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    1. Anything that would hinder us from that kind of relationship and communion with God in this life should be cast aside

    2. hinder the free flow of energy to the glands

    3. Such enhancements of the market price are evidently the effect of natural causes, which may hinder the effectual demand from ever being fully supplied, and which may continue, therefore, to operate for ever

    4. Nothing will hinder the Kingdom moving through them

    5. nothing that will hinder the Kingdom from moving through us

    6. Nothing was able to hinder

    7. when evil men tried to hinder them from preaching, they would

    8. natural realm, but it did not hinder us because we had great faith

    9. strength and dexterity of his hands ; and to hinder him from employing this strength and

    10. But though the law cannot hinder people of the

    11. degree that was intended; because it has never been able to hinder either the one from being

    12. workmen could easily change trades with one another, if those absurd laws did not hinder

    13. Numerous herds of cattle, when allowed to wander through the woods, though they do not destroy the old trees, hinder any young ones from coming up ; so that, in the course of a century or two, the whole forest goes to ruin

    14. By the extraordinary exportation which it occasions in years of plenty, it must frequently hinder the plenty of one year from compensating the scarcity of another

    15. pleasure; but - aware that they could not hinder it –

    16. They were introduced to preserve a certain lineal succession, of which the law of primogeniture first gave the idea, and to hinder any part of the original estate from being carried out of the proposed line, either by gift, or device, or alienation; either by the folly, or by the misfortune of any of its successive owners

    17. Like what are called the fundamental laws of some monarchies, they might frequently hinder the security of thousands from being endangered by the caprice or extravagance of one man

    18. It was for his interest, they had imagined, that no lease granted by any of his predecessors should hinder him from enjoying, during a long term of years, the full value of his land

    19. In Europe, the law of primogeniture, and perpetuities of different kinds, prevent the division of great estates, and thereby hinder the multiplication of small proprietors

    20. They represented, secondly, that this prohibition could not hinder the exportation of gold and silver, which, on account of the smallness of their bulk in proportion to their value, could easily be smuggled abroad

    21. By means of it, the narrowness of the home market does not hinder the division of labour in any particular branch of art or manufacture from being carried to the highest perfection

    22. The freest importation of foreign cattle could have no other effect than to hinder those breeding countries from taking advantage of the increasing population and improvement of the rest of the kingdom, from raising their price to an exorbitant height, and from laying a real tax upon all the more improved and cultivated parts of the country

    23. It would only hinder any part of what would naturally go to it from being turned away by the tax into a less natural direction, and would leave the competition between foreign and domestic industry, after the tax, as nearly as possible upon the same footing as before it

    24. The restraints upon the wine trade in Great Britain, besides, do not so much seem calculated to hinder the people from going, if I may say so, to the alehouse, as from going where they can buy the best and cheapest liquor

    25. As it is the interest of the freemen of a corporation to hinder the rest of the inhabitants from employing any workmen but themselves; so it is the interest of the merchants and manufacturers of every country to secure to themselves the monopoly of the home market

    26. Such encouragements do not tend to turn towards any particular employment a greater share of the capital of the country, than what would go to that employment of its own accord, but only to hinder the duty from driving away any part of that share to other employments

    27. They tend not to overturn that balance which naturally establishes itself among all the various employments of the society, but to hinder it from being overturned by the duty

    28. In years of scarcity, though the bounty is frequently suspended, yet the great exportation which it occasions in years of plenty, must frequently hinder, more or less, the plenty of one year from relieving the scarcity of another

    29. They even endeavoured to hinder, as much as possible, any middle man of any kind from coming in between the grower and the consumer; and this was the meaning of the many restraints which they imposed upon the trade of those whom they called kidders, or carriers of corn ; a trade which nobody was allowed to exercise without a licence, ascertaining his qualifications as a man of probity and fair dealing

    30. Whether the stock which really carried on the business of a corn merchant belonged to the person who was called a farmer, or to the person who was called a corn merchant, an equal profit was in both cases requisite, in order to indemnify its owner for employing it in this manner, in order to put his business on a level with other trades, and in order to hinder him from having an interest to change it as soon as possible for some other

    31. The law which obliged the farmer to exercise the trade of a corn merchant, endeavoured to hinder it from going on so fast

    32. He hurts himself, therefore, much more essentially than he can hurt even the particular people whom he may hinder from supplying themselves upon that particular market day, because they may afterwards supply themselves just as cheap upon any other market day

    33. To hinder, besides, the farmer from sending his goods at all times to the best market, is evidently to sacrifice the ordinary laws of justice to an idea of public utility, to a sort of reasons of state ; an act or legislative authority which ought to be exercised only, which can be pardoned only, in cases of the most urgent necessity

    34. The Spaniards, in virtue of the first discovery, claimed all America as their own; and though they could not hinder so great a naval power as that of Portugal from settling in Brazil, such was at that time the terror of their name, that the greater part of the other nations of Europe were afraid to establish themselves in any other part of that great continent

    35. In this case the number and dispersed situation of the different traders renders it impossible for them to enter into any general combination, and their competition is sufficient to hinder them from making very exorbitant profits

    36. Five different events, unforeseen and unthought of, have very fortunately concurred to hinder Great Britain from feeling, so sensibly as it was generally expected she would, the total exclusion which has now taken place for more than a year (from the first of December 1774) from a very important branch of the colony trade, that of the twelve associated provinces of North America

    37. In the natural and free state of the colony trade, the competition of all other nations would hinder the rate of profit from rising above the common level, either in the new market, or in the new employment

    38. Thus, fear of it is counter-productive as such feelings only hinder one from fully participating in life

    39. 32), is so very indulgent as to declare, that this shall not hinder any person from carrying his wool home from the place of shearing, though it be within five miles of the sea, provided that in ten days after shearing, and before he remove the wool, he do under his hand certify to the next officer of the customs the true number of fleeces, and where it is housed; and do not remove the same, without certifying to such officer, under his hand, his intention so to do, three days before

    40. But after they had been so regulated and ascertained, how to hinder a person who was all-powerful from extending them beyond those regulations, was still very difficult, not to say impossible

    41. In such a situation, he would have no occasion to give himself any concern about them, further than to keep the peace among them, in the same manner as among the rest of his subjects, that is, to hinder them from persecuting, abusing, or oppressing one another

    42. modern devices that could help or hinder us

    43. The foresight of the heavy and unavoidable burdens of war would hinder the people from wantonly calling for it when there was no real or solid interest to fight for

    44. ‘He has moved on from you; the distraction will hinder his progress

    45. hinder you but it also should provide information about what you need to

    46. Those who were called skillful leaders of old knew how to drive a wedge between the enemy's front and rear; to prevent co-operation between his large and small divisions; to hinder the good troops from rescuing the bad, the officers from rallying their men

    47. 23 However he refused to turn aside, now Abner with the hinder end of the spear struck him under the fifth rib, so that the spear came

    48. three looking toward the east, and the sea was set above on them, and all their hinder parts were inward

    49. above on them, and all their hinder parts were inward

    50. Can you understand why I agree with Jesus when he states that they take the key of knowledge away from us? Not only don’t they enter, but they also hinder us from entering

    1. cooking, but the stress of the situation hindered my judgment

    2. that hindered them from seeing clearly

    3. The value of silver, therefore, in proportion to that of corn, had probably risen somewhat before the end of the last century; and it seems to have continued to do so during the course of the greater part of the present, though the necessary operation of the bounty must have hindered that rise from being so sensible as it otherwise would have been in the actual state of tillage

    4. Between 1741 and 1750, however, the bounty must have hindered the price of corn from falling so low in the home market as it naturally would have done

    5. To the judges who were to decide the business, it appeared a most satisfactory account of the matter, when they were told that foreign trade brought money into the country, but that the laws in question hindered it from bringing so much as it otherwise would do

    6. It is partly owing to the easy transportation of gold and silver, from the places where they abound to those where they are wanted, that the price of those metals does not fluctuate continually, like that of the greater part of other commodities, which are hindered by their bulk from shifting their situation, when the market happens to be either over or under-stocked with them

    7. But if foreigners, either by prohibitions or high duties, are hindered from coming to sell, they cannot always afford to come to buy ; because, coming without a cargo, they must lose the freight from their own country to Great Britain

    8. It was about the same time that the French and English began mutually to oppress each other's industry, by the like duties and prohibitions, of which the French, however, seem to have set the first example, The spirit of hostility which has subsisted between the two nations ever since, has hitherto hindered them from being moderated on either side

    9. Your goals are temporarily hindered and as a result, you are unable to progress any further

    10. It increased the business of the corn merchant in both; and in the years of scarcity, it not only enabled him to import a greater quantity, but to sell it for a better price, and consequently with a greater profit, than he could otherwise have made, if the plenty of one year had not been more or less hindered from relieving the scarcity of another

    11. So although it is not a complete dimensional shift, it means our own matter will not be hindered by what we are about to pass through’

    12. ’ I pleaded repeatedly rubbing my legs as I ran, which hindered the movement causing me to stagger and lose my balance

    13. The further removed from time and space from some noteworthy event, but not so far as to reduce that event to an historical footnote, but far enough to allow the passage of time to ease a society‘s (collective) anxieties; future generations, no longer encumbered by such matters of immediate concern(s), will be in a better position to place these (historical) events in proper perspective, hindered as they might otherwise have been by contemporary currents or personal biases indigenous to the time(s) these historical events took place; that is to say, by being too close to the ―action‖

    14. anything, she felt the blame was on her for being hindered by that freaky device

    15. ” Music Man said, still with his back to them, always hindered by

    16. His voice was hindered by the lump of sorrow in the back of his throat, his

    17. Luk 11:52 Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered

    18. Thoughts move throughout the cosmos and are not contained or hindered by solid matter

    19. be given to these men, that they be not hindered

    20. 20 For the whole world shined with clear light, and none were hindered in their labour:

    21. 21 There is one who is hindered from sinning through want, and when he takes rest, he shall not be troubled

    22. of Judea, and holding them strait, hindered their building; 73 And by their secret plots, and popular persuasions and commotions,

    23. were not hindered from building, until such time as signification was given to Darius concerning them, and an answer received

    24. She neither helped nor hindered the efforts of the others, and to them she seemed not to belong to them—to be a creature of the air

    25. even at that time was Alcimus plagued, and his enterprizes hindered, for his mouth was stopped, and he was taken with a palsy, so

    26. And their hands commit lawless deeds; And the sinners devour all whom they lawlessly oppress; yet the sinners shall be destroyed before the face of the Lord of Spirits, And they shall be banished from off the face of His Earth; And they shall perish forever and ever; For I saw all the angels of punishment abiding there and preparing all the instruments of Satan; And I asked the angel of peace who went with me: 'For whom are they preparing these Instruments?' And he said to me; 'They prepare these for the kings and the mighty of this Earth, So that they may thereby be destroyed and after this the Righteous and Elect One shall cause the house of his congregation to appear; From now on they shall be no more hindered in the name of the Lord of Spirits; And these mountains shall not stand as the Earth in front of his righteousness; But the hills shall be like a fountain of water; And the righteous shall have rest from the oppression of sinners

    27. His bulging pockets hindered his ability to run, and he did his best to

    28. So then, why are we hindered? What

    29. organizations, but its efforts were greatly hindered by the conflict between the followers of Bakunin and those of Marx

    30. And their hands commit lawless deeds; And the sinners devour all whom they lawlessly oppress; yet the sinners shall be destroyed before the face of the Lord of Spirits And they shall be banished from off the face of His Earth; And they shall perish forever and ever; For I saw all the angels of punishment abiding there and preparing all the instruments of Satan; And I asked the angel of peace who went with me: 'For whom are they preparing these Instruments?' And he said to me; 'They prepare these for the kings and the mighty of this Earth So that they may thereby be destroyed and after this the Righteous and Elect One shall cause the house of his congregation to appear; From now on they shall be no more hindered in the name of the Lord of Spirits; And these mountains shall not stand as the Earth in front of his righteousness; But the hills shall be like a fountain of water; and the righteous shall have rest from the oppression of sinners

    31. Those milk jugs swinging all over the place seriously hindered

    32. does not need to be hindered by my concern over the ways my

    33. know people, which was a process further hindered by

    34. 72 But the heathen of the land lying heavy on the inhabitants of Judea and holding them strait hindered their building; 73 And by their secret plots and popular persuasions and commotions they hindered the finishing of the building all the time that king Cyrus lived: so they were hindered from building for the space of two years until the reign of Darius

    35. 3 At the same time came to them Sisinnes the governor of Syria and Phenice with Sathrabuzanes and his companions and said to them 4 By whose appointment do you build this house and this roof and perform all the other thingse and who are the workmen that perform these things? 5 Nevertheless the elders of the Jews obtained favour because the Lord had visited the captivity; 6 And they were not hindered from building until such time as signification was given to Darius concerning them and an answer received

    36. I will not be stopped nor hindered by a worthless mortal human

    37. 54 Moreover in the hundred fifty and third year in the second month Alcimus commanded that the wall of the inner court of the sanctuary should be pulled down; he pulled down also the works of the prophets 55 And as he began to pull down even at that time was Alcimus plagued and his enterprizes hindered for his mouth was stopped and he was taken with a palsy so that he could no more speak any thing nor give order concerning his house

    38. John; But John would have hindered Him saying "I need to be baptised by You and You come to me?"

    39. You didn't enter in yourselves and those who were entering in you hindered

    40. Some are hindered because they

    41. Those who grumbled and complained hindered God’s

    42. The blessing is hindered by negativism, more than

    43. are hindered or restricted for a period of time by the choices of

    44. desire to lead the church in God’s purposes may be hindered by

    45. hindered by disobedient or negative people

    46. Sin and carnal ways have hindered the blessing, in many ways

    47. Disaster to you lawyers! because you have taken away the key of knowledge; you did not enter in yourselves and those who were entering in you hindered; Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees which is hypocrisy because there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed; neither hidden that shall not be known; therefore whatever you have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light and that which you have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed on the housetops and I say to you my friends do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that they have nothing more that they can do but I will forewarn you of whom you shall fear: Fear Him who after he has killed has power to throw into Hell; Yes I say to you fear Him; Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins and not one of them is forgotten before God? but even the very hairs of your head are all numbered therefore do not fear; you are of more value than many sparrows; Also I say to you Whoever shall confess Me before men the Son of Man shall also confess him before the angels of God but he who denies Me before men shall be denied before the angels of God and whoever shall speak a word against the Son of Man it shall be forgiven but to him who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit it shall not be forgiven; and when they bring you to the synagogues and to magistrates and powers do not hold to any thought of how or what things you shall answer or what you shall say because the Holy Spirit shall teach you in the same hour what you ought to say

    48. He was also glad that the weather hadn't hindered the trip

    49. When we wrongly perceive/understand the things of God, we will often wrongly receive them as well (or be hindered in receiving the manifestations of God that we should be)

    50. If we repent of those agreements, and receive the truths of His love, then we will begin to experience the realities of His love continually, and stop being hindered from experiencing His love in our lives

    1. During this short period, its only effect must have been, by encouraging the exportation of the surplus produce of every year, and thereby hindering the abundance of one year from compensating the scarcity of another, to raise the price in the home market

    2. To see a ghoul in your dream suggests that your habits and negative ways are hindering your growth

    3. If you are lost or trapped in a jungle, then it indicates that your negative feelings are hindering your progress

    4. In years of plenty, the bounty necessarily occasioned a greater exportation than would otherwise have taken place ; and by hindering the plenty of the one year from relieving the scarcity of another, it occasioned in years of scarcity a greater importation than would otherwise have been necessary

    5. The hindering block to unity comprises people whose energy is steeped in greed and dominance as they wish the climate of disparity to remain

    6. But as capital can be increased only by savings from revenue, the monopoly, by hindering it from affording so great a revenue as it would otherwise afford, necessarily hinders it from increasing so fast as it would otherwise increase, and consequently from maintaining a still greater quantity of productive labour, and affording a still greater revenue to the industrious inhabitants of that country

    7. Even with a pole missing, the shelter went up with relative ease, their experience with it beginning to show, even with the cold hindering their movement

    8. There were large and small stones hindering our progress

    9. This indirect partner ends up hindering the investment of private initiative for wealth’ building

    10. time, thus hindering the process of proving statements referring to historical descriptions that

    11. without hindering the production

    12. 28 Then came Jesus from Galilee to the Jordan to John to be baptized of him; And Jesus was about thirty years old and it was supposed that he was the son of Joseph; And John saw Jesus coming to him and said This is the Lamb of God that takes on itself the burden of the sins of the world! This is he concerning whom I said There comes after me a man who was before me because he was before me; And I knew him not; but that he should be made manifest to Israel for this cause came I to baptize with water; And John was hindering him and saying I have need of being baptized by you and come you to me? Jesus answered him and said Suffer this now: so it is our duty to fulfill all righteousness 35; Then he suffered him; And when all the people were baptized Jesus also was baptized; And immediately he went up out of the water and heaven opened to him and the Holy Spirit descended on him in the similitude of the body of a dove; and note a voice from heaven saying This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased; And John bare witness and said I beheld the Spirit descend from heaven like a dove; and it abode on him; But I knew him not; but he who sent me to baptize with water he said to me on whom ever you shall see the Spirit descending and lighting on him the same is he who baptizes with the Holy Spirit; And I have seen and borne witness that this is the Son of God

    13. 1 The heavens being put in motion by his appointment are subject to him in peace; 2 Night and day accomplish the course ordered by him in nothing hindering one another

    14. at hindering us in the restructuring of life on planet earth

    15. I believe a big part of the shaking here is God shaking all the religious, natural, and worldly mindsets that have been hindering God’s children from manifesting His glory to the world

    16. The specters flew around them with the apparent intentions of intercepting and hindering the party

    17. Create an action plan to minimize the key hindering forces and maximize the promoting ones

    18. afraid to approach God because of your sins, you are actual y hindering Him, to the extent, at least, that is

    19. And with the cry she sprang through a crevice in the wall, burst madly through the hindering vines, and ran, ran, ran—blind, screaming, witless—until a grasp on her arm brought her up short and she shrieked and fought against the arms that caught her, until a familiar voice penetrated the mists of her terror, and she saw Conan's face, a mask of bewilderment in the moonlight

    20. The Master now knew that he could leave this world without seriously hindering the progress of the kingdom

    21. The very people she wanted to save were hindering her

    22. ’ When applied to international politics by those who believed themselves to be in the mainstream of the German intellectual world the problem of reconciling the unending struggle for a Greater Germany with the Christian love of one’s neighbour could only be solved by rejecting some if not all principles of Christianity This solution was being formulated at the turn of the century a train of thought which minimized the principles of Christianity in order to free Germany from the moral inhibitors hindering the application of Deutschland Uber Alles

    23. When we don’t allow our loved ones to stumble and fall and maybe even have their backs pushed up against the wall, we could very well be hindering them from the preparation and blessing of God, and what He has in store for them

    24. limitations have become starkly apparent, hindering commerce and culture alike

    25. But, he soon found that gravity was much stronger than even he was, hindering him from doing as he wished

    26. Huge numbers of people took to surrounding many of the precincts that were conducting the relocation operation hindering the police to such an extent that they couldn’t get to, or leave, the precincts to go and conduct their roundups

    27. However, what is helpful is if we can consciously explore which of our filtering systems are hindering our growth and ultimate fulfilment and which ones are serving us

    28. For us to create an internal life that supports what we want our external life to look like, we need to increase our awareness of our core belief system to see whether it is helping or hindering us

    29. Now for me, I was challenged by a message someone spoke one day, Pastor Clark Taylor, and he said: if you knew that there was one issue in your life that was hindering your life, wouldn't it be worthwhile investing, even if it was six months, in dealing with that issue, knowing that all the rest of your life, you would live life at a different level? I thought that's me! So I went home, and I recognised that what I was wrestling with was rejection, and fear of rejection, self pity and unbelief

    30. Its major disadvantage is in cases when customers specify their own delivery dates – due to this technique production completion is earlier than necessary thus hindering eventual load on facilities with other intermediate orders placed later than the completed one but with earlier completion times

    31. But won’t that drive Sathyam into a shell, hindering my endeavor? Worse still, sensing trouble, he might even erect checkpoints all the way to her bedchamber

    32. The impulse became the reason for a third grade life, hindering progress

    33. You must free yourself from the hindering thoughts that come from within

    34. It is a shared dislike of the other, who is held responsible for hindering us, victimizing us, attacking us

    35. identify what may be hindering the buying process

    36. "There's not a pin to choose between you and Byles," she cried, pulling her hand away; and the train having drawn in to Paddington, before he could uncross his legs and snatch his papers together, she had beckoned a porter to open the door and was gone--had disappeared into the crowd, and wound her way among the hindering groups on the platform with the quick light steps of someone who is both thin and determined

    37. About ten minutes later the tent was up, mostly without my hindering assistance

    38. How was he going to work with that constant reminder about his house of his past placidities? Already it had begun, the annoyance, the hindering, for here he was sitting in front of his samples making mistakes in weighing, adding up wrong, forced by humiliatingly different results each time to count the grains over and over again

    39. negative thoughts that keep jumping into our way hindering us from success

    40. During his first eight visits to Eaton Terrace--that made four weeks since his coming back to London and six since the funeral in Cornwall--he had hardly known she was in the room; except, of course, that she _was_ in the room, completely hindering his courting

    41. “We could be hindering the authorities and their investigations

    42. Today it looked as though his mission was hindering him from keeping his appointment with the heavenly kiss

    43. The Superintendent in charge of the Waterfront Station set up his command post in a small room near one of the entrances and at nine fifteen, too late to prevent the queuing and loud chatter from hindering the work of those who had already run the uniformed gauntlet, he went to the second floor to further brief the Secretary General and Clerk of Councils

    44. And the police had let their views be known through a spokesman warning that if the paper was not careful it could find itself accused of hindering investigations into a most serious crime

    45. For the most part that is okay provided their resources are used to actually propagate speech rather than erect artificial barriers hindering alternative forms of media as embodied by the decision requiring audio websites to pay fees not extracted from traditional radio stations

    46. under the couple instead of wandering off and hindering

    47. is hindering me more and more

    48. and all such further movement of gravity is hindering in the form we call mass

    49. you should rather be focusing on what it is that is hindering you from

    50. success driven, only to pivot this moment hindering me

    1. the flesh that hinders our walk with God

    2. necessary for a great merchant, which nothing hinders him from becoming but the want of a

    3. working at what he thinks proper, so it hinders the others from employing whom they think

    4. The price of corn, though at all times liable to variation varies most in those turbulent and disorderly societies, in which the interruption of all commerce and communication hinders the plenty of one part of the country from relieving the scarcity of another

    5. It hinders our own workmen from furnishing their goods for so small a quantity of silver as they otherwise might do, and enables the Dutch to furnish theirs for a smaller

    6. It not only hinders, at all times, their capital from maintaining so great a quantity of productive labour as it would otherwise maintain, but it hinders it from increasing so fast as it would otherwise increase, and, consequently, from maintaining a still greater quantity of productive labour

    7. The monopoly hinders the capital of that country, whatever may, at any particular time, be the extent of that capital, from maintaining so great a quantity of productive labour as it would otherwise maintain, and from affording so great a revenue to the industrious inhabitants as it would otherwise afford

    8. But as capital can be increased only by savings from revenue, the monopoly, by hindering it from affording so great a revenue as it would otherwise afford, necessarily hinders it from increasing so fast as it would otherwise increase, and consequently from maintaining a still greater quantity of productive labour, and affording a still greater revenue to the industrious inhabitants of that country

    9. Whatever, therefore, raises the rate of mercantile profit, either lessens the superiority, or increases the inferiority of the profit of improvement : and, in the one case, hinders capital from going to improvement, and in the other draws capital from it; but by discouraging improvement, the monopoly necessarily retards the natural increase of another great original source of revenue, the rent of land

    10. The monopoly raises the rate of profit, but it hinders the sum of profit from rising so high as it otherwise would do

    11. Secondly, by giving a sort of monopoly of the home market to its own merchants, artificers, and manufacturers, it raises the rate of mercantile and manufacturing profit, in proportion to that of agricultural profit; and, consequently, either draws from agriculture a part of the capital which had before been employed in it, or hinders from going to it a part of what would otherwise have gone to it

    12. The public expense, however, when defrayed in this manner, no doubt hinders, more or less, the further accumulation of new capital; but it does not necessarily occasion the destruction of any actually-existing capital

    13. If the method of funding destroys more old capital, it, at the same time, hinders less the accumulation or acquisition of new capital, than that of defraying the public expense by a revenue raised within the year

    14. Choking: Too much too fast; hatred; obstacle that hinders; opposite of breathing in the Holy Spirit

    15. Fence: Freedom of the Spirit endangered by being encircled and surrounded; self-control; security; tradition that hinders; lines or areas separating

    16. Thorns: A curse; something that hinders through trial; gossip; perverse occurrences; persecution; life’s cares and concerns; place of defense

    17. Louis Hinders and other Canyon

    18. Tammy Hinders (standing), and his wife

    19. 3 And there my eyes saw the secrets of the lightning and of the thunder, and the secrets of the winds, how they are divided to blow over the Earth, and the secrets of the clouds and dew, and there I saw from where they proceed in that place and from where they saturate the dusty Earth; And there I saw closed chambers out of which the winds are divided, the chamber of the hail and winds, the chamber of the mist, and of the clouds, and the cloud of it hovers over the Earth from the beginning of the world; And I saw the pathways of the sun and moon, where they proceed and where they come again, and their glorious return, and how one is superior to the other, and their stately orbit, and how they do not leave their orbit, and they add nothing to their orbit and they take nothing from it, and they keep faith with each other, in accordance with the oath by which they 6 are bound together; And first the sun goes out and traverses his path according to the commandment of the Lord of Spirits, and mighty is His name forever and ever; And after that I saw the hidden and the visible path of the moon, and she accomplishes the course of her path in that place by day and by night-the one holding a position opposite to the other before the Lord of Spirits; And they give thanks and praise and rest not; For to them is their thanksgiving rest; For the sun changes often for a blessing or a curse; And the course of the path of the moon is light to the righteous; And darkness to the sinners in the name of the Lord, who made a separation between the light and the darkness; And divided the spirits of men, and strengthened the spirits of the righteous, in the name of His righteousness; for no angel hinders and no power is able to hinder; for He appoints a judge for them all, and He judges them all before Himself

    20. trips us up and hinders our progress toward a deeper relationship with

    21. gressmen from policy choices and hinders the legislative process

    22. 3 And there my eyes saw the secrets of the lightning and of the thunder and the secrets of the winds how they are divided to blow over the Earth and the secrets of the clouds and dew and there I saw from where they proceed in that place and from where they saturate the dusty Earth; And there I saw closed chambers out of which the winds are divided the chamber of the hail and winds the chamber of the mist and of the clouds and the cloud of it hovers over the Earth from the beginning of the world; And I saw the pathways of the sun and moon where they proceed and where they come again and their glorious return and how one is superior to the other and their stately orbit and how they do not leave their orbit and they add nothing to their orbit and they take nothing from it and they keep faith with each other in accordance with the oath by which they 6 are bound together; And first the sun goes out and traverses his path according to the commandment of the Lord of Spirits and mighty is His name forever and ever; And after that I saw the hidden and the visible path of the moon and she accomplishes the course of her path in that place by day and by night-the one holding a position opposite to the other before the Lord of Spirits; And they give thanks and praise and rest not; For to them is their thanksgiving rest; For the sun changes often for a blessing or a curse; And the course of the path of the moon is light to the righteous; And darkness to the sinners in the name of the Lord who made a separation between the light and the darkness; And divided the spirits of men and strengthened the spirits of the righteous in the name of His righteousness; for no angel hinders and no power is able to hinder; for He appoints a judge for them all and He judges them all before Himself

    23. An unforgiving spirit in a Christian hinders a close personal relationship with the Saviour and blocks their communion with Him--it does not condemn them to hell

    24. It never hinders and it does not control

    25. whatsoever in any way hinders these things-- that is undesirable and should

    26. ” Each little group sets up its own rules (and spider-web) and it is this complex web that hinders the group to have authentic relations

    27. Where do all innovations, studies and applications end up? Is there a Hyperuranium in which these innovations live (and the famous platonian demiurge that is to bring them and hand them over to men, hinders this with evil intentions to make them into a showcase in eternal construction)?

    28. It hinders you throughout your life by

    29. “Foolish or not it this kind of tenacity that hinders our progress,” Onn said

    30. Hopefully, when you have completed the chapter, you will see how the ideology supporting this horrible experiment came from the same ideology that hinders African-American missions mobilization

    31. The fly that touches honey cannot use its wings; so the soul that clings to spiritual sweetness ruins its freedom and hinders contemplation

    32. There‘s always going to be friction or some type of challenge that hinders your success

    33. individuals representing not each other or the common good, but only the interests of their respective countries, is naturally beset by severe bias and selfishness that hinders mutual assistance

    34. 'Gravity also hinders you; you're just very used to it, so you usually do not tend to think of it in terms of hindrance and limitation

    35. dairy products have a lot of phosphorus in them which hinders calcium absorption

    36. An absence of B12 then hinders the energy metabolism of nerve cells

    37. This hinders the victorious life

    38. This results in the following complications: à Hinders load on facilities for the production of orders placed later than the completed one but with shorter completion times (when customers have fixed order completion dates themselves);

    39. In the case machines are delivered long before their required installation, limited storage area hinders long waiting times when delivery is made too early and cannot provide for machine storage

    40. The less light corresponds to the soul which hinders the passage of light

    41. Miscommunication and disinformation impedes flow, hinders connections 87

    42. He is alone Who manages the requirements of the universe, succors man when surrounded by adversities and inflicted with hardships, and hinders evils from them if their acts become good

    43. Engendering a sense of powerlessness, while training one in the prowess of problem solving by eliminating the competition that hinders your innate, god given, and right granted exceptionalism, is a Tipping Point Therapy controlled and coaxed path to produce and direct a collective, that is systematically thwarted, to will violence

    44. The multiple cooperations present in an eco-collective of mutual benefit creates a sustainable resiliency that greatly hinders the logic of entropy that accompanies an anarchistic, but not integrative, multiplicity of sovereignty

    45. It is not simply that we are not seeking escape, but our lives of passive capitulation not only hinders others' escape, but also creates the oppressive gravity of their unbearable slavery

    46. Wonders do not save man from disbelieving unless he contemplates and thinks of the creation, the Great God's making, and the Almighty has revealed in a clear verse that the cause beyond stoop sending the miracles is that the ancient denied them, He says: "Nothing hinders us from giving signs except that the ancient disbelieved them…"

    47. God says: "Nothing hinders us from giving signs except that the ancient disbelieved them

    48. This truth is mentioned in the verses of the wise Qur’an at the point where God says, “Nothing hinders us from giving signs except that the ancients disbelieved them

    49. God says: “Nothing hinders us from giving signs except that the ancients disbelieved them…”

    50. God says: ‘Nothing hinders Us from giving signs, except that the ancients disbelieved them

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