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    holding company exemples de phrases

    holding company

    1. That made IOS a sort of holding company

    2. Later, in 1988, the holding company

    3. the banks owned by the holding company

    4. Namibia Country Lodges is the holding company of Auob

    5. My task was to finish off the closing of all of the wholly owned divisions such as mine, Engineering, and then to liquidate the parent holding company

    6. 2 billion holding company, First Union National Bank, the third largest in North Carolina, as I said was its largest account

    7. As a poor sister of the RHP Incorporated real estate division, it also provided active income versus the real estate’s passive income, which kept the real estate holding company from being declared a personal holding company

    8. When I was assigned to sell it after my father died, the most we could get was $1,250,000, and it had to be put in the hands of a real estate holding company to get even that

    9. Their profit and loss figures were aggregated into the holding company and became part of the operating profits of the group operation

    10. She was lead singer of Big Brother and the Holding Company and later as soloist in the Kosmic Blues Band and Full Tilt Boogie Band

    11. With Big Brother and the Holding Company she had three U

    12. services holding company operating primarily through its

    13. “I spoke with the chairman of the Board of our holding company

    14. (gold shares), British investors assumed that New Union, the holding company,

    15. entity's future potential and also the precarious state of the holding company's

    16. British Energy, the larger of the two, is a holding company with two subsidiaries -Nuclear Electric Ltd operating the PWR and five AGR stations in England and Wales; and Scottish Nuclear Ltd which operates two AGR Stations in Scotland

    17. • Big Brother and the Holding Company - "Piece of My Heart" (1968)

    18. Their intention to purchase a professional football team hadn’t changed, and creating a holding company was their first order of business

    19. The group brainstormed, trying to come up with a name for their new holding company

    20. Finally the uprising of the colonists in 1662 brought about the demise of the Virginia holding company The Crown took over the fort and it became an official an English overseas colony instead of a dirty get-rich-quick scheme that fell through and failed over and over again

    21. stake in the cellular holding company BPL Communication to the point that Nambiar

    22. Given the address of the holding company Tiger Trustee, the directors and their ad-

    23. In 1979 he moved to Los Angeles as president and chief operating officer of California Life Corporation, a financial holding company, at $150,000 a year

    24. He’d known she was rich, obviously—she shared a name with a holding company whose headquarters was one of the tallest buildings in New York—but he had to struggle not to gawk while Regan fumbled with her keys at the side door

    25. His father was the president of a rival holding company in the City, and evidently in private called William Hamilton-Sweeney II all sorts of names that didn’t bear repeating

    26. 35 shows a buy Anti in Yingli Green Energy Holding Company Ltd (NYSE: YGE) at A

    27. If the above discussion is compared with that on page 179 of accompanying CD, it will be seen that investors in bonds of a holding company must insist upon a consolidated income account, in which the subsidiary interest—whether guaranteed or not—is shown as a prior charge; but that purchasers of unguaranteed subsidiary bonds cannot accept such consolidated reports as a measure of their safety, and must require a statement covering the subsidiary alone

    28. Even after the company’s assets had been sold to Time Warner and Comcast—this being a reorganization, not a liquidation—there was still intense litigation between the bondholders of the holding company, Adelphia, and of a large subsidiary, Century Communications

    29. When a holding company takes into its income account stock dividends received at a higher value than that assigned them by the subsidiary that pays them, we have a particularly dangerous form of pyramiding of earnings

    30. It would then be quite impossible to maintain the $6 dividend on the holding company’s preferred stock, and no earnings at all would be available for the common for a generation or more

    31. In consequence the holding company, Interborough Consolidated, suspended its preferred dividends in 1918

    32. Thus Petroleum Corporation took on the complexion of a holding company, in which the exercise of managerial skill appears to be reduced to a minimum once the original acquisitions are made

    33. The Commission is not authorized to pass upon the soundness of new securities or the fairness of their price (except in the case of public-utility issues which come under the terms of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935)

    34. PYRAMIDING IN CORPORATE finance is the creation of a speculative capital structure by means of a holding company or a series of holding companies

    35. It is worth recalling that similar use of the holding company for pyramiding control of railroad properties had been made before the war—notably in the case of the Rock Island Company

    36. In 1915 the Rock Island Company and its intermediate subsidiary both went into bankruptcy; the stock of the operating company was taken over by the collateral trust bondholders; and the holding company stock issues were wiped out completely

    37. Finally the holding company device permits of financial practices that exaggerate the indicated earnings, dividend return, or “book value,” during boom times, and thus intensify speculative fervor and facilitate market manipulation

    38. The exaggeration of book value may be effected in cases where a holding company owns most of the shares of a subsidiary and where consequently an artificially high quotation may readily be established for the subsidiary issue by manipulating the small amount of stock remaining in the market

    39. This high quotation is then taken as the basis of figuring the book value (sometimes called the “break-up value”) of the share of the holding company

    40. The holding company is often utilized for entirely legitimate purposes, e

    41. Many sound and important enterprises are in holding company form

    42. Examples: United States Steel Corporation is entirely a holding company; although originally there was some element of pyramiding in its capital set-up, this defect disappeared in later years

    43. American Telephone and Telegraph Company is preponderantly a holding company, but its financial structure has never been subject to serious criticism

    44. General Motors Corporation is largely a holding company

    45. American Light and Traction Company is a typical example of the holding company organized entirely for legitimate purposes

    46. It may be pointed out also that a speculative capital structure can be created without the use of a holding company

    47. Examples: The Maytag Company recapitalization, discussed in an earlier chapter, yielded results usually attained by the formation of a holding company and the sale of its senior securities

    48. In the case of Continental Baking Corporation—to cite another example—the holding company form was not an essential part of the pyramided result there attained

    49. The Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935 includes the so-called “death sentence” for many of the existing systems, requiring them ultimately to simplify their capital structures and to dispose of subsidiaries operating in noncontiguous territory

    50. “One is probably safe in stating that, where combined charges are twice earned, including interest charges on the bonds of the holding company, the presumption is in favor of the soundness of such holding company issue

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