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    Utiliser "hunting expedition" dans une phrase

    hunting expedition exemples de phrases

    hunting expedition

    1. He was on a hunting expedition on one of the uninhabited planets in his universe

    2. Buttworst used on his hunting expeditions and it was no wider than a foot

    3. He had been invited by some mercenaries we ran into on an assignment to join them for a special hunting expedition

    4. Djanggawula had lived to the old age for the time of 52 and had been the father of four children before dying from an infected wound during a hunting expedition

    5. Feltus noticed a distinct change in their expressions, with the exception of Elizabeth Bascomb whose visage seemed perpetually somber and serious, when he recounted exactly how he had succeeded in persuading Terence to lead him over the exact path of his hunting expedition which just happened to cover the exact area where the rifle shell and the dung had been discovered

    6. and another was of a rabbit-hunting expedition he was persuaded to go on when he was about

    7. With all of his endless hunting expeditions and plans for general extermination, Reg had done so much damage to the Crabbit species that the image of his face had been naturally downloaded into their collective consciousness and transmitted across distant galaxies to all other living Crabbits

    8. on a little car hunting expedition with me, Terry,

    9. Small armies had been dispatched on hunting expeditions from the towns and villages as yet unscathed by Cambridge's siege

    10. In the meantime, the passengers in their boredom held swimming contests, organized hunting expeditions, and returned with live iguanas that they split open from top to bottom and sewed up again with baling needles after removing the clusters of soft, translucent eggs that they strung over the railings to dry

    11. How successful the whole of that hunting expedition had been, and how happy he had felt when returning to the railway station that night

    12. An investigation of this character, which takes one over the mountains and into the valleys, from one end of Italy to the other, may well be described as a hunting expedition; and, though requiring severe labor and constant sacrifices, has in it a considerable element of sport

    13. Beside the direct pleasures of the chase and the bagging of game, there are many incidental pleasures in such a hunting expedition

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