Utiliser "hypercritical" dans une phrase
hypercritical exemples de phrases
1. ” The hollowness in the pit of his stomach was the same whether he was about to run the three hundred or to perform on the stage before hundreds of hypercritical eyes
2. He could have stepped over the house; but the girl was not hypercritical; she was satisfied with the monster, and whispered:
3. President, when we look over the whole world known to us; when we particularly cast our eyes over that part of it with which we have the most intimate relations; when we see the rapid strides which despotism is making over the whole human race; when we observe the various and powerful means now in use to rivet its immovable dominion upon mankind; when we reflect that the Constitution of the United States now affords the only practical experiment upon the republican principle, and the only and last hope for the preservation and extension of the liberties of man; is it wonderful or alarming, that we should feel and express some partiality and even veneration for an instrument of so peculiar a character? or should even endeavor to teach others to venerate, to cherish, to support it? An instrument, whose provisions at least exempt us from the general scene of despotism, and may eventually extend their blessings to the whole human race? Or if, in dwelling upon the wisdom and importance of its provisions, we might pass over some possible defects from scrutinizing them with an hypercritical eye, might not the omission be indulged without producing animadversion or censure? Sir, we all venerate the republican principle
4. But it is not a matter of the highest importance whether he has or not; it is not even worth while to be hypercritical in a discussion of the artistic quality of the story; it would be a waste of time and space to undertake to throw doubt upon the probability of any of the story’s episodes, for when one is forced to make the acknowledgment that Mr
5. On another occasion, you cannot have forgotten the hypercritical ingenuity which they displayed to divest Mr