Utiliser "herbaceous plant" dans une phrase
herbaceous plant exemples de phrases
herbaceous plant
1. I found out the following: the lotus is a water-resistant perennial herbaceous plant with a long stalk and large flowers reaching 30 centimeters in diameter and resting upon big leaves
2. Hence trees would be little likely to reach distant oceanic islands; and an herbaceous plant, which had no chance of successfully competing with the many fully developed trees growing on a continent, might, when established on an island, gain an advantage over other herbaceous plants by growing taller and taller and overtopping them
3. Among the herbaceous plants we must not omit the ginseng, the Virginia snakeroot, the columbo, and the puccoon, two or three thousand pounds of the roots of which are annually carried by the inhabitants to our Atlantic cities
4. Dewey, on the Herbaceous Plants of Massachusetts, xli, 378
5. —, Report on the Herbaceous Plants of Massachusetts, noticed, xli, 378