooms

    23. the ground floor, and living quarters above

    24. They met in a small suite on the back of the ground floor that she used as an office

    25. house with us, on the ground floor, the other

    26. ground floor has the disadvantage that an air

    27. building apartments at the ground floor

    28. He raised himself just enough to push the button for the ground floor before collapsing back into his chair

    29. Miss Mimsy, the little seamstress who occupied the ground floor parlour, knew that every evening as he returned from his offices, Mr Snickerty would call for his supper, like the Merry Old King Cole of the nursery rhyme

    30. restaurants and shops in the ground floors of

    31. Rosemary stumbled in and pressed the ground floor button, then the little reserve of energy that had got her this far evaporated and she slumped exhausted to the floor

    32. He followed the guard through the long corridor of Emerald Tower’s ground floor, past the other rooms and along to the main door

    33. “We don’t use most of the first floor rooms, or some of ground floor ones come to that,” Carolyn said

    34. Although, if something important was happening on the ground floor, Arbitan and Larocka would likely be the middle of it

    35. She waited another moment, then moved with steady steps across the ground floor, through the nearly empty barracks, out into the open courtyard

    36. The building consisted of two floors, the ground floor the factory and the first floor the offices

    37. The soldiers looked embarrassed, but the commander ordered all five to go to the ground floor

    38. A number of rooms on the ground floor were cleared of the furniture except for the beds; while extra beds were brought to the upper floors

    39. On the ground floor of the hospital, I noticed a tiny office where the night watchman lived

    40. We divided the house in such a way that my family and I lived upstairs while the rest lived on the ground floor

    41. Benek and his fiancée lived on the ground floor, while her parents lived a few blocks away

    42. ‘In the old-fashioned neighbourhoods, the businesses on the ground floor paid taxes

    43. Unfortunately, that particular occasion, the elevator was not functioning well and could not be used to go down to the ground floor

    44. As Simon came to the top of the stairs on the ground floor, he dived to the ground for cover as he watched one of the gunman jump out from a small utility room, which was a dead end

    45. Akbar and Muhammad had complete control of the ground floor

    46. The headquarters of the Third Battalion was located on the ground floor of the large city hall located in the town’s center

    47. A surprise visit by Harris, Ferguson and Colling to the resort at Herrensee, apparently based on information provided by the major’s German mistress, produced sufficient liquor from the hotel’s cellar to stock the bar in the new officers’ club on the renovated ground floor of the kaserne

    48. A tavern occupied the ground floor, and the crew of the second truck at first thought it was Gambelli’s destination, until the staff sergeant explained otherwise

    49. He could still hear the snoring from the ground floor

    50. Less than three minutes later the burglar, richer by a little over five hundred francs and some very expensive wine, cautiously eased his way out of a ground floor window, in the darkest corner of the master’s study

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