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    Utiliser "headline" dans une phrase

    headline exemples de phrases





    1. While they were on the way back to the boat she picked up a news magazine because of the headline 'Killer Asteroid on the Way?' and found that "One of Cynd's larger asteroids was knocked out of orbit by an unobserved collision forty years ago and dropped into the gravitational well of the brown dwarf

    2. The first place to start is with a good attention grabbing headline, the headline

    3. Remember your headline is

    4. A stick thin model is wearing nothing but Lederhosen under a banner headline proclaiming that Austria is this year's chic summer fashion inspiration

    5. Reading the headline news—

    6. This was in spite of headline news and newsreel footage of going in there after it, and even seeing it once

    7. watched the news tonight, that would be the headline

    8. At the least, you want your headline to create enough interest for them to

    9. A top menu bar is not necessary as you want your main headline to stand out

    10. that in your headline

    11. he is wearing, to his headline that’s just done using Word

    12. The purpose of a headline is to hook the prospect’s attention and promise

    13. You start at the headline, are led to the video and then into the opt-in

    14. Obviously in this example it would be a tongue-in-cheek headline

    15. If you can identify your prospect in the headline by speaking directly to

    16. that stands out is your headline

    17. your headline and test this against your unchanged headline

    18. box being two pixels higher than the top line of the headline next to it

    19. Creating a Headline that Drives Traffic

    20. The same rules that apply to writing a headline for sales copy apply

    21. Your headline must have no more than 25 characters

    22. Your headline must attract the attention of the reader with an engaging

    23. If your keyword is contained in the headline and in the

    24. reflection of say a change in headline you may be testing

    25. The headline: Husband and Wife Killed in Home Invasion PATRICE

    26. The power of a good headline hooks the reader to scan your release fur-439 ther & puts you one step closer to coverage

    27. To dream that you are reading a headline indicates a special message from your subconscious

    28. The Ad’ consists of four or five lines of text, with a headline and a call to action that links to your website

    29. But even with a great headline and the best offer from the most established expert, it will fail if it’s not opened and read

    30. That is what the headline reads, and it is accompanied by a photo of the giant bunny

    31. In the following day’s Courier, the headline reads:

    32. Think about what the headline may read a month from now in “Le Monde”

    33. It would be headline news within hours

    34. He was about to unmute it so they could hear the news reader, when a headline scrolled across the bottom of the screen: “Galilean’s Declare Independence

    35. Only, there was a problem: what came out beyond the headline instructions appeared to be garbled nonsense

    36. ' He drew the headline in the air

    37. the headline and then you need to create, almost show the

    38. He was the headline that sold the newspapers, the story that brought up the ratings, the main attraction — he was the owner of the back yard! (And, I’m quite certain that he is in the Guinness World Records book for the most demon possessed chicken in the world, 1992)

    39. The only thing that kept me from being a headline was my seat belt

    40. When Obama was elected, satire website The Onion posted the headline, “Black man given nation's worst job

    41. Conal read the headline and first paragraph

    42. It poured down the front of his turtleneck, as his gaze froze on the headline of La Nación folded beside his plate

    43. Reading the headline a great smile spread across his face as he read about Abdulla Megahit was being transferred from Clairvaux Prison to the UK

    44. The headline was gripping: AMERICAN DRUG TRAFFICKER DIES IN LIMON HARBOR

    45. “You do not approve? Wouldn’t look good on your story?” he said and then made a motion in the air with his free hand, stopping at the mention of each word like showing off a neon headline sign: “Former Nigerian Army Major Pillages Monastery

    46. Imagine my surprise in viewing the cover of the first copy, at the very top of which was this headline: “Jim Manzi on the Abuse of Evolution

    47. Why am I so nerdy? That should be a question that reporters in the news investigate and follow up on with a headline:

    48. On the morning news, the headline news was the murder of the wife of town millionaire Gabriel Gaden

    49. The following three proposals gave a strong indication that Terry felt he had a great deal of leverage and was not willing to settle for anything short of a contract befitting a business savvy, headline act

    50. “Are you kidding? I heard this is the headline act at what’s gonna be the hottest club in town this Saturday night,” she said with a cheerleader’s enthusiasm

    1. One headlined “Do You Need Help With Family Problem?”

    2. It was headlined why i Busted CoLLege

    3. In July of 1991, my father was interviewed and given a large spread in the Ithaca Journal headlined: At 80, the Lion of Park still runs this show

    4. 56 The following day, Higgins confirmed in his article in the Ithaca Journal, headlined triAd FoCuses pArk Mission that The Triad Foundation, the new organization recently split off from the Park Foundation, won’t make any changes to the way it manages fellowship programs it will take over in Ithaca and Chapel Hill, NC, according to its director

    5. In 1991, Helen Mundell wrote an article headlined, how park enraptured a small city

    6. story headlined “Dalai Lama Says Terror May Need a Violent

    7. ” He looked at the early morning newspaper that headlined the return of the portrait at the gallery

    8. Pillow Hill headlined in the press as big boss declared

    9. The afternoon news had a report headlined: MYSTERY WITNESS NEXT

    10. The news of Louie’s disappearance headlined California newspapers and led radio broadcasts on June 5

    11. On June 6 the Wall Street Journal headlined its personal section with a story headed “Cash Becomes a Hot Investment

    12. The January 22, 2008, issue of the New York Times was headlined: “World Markets Plunge on Fears of U

    13. In its October 20 edition the New York Times headlined in big, bold, black letters: “Stocks Plunge 508 Points, a Drop of 22

    14. It was headlined: “After the Crash

    15. ” Inside the magazine the lead story was headlined: “That Sinking Feeling—the recession that won’t go away has average Americans spooked—and politicians running scared

    16. Even so, page 1 of the New York Times business section on September 12, 2001, was headlined: “The Financial World Is Left Reeling by Attack

    17. It was headlined: “America’s Psyche Takes Another Blow, Old Assumptions No Longer Apply; ‘There Is Fear in the Marketplace

    18. ” And on July 23 the Tribune headlined: “Dow Slides below 8,000 to ’98 Level

    19. On April 5, the New York Times headlined on page 1: “Nasdaq Recovers after a Free Fall in a Wary Market

    20. The March 13 edition of the New York Times headlined: “Markets Plunge in Wide Sell-Off; Nasdaq Falls 6%

    21. The October 9 edition of the Chicago Tribune had a page 1, above-the-fold news analysis headlined: “Risk-Prone Economy Limps Along

    22. The first was headlined: “Is Now the Time to Buy Google?” Its subhead: “Though Price Is Now Lower, History Suggests Waiting Six Months to Grab an IPO

    23. ” And then in the April 21 edition of the New York Times we find an above-the-fold story headlined: “Inflation Fears Pummel Stocks; New Lows for ’05

    24. The February 28, 2007, edition of the Chicago Tribune was headlined: “China Market Plunges, Dow Follows

    25. The stock market drop was also headlined that day by the New York Times: “Slide on Wall St

    26. The analysis was headlined: “Crisis Looms in Mortgages

    27. On March 14, the day of the market low, the Wall Street Journal headlined: “Subprime Fears Spread, Sending Dow Down 1

    28. That day the New York Times headlined: “Central Banks Intervene to Calm Volatile Markets

    29. This event was also headlined by the Chicago Tribune that day with “Jittery Markets Look to the Fed” in bold letters, spread across the top of page 1 and accompanied by a photograph of a worried trader at the New York Stock Exchange

    30. The June 7 edition of the New York Times was headlined: “Jobs Down for 5th Month; Oil’s Rise Adds to Gloom

    31. That day the New York Times headlined: “Mortgage Fears Depress Shares at Two Agencies—Fears of Worse to Come

    32. A week later on July 15 the New York Times headlined: “Confidence Ebbs for Bank Sector and Stocks Fall—Lines Form at Lender

    33. The July 7 issue of Barron’s was headlined: “The Bear’s Back

    34. It was headlined: “Retirement Strategies for Tough Times” and showed a man and a woman trying to find their way through a maze

    35. In its September 16 edition the New York Times headlined: “Wall St

    36. ” The next day the New York Times headlined more bad news: “Fed in $85 Billion Bailout Plan of Faltering Insurance Giant

    37. ” The Chicago Tribune that same day headlined: “The House Says No

    38. Its November 20 edition headlined: “Stocks Are Hurt by Latest Fear: Declining Prices

    39. His post was headlined “Fishing near the Lows

    40. It was headlined for days

    1. ‘Liz, it has been headlines that a woman has been helping the police with their enquiries in connection with this case, and a lot of speculation has been flying around

    2. The only saving grace was that the headlines painted a picture of a plucky citizen coming to the aid of a poor victim of racial abuse

    3. She withdrew from her mother and no matter how desperate the look in her mother’s alcohol skewed eyes, she would not be drawn back into the bosom of her mother’s awful love, which is why, as the days passed and the new song hit the headlines and the airwaves, the only person who knew anything of it or enjoyed its strange and comforting melodies was Lucy, who saw no reason to share her comfort with anyone else

    4. saving grace was that the headlines painted a picture of a plucky

    5. When writing your headlines, don’t stop with just one

    6. Headlines are where you start when creating websites that sell, here’s a PDF of an

    7. ebook you can download for free that helps you write all the headlines you need

    8. song hit the headlines and the airwaves, the only person who knew

    9. headlines, which concerns you the most

    10. the most powerful headlines in the world

    11. bunch of successful headlines based around your niche

    12. (These headlines have huge social appeal and they work because the

    13. Even though these openings to headlines may appear to be overused,

    14. Keep a file of all the headlines you’ve read and study them

    15. All the results showed headlines of news reports and articles that pointed to the same conclusion

    16. You can instantly see just by quickly reading these two headlines that you would be very tempted to see what the email has to offer

    17. This will cause headlines for a few days and then everyone will forget about it

    18. Contrast, if you will, his punishment with that of the above two, and recall that the Shepard case made national headlines

    19. The headlines screamed out at him: TERRORIST ATTACK ON THE ISLE OF WIGHT

    20. The siege that followed lasted seven weeks, making headlines worldwide, with live television coverage

    21. A controversial deer cull had occupied the headlines several years previously

    22. However, the problem Hall had warned about and its magnitude became glaringly apparent when the world’s headlines announced the uncovering of the Iran-Contra Affair

    23. Even the latest newspapers, with the print a bit washed out so you can only read the headlines and enough driftwood to build a house, litter the beach

    24. several shocking story headlines on the homeless situation in Ameri-

    25. It’s three pages long – headlines with explanations in tiny print to answer questions arising from the headlines

    26. They read the headlines and form their opinions and judgments from there, never reading the entire story

    27. You'll have dozens of emotional response ad headlines and copy, ready for you to customize and use

    28. How to write headlines that'll stop prospects dead in their tracks!

    29. The best words to use in headlines and copy that have been proven to sell like crazy!

    30. I sit at the island, sip my coffee, and slide the paper over to skim through the news headlines

    31. Several days later, the headlines in the local newspaper read: "Body of Naked Auburn Student found in Tunnel, Run Over by Train

    32. He smiled “That’s the whole point, now those headlines wont make themselves will they?” he said

    33. Senate Committee in 1998 triggered headlines around the world

    34. Your content will be competing with conversations, sponsored tweets, breaking news headlines, quips and different types of information

    35. To appreciate the importance of using the right headlines in your tweets, consider this:

    36. ” Smiling, he said, “But God isn’t shocked over our news headlines, so Christians shouldn’t be either

    37. the headlines my memory kicks in and I begin to

    38. Try different headlines, graphics

    39. And remember to include them in the headlines on your website

    40. News of the merger was on the headlines

    41. "Remember the headlines in the Stars and Stripes a few months back?" Bannister asked

    42. Keep watching the headlines and the op-eds however as we continually see warning signs of the weird marriage between conspiracy theorists and evolutionary scientists

    43. similar headlines and stories in twenty languages

    44. copy or headlines, whatever your design and layout, they must convince a visitor within just a

    45. Headlines blared: AFGHANISTAN PAXED! with details of the mission

    46. The morning after the disappearance headlines blared across the nation: DR

    47. Ian nodded and scanned the paper for headlines Janice might quiz him on

    48. inflammatory rhetoric which made headlines but added little to nothing

    49. The morning papers scream out in 76pt headlines:

    50. Start looking at the headlines

    1. Producers and directors start searching for alligators to star in their latest movies, and more and more of the animals are offered headlining roles on TV and in Broadway productions

    2. Inside, every removable thing had been stripped, carpets, sun-visors, glove-box lid, rear seats, headlining

    3. Headlining was an aircraft that had crash-landed on moor-

    4. In a few hours the headlining bands would take the

    5. “There haven’t been any bad articles with her name headlining,” Rosemary pointed out

    6. At Elton’s own admission, he was astonished to find himself headlining over a songwriter that he admired so much

    7. Note that in only one of this sequence of headlines was the stock market itself the subject of the headlining sentence

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    Synonymes pour "headline"

    headline newspaper headline head banner caption heading streamer