Utiliser "horizontally" dans une phrase
horizontally exemples de phrases
1. It would have been big enough for two men to lie down in side by side with their equipment if it didn't open horizontally
2. He spread his fingers in a fan, then folded his hands horizontally, laid his head on them and closed his eyes
3. Instead his fall landed him horizontally, his torso
4. conveyed by word of mouth, not only horizontally, but
5. The subterranean complex had increased down in stepped levels and then extending horizontally at about five hundred metres a day
6. Even as I fell, I saw my hands extending to touch the wall, leaving my body lying horizontally in mid-air, perched between the table and the wall
7. I stopped tapping with my hands; I put my arms out horizontally and made them parallel with the ground and I continued revolving around at least another ten or fifteen no handed head spins – it’s really hard to count when you’re spinning that fast, you know
8. Yuta’s body protruded horizontally from the wall of mud and rock about ten meters above
9. surge horizontally, hitting the boat and catapulting it into the air, saving the boat from
10. Jaden hovers horizontally at 615,000 feet looking around
11. Jaden levels out horizontally in front of the tramway and zooms inside with a nanoscanner
12. The collective of octopuses are holding onto each other and their bodies float horizontally
13. High above the clouds, the octopuses continue to float upwards horizontally while staying on the defense
14. that was now coming down horizontally
15. I found out back in meeting rooms in the “real world” that there are only two kinds of alkies; cut vertically, men and women; horizontally, sober and using
16. I would guess that they started with a seed, and the first thing they grew from it was a great root that grew horizontally, under the lines that marked the walls until it’s ends had joined, then it branched out in all directions for stability, and the trunks grew straight up from the main root
17. Horizontally, the blast and the three hundred or so roofing nails wrapped around the plastique were absorbed in the backs and sides of people in the pew and by the wooden bench back itself, but the velocity was still strong enough to drive splinters and nail fragments into the bodies and chests of those behind the pew
18. That power drain is a straight line, venting horizontally, and while it eventually reaches the void, it is out of sight due to distance while still within the atmosphere
19. That girl could move--both horizontally and vertically--
20. One lone purple stripe ran horizontally, at the top of the wall, around the room
21. The warm marine wind was striking strongly on our faces but the spectacular panoramic sight of three hundred sixty grades, with the ocean on the one hand and, the mountain of the North White Bear, for the other, together with the wide countryside spread horizontally as infinite blankets, abated to a great extent any type of inconvenience that we may be suffering
22. scroll horizontally and see the entire mail as one long line! It is equally irritating to see emails that have unevenly laid out lines
23. The next thing the children saw was a crackling series of white sparks which they realized, to their horror, was the result of the Dangler drawing the blade of the knife horizontally across his glass mouth
24. He was seated on the horizontally stretched long steps
25. It was a brightly coloured affair with the bottom half (looking at it horizontally) an intricate depiction of grass in thin pen with swirls and cross-hatching
26. They could take off and land vertically, but that used significantly more fuel than taking off horizontally
27. The plan that was accepted involved removing the damaged cargo module and standing the remainder upright so that “up” and “down” were correct relative to Elizabeth’s normal orientation in transit instead of resting horizontally in the current cradle
28. Then, she grabbed one of the bodies by its legs and began spinning so fast, that the body was horizontally hovering in the air
29. To not let the box fall horizontally, place it between heavy items that won’t move around during the travel
30. She noticed the broken socket for the light bulb was on the wall next to the bed, and with the position of the door horizontally at the back Lezura realized that they were actually standing on what was the room’s wall
31. Breadcrumbs are usually positioned horizontally across the top of a
32. You can do this for any total you want, whether horizontally or vertically
33. After pulling the seat's side lever, he laid horizontally while listening intently at the low-pitched motor speed by without incident
34. Mitchell noticed Jose had placed his body horizontally to the surfboard, and then pointed towards Yang, just before paddling towards the beach
35. I found Jodas on the training grounds training the archers, I could see no targets and when I asked Jodas to explain he said that the archers were trying to hit a target that was over on the other side of a small mound, moving around the mound I saw a square marked out in the distance, a simple exercise, except for the cloth tied around the arrowheads, and another innovation that I noticed was a small stick tied horizontally to the lower half of the bows
36. He lifted the rifle horizontally off the ground and brought it up to his shoulder at the same time as lifting himself onto his knees
37. She soon was standing behind the west end road gate, made of two thin logs held horizontally above the ground and across the road
38. The enemy cavalry then came to within a hundred meters of the gate, still charging furiously with lances pointed horizontally
39. the air, five thin cylinders erect out horizontally
40. craft was landed horizontally rather than vertically
41. For a hillside landscaping project, you will probably want bushes that grow more horizontally than vertically
42. Six large square pillars, as is the case in so many Asian temples, supported the roof and were lined up three by three, dividing the room into thirds both horizontally and vertically
43. He was now able to bend his leg and no longer needed it supported horizontally
44. You must enter head first, as the path will later curve horizontally and then straight up like so,” he said, demonstrating with his hands
45. The condenser shell is mounted horizontally and pitched toward its round end, with the distillate
46. the racket are the sum of the horizontally acting F, F1 and those occurring in the strings as a result of their action
47. managed to loosen the fingers and placed his corpse horizontally on the ground
48. He could not enter horizontally or
49. Shuttle-sliders are dissimilar to floating elevators in the sense that they only move horizontally, but are similar in the sense that they also frighteningly lack handrails
50. Split the pita breads in half horizontally, brush cut sides with olive oil