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    Utiliser "house of cards" dans une phrase

    house of cards exemples de phrases

    house of cards

    1. Science is too often an art of gluing together a house of cards

    2. I saw my own religious conviction tumbling down like a house of cards, card by card, page by page

    3. Time and space, the world around us, all that we perceive as reality is at best a sleight of hand, a trick, a house of cards

    4. Yes, our house of cards had been shaking for a long time, but it was our home, and I miss it, as I miss my father

    5. In As Blood Rages, the underlying theme is built on the premise of a house of cards

    6. your love has a foundation like a house of cards, when circumstance

    7. His house of cards was starting to crumble and he had no clue how to stop the bleeding

    8. Through this dusty, shaky house of cards

    9. The tower crumbled like a house of cards

    10. We do not mean that you are living in a house of cards or that you should become dependent on all those around you

    11. Although intended to mobilize African-American missionaries, its ideology turned out to be a house of cards that quickly collapsed

    12. Washington’s compromise speech, missionary uplift’s house of cards crashed during the Atlanta Race Riots

    13. In a flash, the house of cards came tumbling down

    14. This was a house of cards in a hurricane

    15. Max grew anxious; he could see his house of cards plans collapsing

    16. It was looking more and more like it was a house of cards, built on whatever substrate he chose, that was his problem

    17. Nick was surprised at Angellina’s outburst, but somewhat comforted that if she felt this strongly about bringing their whole house of cards down, she should have the mental fibre to see it all the way to the end

    18. Sounds like a house of cards, doesn’t it? All this new money being made on the spot with nothing but promises to back them up? Well, it kind of is

    19. By the time they reach mid-life, their house of cards all of a sudden comes crashing down on them

    20. The house of cards has never been higher

    21. of my mind couldn't focus on that because of the house of cards Julio had made of my business

    22. house of cards, built on incorrect assumptions of the risks, but Oleg had a way of forcing the

    23. the fixed definitions, and all this artificial edifice fell to pieces at once like a house of cards, and it became clear that the edifice had been built up out of those transposed words, apart from anything in life more important than

    24. And then, as Graham shows, the whole house of cards came crashing down

    25. Build a three-level house of cards

    26. This is the final month before the whole house of cards came crashing down

    27. , House of Cards: Psychology and Psychotherapy Built on Myth, The Free Press, New York, 1994

    28. House of Cards: Psychology and Psychotherapy Built on Myth (Dawes), 12

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