Utiliser "heart rate" dans une phrase
heart rate exemples de phrases
heart rate
1. · Regular, active exercise such as swimming and running, raises our heart rate and may greatly reduce hardening and blockage of the arteries, a condition known as arteriosclerosis that is a major cause of heart disease and stroke
2. Her heart rate quickened once again
3. thrusting, flexing, the blood, heart rate,
4. The heart rate monitor beeped fast
5. He turned his gaze down and played with the heart rate monitor wire attached on his
6. There is a lump in his throat and his heart rate has jumped up a notch, but he hides it well
7. stethoscope and checked her heart rate
8. Scott’s heart rate reached 160bpm
9. even louder than Comfrey had, his heart rate reaching such a rate that it fluttered uncontrollably for a moment
10. To lower his resting heart rate and blood pressure
11. Conal’s eyes widened and his heart rate soared
12. “Why don’t you tell me the real reason why you’re here princess?” He said softly and my heart rate spiked up
13. In fact, pitching wearables has become so absurd (contacts that measure your glucose levels! Sports bras that track your heart rate!) one guy built a Random
14. Ten minutes passed while the doctor cleaned up the baby, and listened to her breathing and monitored her heart rate
15. With his heart beating hard against his ribcage, he sucked in a deep breath as he tried to steady his heart rate
16. Symptoms include hallucinations, increased heart rate and body
17. Side effects of TCAs include increased heart rate, blurred vision,
18. Side effects of TCAs include increased heart rate, blurred vision, difficulty urinating, dry mouth,
19. concern when the nurses began to monitor the baby closely when his heart rate dropped
20. A few months ago I mastered the ability to slow my breathing and heart rate to where they are just enough to sustain life
21. He could feel his heart rate speed up
22. But horse flies are also fed to seahorse when someone wants to cheat; they make the seahorse speed up too fast for its heart rate
23. And that Goddamn baby won’t stop crying and Tera won’t stop crying and you must slow your heart rate
24. Still others are thought to increase your heart rate, leaving you in the fat-burning
25. Joan crawled away from the trolley as quickly as she could, all her other senses heightened by the adrenaline flowing quickly through her, pumped by her ever-increasing heart rate
26. Measures related to arousal such as heart rate and skin conductance are low among criminals
27. That ‘certain point’ is based on the target heart rate during exercise
28. If your heart rate is in this zone for a good portion of your exercises, you are
29. rate is too low, increase the intensity of your exercises to get your heart rate to
30. On the other hand, if your heart rate is too high, you run the risk of over-training,
31. First - check your heart rate
32. If your heart rate is racing in the morning before you
33. When you see that your heart rate is 5 beats too high, do something to slow
34. What should your resting heart rate be? Normal heart rate beats between 50 -
35. your resting heart rate is much lower than that – and may even be in the 40s
36. you'll see improvements in your resting heart rate
37. It’s a good idea to own a heart rate monitor or at the least a watch with a second
38. That is your heart rate
39. Write down your resting heart rate for about 3 days and average it
40. Short bursts of high intensity anaerobic exercise that pushes your heart rate to 85% - 90% MHR (Maximum Heart Rate)
41. Proper Heart Rate levels for moderate intensity should be: 60-65% of MHR (Maximum Heart Rate)
42. Repeat this same process for 1 more set of each group Monitor heart rate as you did with your Cardio High/Low Intensity Training
43. Brent’s heart rate increased and his respirations started to become
44. As his heart rate and breathing slowed, his
45. He’s unconscious with a fast heart rate and pounding pulse
46. He put him under with anesthetic and had the female EMT monitor his heart rate and respirations while he carefully scrubbed the boy down with Betadine, exposing the foot of arrow still left inside
47. Buy a heart rate monitor
48. Here's another reason to keep level-headed all the time: Pennsylvania State University research has found that women less able to cope with stress--shown by blood pressure and heart rate elevations--ate twice as many fatty snacks as stress-resistant women did, even after the stress stopped (in this case, 25 minutes of periodic jackhammer-level noise and an unsolvable maze)
49. When his heart rate started coming back down to normal, he dropped the once white club (now green with syrupy fluid)
50. The bag slam nearly knocks me down a small set of stairs Im standing near so Im thinking damn that was close as they head off and my heart rate returns to normal