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    1. Ants too play an important role since they herd many sucking creatures around from plant to plant

    2. You must control the ants since they herd aphids which produce nectar which the whiteflies love! See my web site entitled Dances with Ants

    3. The cattlemen of this planet just financed a gang of cowboys to go out and drive a herd to their pens to slaughter, others were sent out to the open range to keep down the predators

    4. Many of the guys who used to ride wild herd here, now worked for him on the land he bought from them

    5. There was quite a big herd of karga brought in that day and he had to arrange extra haulage, a Nightday trip for more brining jars and a celebration to be had in the native tradition at the end of the next week when the last of the jars was finally transported off

    6. "What should I do about the kelty herd and what do you want me to pay Ngaiskaag when he's done? What about the maintenance on the

    7. while playing with his imaginary herd of cattle

    8. It was now so close that a herd of thongas resting in the trees that lined the shore were getting restless, especially with two more humans wading ashore in the dark

    9. It sounded like there was quite a herd of them

    10. There was a herd of large beasts on the riverbank confusing the sensors at first, but they quickly stampeded out of the area and left it pretty clear

    11. As nervous as they were over the scream and thunder of the shuttle coming in, that was all it took for the herd to bolt

    12. Alan already had his arm around it when this happened and he was able to crawl up onto it because the herd hadn't spread enough to let it take its stride

    13. What they were long on was endurance, the herd seemed to be having fun competing with each other for how far and fast they could run, maybe the one who gets the farthest is the new leader of the herd

    14. When he fell off he thought he'd be instantly trampled by other thongas but they all dodged him and as it happened he was near the tail end of the herd so there weren't that many

    15. As soon as it was quiet from the receding stampede, a herd of something else meandered into the area at a slow deliberate pace

    16. Even if they had known, it would have been suicide for them to jump off with plenty of the herd following them

    17. He was going to think about sleeping, but he thought he heard his name far in the distance the way the herd had gone

    18. "I wasn't thrown," Luray said with a touch of indignation, "I jumped down when I first found my beast at the tail of the herd

    19. "The herd spread out before they stopped, I wasn't sure where you'd be

    20. "But if you don't act aggressive you can just walk along with the herd

    21. There is a herd of deer and moose about forty minutes flying time to the north

    22. It was unlikely the herd had carried them a third of that distance

    23. There was a dot behind the herd that was even larger, and as it continued to approach they could see it was long-headed and toothy with hinged horizontal jaws

    24. When Alan saw what was chasing this herd he didn't think this tree could be high enough

    25. It took another claw at the spot where they'd climbed into the tree, then began rumbling off after the herd again, brushing against the trunk of the frond Alan was in and shaking it enough to almost knock him out of it

    26. What was out there on the plains in front of her? What were their lives like? Most of them were thongas, there lives are all in trying to be near the center of the herd where they are less likely to get eaten

    27. Would there be any left that were older than humankind like there were among the kedas? She thought there probably would be a few, maybe one or two in each herd

    28. "If we were approaching them from the civilization side we certainly would," Luray said, "but they wouldn't have much reason to take wagons out this way, they'd drive the herd to the village and pack them there

    29. There was almost always a herd in sight

    30. Screams could be herd throughout the woods, and more than one student saw what became of their fleeing teachers

    31. The day came when the Scathers decided the herd was once again too large, and set plans in motion to purge half the Ogatu population

    32. When the Scathers came for the herd they were confronted by a mob of panicked Ogatu, and reinforcements had to be called to get them under control

    33. Now here she was looking for the herd of Hausa that camped on the side of the Hold each night

    34. In the dream the Paint she saw was on a hill over-looking the main herd, and the wind was blowing hard, and the silken longhaired horse was reveling in the cool breeze

    35. The closer she got to the herd the more excited she became

    36. The herd of elephants goes back up the stairs – must try to find a tactful way of suggesting to Ben that he could thump a little less heavily

    37. The herd of wild Hausa began their annual run towards the more temperate climate; just ahead of the first winter storm

    38. “I have news best herd by you first

    39. the farm carts, driving the herd of cattle before them

    40. Their first task was to herd the cattle to the stock pens

    41. shots, and several pigs at the front of the herd collapsed only fifty feet

    42. The herd adjusted, becoming three horizontal rows, instead of

    43. We both love the big fuzzy’s but Kartha wants to raise a herd

    44. “A herd takes lots of land and land is free out here

    45. A herd of animals nosed the ground in the mid-distance, he couldn’t tell their size because the land was so featureless

    46. “OK, now we just have to herd them into the Cavern!” Andrew said

    47. "Shit Jim, we've pulled a herd down in more snow then this

    48. It took only a matter of minutes to herd us out into the open gravel drive,

    49. up the road, and looked out the window to see a herd of

    50. The most desert moors in Norway and Scotland produce some sort of pasture for cattle, of which the milk and the increase are always more than sufficient, not only to maintain all the labour necessary for tending them, and to pay the ordinary profit to the farmer or the owner of the herd or flock, but to afford some small rent to the landlord

    1. He said he didn't mind if the beasts he herded had twice too many legs and one and a half times too many eyes

    2. This caller was certain that only some aphids are herded by ants and that most fly from place to place totally indifferent to what the ants have to say about it

    3. Why should he be when the nation was so obviously corrupt and the nation was so obviously lead by the Angels? He knew he was being herded toward the afterlife since he was a child

    4. They gathered up all the students they could find and herded them below into the underbelly of the ancient school

    5. It was thonga country, they were everywhere and they were obviously herded

    6. Then my flight was called and I was like a schoolboy on an outing and couldn't wait to join the shuffling queue and be herded onto the compact turbo-prop of nineteen seats

    7. Most of the passengers were herded onto an old bus whereas my bit of the queue, and by that I mean myself and an older man carrying a huge cabbage, was cramped inside the rear of a much abused and dented van which was to be our very own shuttle up the mountain to Sophia

    8. Bex is vaguely aware of people being herded

    9. inhabitants were herded into the centre of the

    10. Step by reluctant step, she was driven, herded almost, forced back along the corridor to the bedroom where, pushing the door open with blind hands, she had almost fallen backwards into the room

    11. Titania and Jameson herded the horses not required for off-season commerce up into the pastures owned by the livery for this very purpose

    12. was herded towards the door

    13. As they were all herded away from the wharf to

    14. I herded them together, and led them back to our camp on the bay

    15. Women and children herded a few goats in the center of the caravan

    16. railways arrived and changed everything, drovers herded their sheep and cattle and turkeys along

    17. Cattle that had once been herded on the

    18. Mitzi herded his young to the front screen door, startling them into alarmed hysterics that sent them clawing up the screen as far as they could go

    19. Most of the women were raped and murdered and those that were left were herded into the Inn with the children and old folk and the Inn had been torched

    20. Herded down to the foot of the hill, the adventurers saw another guard, minding the horses

    21. The prisoners were herded into the stables under close guard

    22. She herded the emotionally charged dynamo into the bathroom

    23. Finally herded into a place they could not retreat from, only a short distance from the protecting water, they made one final attack, a suicidal attack which they knew had no hope of success

    24. Beyond the harbor, a tugboat busily herded a raft of several

    25. He knew that only boys and men herded animals, but his mind inquired of his eyes, female? He stood for a long time trying to make out what his eyes should be well able to tell him from this distance

    26. Goats were being herded in pairs by the equivalent of a milkman and quite a small crowd of mostly women and children seemed to be waiting in line expectantly

    27. Some adult members of Abnegation are herded toward one of the nearby buildings, along with the Abnegation children

    28. It feels real to me, suddenly, that I am unarmed and being herded into a building surrounded by Erudite and Dauntless, and if they discover me, there will be nowhere to run

    29. The infamous Seventh Cavalry (Custer’s former command) herded the Sioux into camps

    30. Cattle are herded through

    31. For those who feel the sting of elite compassion, and allow themselves to be herded into new corrals of victimhood, the American Dream is unlikely to reveal its sparkling reality

    32. government and herded and tended by the socialist leaders

    33. Late afternoon relentlessly merged toward sundown as Moshe followed the placidly plodding animals as they were herded along

    34. Many, remembering that they had been under observation by the Egyptians the previous day, and who were now being herded on with such great urgency, concluded some unknown but unfortunate turn of events must have occurred behind them

    35. animals as they were herded along

    36. The animals shied away when herded toward it

    37. Could a mere motion picture have done this? Everyone seemed to be staring vacantly ahead and moving like cattle toward the exit--cattle being herded in slow motion

    38. "Scrape him off me," Swann ordered, nodding in Tobie's direction, and the Sergeant firmly herded the Doctor away, shushing him as he went

    39. busses as a few troops herded them

    40. The three of them hurried out into the busy street as the residents were herded towards the main town square

    41. I was halfway to the exit when a gendarme directed me to a door where I was herded into a room with several other large-nosed, olive-skinned young men, there to be frisked and asked to show my papers

    42. Glasses were refilled while CC herded the staff upstairs and closed the door

    43. Atlanta Under Quarantine, the headlines read at the top of the screen as medical specialists in special suits attend the dying “breaking and bleeding” in airtight plastic inflatable rooms that they’ve been herded into

    44. Meares only looked up once to see where they were being herded to

    45. Youths are herded through the marshalling yards of conformity and don’t realise until it’s too late that they’re headed for the gates of the abattoir

    46. Tar spent a few days working out the monk’s routine and had snuck in behind the massive Buddha statue on the second night and watched as the four guard monks herded the tourists out and bolted the door

    47. They jumped up when the lads entered, smiled, got out of bed and went over to kiss the lads, who immediately herded them to the window and looked out, onto an empty car park

    48. "This day you become knights!" he laughed fiercely, pointing with his dripping sword toward the hillmen's horses, herded nearby

    49. He herded them onto the jetty and into one of the speedboats, cast off the mooring rope and with a roar from the outboard motor sped off out to sea

    50. “Yes, my Lord,” Pire herded the Captain out the door

    1. One was found riding on a native draft animal herding some others

    2. The local people bustle about, the women – as women anywhere, obviously shopping while herding small children and the men either busily rushing around or lounging staring into space – I watch as a woman with two children makes desperate attempts to stop the elder of the two under her care from pinching some fruit from a stall … the little devil waits until she is occupied in conversation with the stall owner before sneakily nicking an apple and ramming it into his pocket

    3. without herding it to graze or feed it

    4. actually out in the fields herding sheep, and their sons sweeping

    5. The big cat was stalking him again, edging him nearer the door, almost as though the animal was somehow communicating with those outside, herding him towards them

    6. The biggest losses were due to deaths from disease, mostly dysentery, directly caused by American troops herding Filipinos into concentration camps ironically named “zones of protection

    7. Abelon’s (Abe-elon) father had told him that the learning of this herding of such dangerous animals would make a man of him by the time they had come to their winter quarters, which he estimated was now less than two days away

    8. Who or what she might have to face, according to the stories of what those herding people might be willing to do since her people’s time of vengeance, caused that which lay deep within her to pound in an uncommonly heavy throb

    9. Elam was leaning on his crook and herding the sheep to pasture

    10. He gathered his things and started herding the animals

    11. Elam went near them herding sheep and all returned to the house

    12. By the time they were back in the house, I was already herding Lucas and Abbey up the stairs to the bedroom

    13. They were a pastoral people, in general, herding flocks of the lama and the smaller versions called alpaca, although they also raised some centli and the papa

    14. Moses spent seven years herding Jetho’s sheep through the forsaken places in the

    15. Moses waited forty years herding his

    16. Moses would have learned the rest while herding his

    17. The sight of cowboys branding, doctoring, and herding

    18. brothers were herding a small flock of skinny kids into the main

    19. As in other cities where the Nazis had set up such organizations, the council was intended as a first step leading to the identification and registration of Jews, which would be followed by herding them into ghettos and

    20. family member but sees the sole function of a dog in their task of herding, watching or

    21. He was now herding a great multitude through desert land

    22. And we came to a certain plain and he showed me a young man a shepherd clothed in a suit of garments of a yellow colour: and he was herding very many sheep and these sheep were feeding luxuriously as it were and riotously and merrily skipping hither and thither

    23. She stepped back as Trask came running up the stairs, herding her aside and slamming the door

    24. "We'd better give him a wide berth," Austin suggested, herding everyone into the kitchen

    25. (I will never know for sure until I run into him in heaven--trying to be 100% positive about any of Michael's actions is about as difficult as wrestling with a greased pig or herding cats

    26. I devoured Zane Grey, while sitting on a horse, herding cattle on a North Dakota prairie

    27. A young boy herding his flock of sheep is kind enough to point the way to a nearby village where there is a well just outside of town

    28. They’re herding us good,

    29. The prediction of the theory was confirmed in a cross-cultural examination of traditional farming and herding Spanish-American societies

    30. Herding everyone out of the viewing-room, Hu Lyang switched on the video playback and almost had an apoplexy!

    31. The youngest son was herding sheep

    32. They evidently thought that they were herding him into the corner themselves, and Conan found time to reflect that they probably looked on him as a member of a lower order, mentally inferior to themselves

    33. Conan was driving his men to the gate, herding them ahead of him, beating them with the flat of his sword; the roar of the water-spout seemed to have robbed them of their faculties

    34. Before the attacks of the Nordheimr and the Cimmerians, they destroyed all their cities, butchered such captives as were not fit to make the long march, and then, herding thousands of slaves before them, rode back into the mysterious east, skirting the northern edge of the sea, and vanishing from western history, until they rode out of the east again, thousands of years later, as Huns, Mongols, Tatars and Turks

    35. Finn’s shot had made all the predators, not just the bear, angry and looking like they were ready to stop herding and start killing

    36. The Marines were busy herding the new colonists from Peter to their temporary quarters in the transport modules and would not be available should she need help

    37. The ancient Israelites used Canaan dogs for herding sheep

    38. While herding they don’t need much direction from their owner

    39. century coated Nordic herding dogs

    40. a ton and a half; also used for herding and guarding livestock

    41. bred for the outdoors for hunting, herding, rounding up

    42. Poodles are athletic; competing in agility, herding,

    43. Later, they were used for herding

    44. The Samoyed has a herding dog drive and may ‘steer’

    45. Sheltie was used for cow and sheep herding

    46. Herding Breed Type

    47. Herding dogs are classified as working dogs

    48. Although the vast majority of herding dog types are now family

    49. Herding type dogs are either trained or are a member of a

    50. The first herding dogs weren’t as tameable as those used

    1. The custom was that all these creatures 'grew wild' and live in large herds

    2. The young and pregnant were set free and a balance had been established between the herds and predators for over a thousand years

    3. But the sentinels were golden hillsides of herds and grains not fuzzy lines of vine-covered towers over dock and beach, almost invisible in the distance

    4. Herds of grazers came by, slowly this time, feeding

    5. If there were any thonga around he could catch them in this brush, he couldn't get close enough to the herds on the open plain

    6. Thongas, lentosaurs and many other pure grazers weren't having that problem, there were always herds in sight, but you could see so vastly far here

    7. The range ranchers also began to move; their herds of Kuyou were rounded up and they began the journey to the safety of the South

    8. had great possessions of herds and flocks, above all who were before me in Jerusalem; 8

    9. There were also herds of domesticated

    10. Men and dogs attempted to direct the unruly herds, with much

    11. pack animals were travelling in both directions, the herds of cows and

    12. travel all over these lands with the herds, back ‘fore

    13. There were herds

    14. There were fields of thick ribbonleaves where streetcar kedas grazed instead of the thongga herds in the real wilds

    15. Numerous herds of cattle, when allowed to wander through the woods, though they do not destroy the old trees, hinder any young ones from coming up ; so that, in the course of a century or two, the whole forest goes to ruin

    16. sheep, though, at present, their few herds are only

    17. On herds devoted to the god of day;

    18. When its herds and flocks have consumed the forage of one part of the country, it removes to another, and from that to a third

    19. When such a nation goes to war, the warriors will not trust their herds and flocks to the feeble defence of their old men, their women and children; and their old men, their women and children, will not be left behind without defence, and without subsistence

    20. If they conquer, whatever belongs to the hostile tribe is the recompence of the victory ; but if they are vanquished, all is lost; and not only their herds and flocks, but their women and children

    21. When a Tartar or Arab actually goes to war, he is maintained by his own herds and flocks, which he carries with him, in the same manner as in peace

    22. A Tartar chief, the increase of whose flocks and herds is sufficient to maintain a thousand men, cannot well employ that increase in any other way than in maintaining a thousand men

    23. All the inferior shepherds and herdsmen feel, that the security of their own herds and flocks depends upon the security of those of the great shepherd or herdsman; that the maintenance of their lesser authority depends upon that of his greater authority ; and that upon their subordination to him depends his power of keeping their inferiors in subordination to them

    24. Among nations of shepherds, where the sovereign or chief is only the greatest shepherd or herdsman of the horde or clan, he is maintained in the same manner as any of his vassals or subjects, by the increase of his own herds or flocks

    25. It arises principally from the milk and increase of his own herds and flocks, of which he himself superintends the management, and is the principal shepherd or herdsman of his own horde or tribe

    26. There were lots of cow herds about and the soil looked rich and the grass lush and sweet there were forests and some quite steep wide ravines as we passed by them but we were not destined to rattle along for much longer

    27. On the way, we saw soldiers leading herds of cows

    28. As these interventions grew, Man found himself evermore in control, rather than just a follower of herds of ever increasing size

    29. The herds that were his offering seem to be equivalent to Abel’s animal, or meat sacrifice, but were accepted by his brother, not God

    30. ingly many flocks and herds, but the poor man had nothing, ex-

    31. 20 And David took all the flocks and the herds, which they drove before those other cattle, and said, This is David's spoil

    32. 2 The rich man had exceeding many flocks and herds,

    33. cellars of oil was Joash, 29 And over the herds that fed in Sharon was Shitrai the Sharonite, and over the herds that were in the valleys

    34. Gen 50:8 And all the house of Joseph, and his brethren, and his father's house: only their little ones, and their flocks, and their herds, they left in the land of Goshen

    35. 29 Moreover he provided him cities and possessions of flocks and herds in abundance, for God had

    36. Accompanying the army were wagons, herds of animals, his court, female fans of the soldiers, merchants, traders, poets, intellectuals, surveyors, and a historian (a relative of Aristotle)

    37. shame has devoured the labour of our fathers from our youth; their flocks and their herds, their sons and their daughters

    38. I also began to notice yurts among the more typical Hotcangara houses and herds of goats and sheep being led to pasture

    39. Of course, the herds were small, but I was sure they used up valuable fields that could be planted with centli

    40. cattle, as it is written in the law, and the firstlings of our herds and of our flocks, to bring to the house of our God, to the priests that

    41. 6 They shall go with their flocks and with their herds to seek the Lord; but they shall not find him; he has

    42. 18 How do the beasts groan! the herds of cattle are perplexed, because they have no pasture; yes, the flocks of sheep are

    43. When Esau saw the herds, and heard what Jacob said, he responded by refusing to

    44. The Jews were hungry, but they had their herds of sheep and goats, their cattle, but

    45. ” After all, the Mongols were nomadic people following their herds over the grasslands

    46. There were many flocks of goats or sheep and herds of cattle grazing along the way

    47. raising cattle, just as they were suited for the massive buffalo herds in

    48. portion of many herds driven throughout

    49. went down into the plain of Damascus in the time of wheat harvest, and burnt up all their fields, and destroyed their flocks and herds,

    50. And again I saw those sheep that they again erred and went many ways, and forsook that their house, and the Lord of the sheep called some from among the sheep and sent them to the sheep, but the sheep began to kill them; And one of them was saved and was not killed, and it sped away and cried aloud over the sheep; and they sought to kill it, but the Lord of the sheep saved it from the sheep, and brought it up to me, and caused it to dwell there; And many other sheep He sent to those sheep to testify to them and lament over them; And after that I saw that when they forsook the house of the Lord and His tower they fell away entirely, and their eyes were blinded; and I saw the Lord of the sheep how He wrought much slaughter among them in their herds until those sheep invited that slaughter and betrayed His place; And He gave them over into the hands of the lions and tigers, and wolves and hyenas, and into the hand of the foxes, and to all the wild beasts, and those wild beasts began to tear in pieces those sheep; And I saw that He forsook that their house and their tower and gave them all into the hand of the lions, to tear and devour them, into the hand of all the wild beasts; And I began to cry aloud with all my power, and to appeal to the Lord of the sheep, and to represent to Him in regard to the sheep that they were devoured by all the wild beasts; But He remained unmoved, though He saw it, and rejoiced that they were devoured and swallowed and robbed, and left them to be devoured in the hand of all the beasts; And He called seventy shepherds, and throw those sheep to those who they might pasture them, and He spoke to the shepherds and their companions: 'Let each individual of you pasture the sheep from now onwards, and everything that I shall command you that do you; And I will deliver them over to you duly numbered, and tell you which of them are to be destroyed and them you destroy; And he gave over to them those sheep; And He called another and spoke to him: 'Observe and mark everything that the shepherds will do to those sheep; for they will destroy more of them than I have commanded them; And every excess and the destruction which will be wrought through the shepherds, record namely how many they destroy according to my command, and how many according to their own caprice: record against every individual shepherd all the destruction he effects; And read out before me by number how many they destroy, and how many they deliver over for destruction, that I may have this as a testimony against them, and know every deed of the shepherds, that I may comprehend and see what they do, whether or not they abide by my command which I have commanded them; But they shall not know it, and you shall not declare it to them, nor admonish them, but only record against each individual all the destruction which the shepherds effect each in his time and lay it all before me

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    Synonymes pour "herd"

    herd ruck crowd associate flock keep company pack swarm bevy covey drove clutch