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    Utiliser "hard-line" dans une phrase

    hard-line exemples de phrases


    1. It was a whole culture of pretending to be hard-line while being secretly sybaritic

    2. Of course, it wasn't God up there but some other tech who was working for the hard-liners that had him in this horizon

    3. Like political hard-liners they provide only one simplistic answer to every issue

    4. So when the issue of saving the one million arose, the fact that most of them were orthodox sharply reduced their value in the eyes of the Jewish establishment, whose political views ranged from moderate Socialist to hard-line Communist

    5. The teachings of religion are not meant to be hard-line religious rule; however, the teachings are meant to be of virtue

    6. At this time hard-line regimes began to pervert

    7. � He sensed that she was going to be a potential source of trouble, especially if given the chance to either influence of intimidate the other Germans into following her hard-line attitude

    8. The trick will be to not let the Vietminh most hard-line leaders steal or manipulate those elections, so that a truly moderate government could emerge

    9. While the present Saudi monarch is a relative moderate and is trying to slowly introduce reforms in his country, there is no lack of very powerful Saudi figures with hard-line or even extreme religious views ready to play in his back, especially after the recent shuffle in the succession line made by King Salman

    10. ISIS is actually claiming to follow the teachings of Wahabism, the official, state-sanctioned hard-line variant of Islam that dominates in Saudi Arabia

    11. That gave Japanese confidence that combined with the influence of the trade embargo, hard-line insistence backed by religious conviction, and previous success against China and Russia with their comparable material resources, to lead to the bombing of the U

    12. hard-line conservatives that had little consideration for the will of the masses

    13. yield and played a major role in precipitating the new hard-line

    14. reinforced the hard-liners’ contention that China cannot trust

    15. In the face of constant hard-line reins being put on him, the octogenarian leader of the largest communist country in the world was having to tread a very careful path

    16. -- The “hard-line,” “tough” Thieu speech, RN’s meeting w/HAK (film on all) about which WH said little and McG’s challenges as to why VN wasn’t settled before dominated the nets

    17. We think they’re conducting surveillance on all of our hard-line intranet nodes—”

    18. “This base has a backup hard-line intranet,” he said

    19. That Glaive Fighter I’d seen outside my classroom window—he’d said it was a scout ship conducting surveillance on the EDA’s hard-line intranet

    20. Both were connected to the hard-line EDA intranet from inside their assigned drone controller pods—and both were already preparing to help my father execute his infiltration plan

    21. But when the Disrupter activated, some of the base’s internal hard-wired defense turrets had remained operational, along with a few dozen tethered ATHIDs, all controlled by operators linked to them through the EDA’s hard-line intranet

    22. The hard-liners, the tough guys in Washington, wanted it that way

    23. Khrushchev crushed the Hungarians and put the hard-line dictator Janos Kadar in charge

    24. What no one could predict was whether Cuba could remain a hard-line communist state if it was operating as part of the global economy

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