Utiliser "imminent" dans une phrase
imminent exemples de phrases
1. It was years too soon, he thought, but he hadn't paid enough attention had he? Or was he just too drunk at the time? No one else seemed to think it was imminent, but there was no denying that it was something huge falling from the sky and it looked like it was aimed straight at the camp
2. Midwife: She is an omen of imminent health problems
3. Storm: An omen of imminent danger; it also means that you have great power inside you, which you have to harness and use correctly so as to succeed in life
4. Needless to say, and despite the threat of imminent penury, she could hardly contain her contempt for the men displayed before her
5. I wasn't sure if my parents were trying to help me escape or regrettably taking me to my imminent execution
6. Like many young men Tom felt the excitement inherent in the imminent promise of resting his head in the arms and on the bosom of an older and more experienced woman
7. It would appear that my imminent arrival has knocked him off balance
8. imminent promise of resting his head in the arms and on the bosom
9. The doctor has been advised of their imminent arrival and is waiting in the doorway that leads up to the laboratory
10. it would be a good proving ground for the lad and lasses to be on their own for a week or two in preparation for their imminent nest-leaving
11. Kaitlyn, it turned out, was not so disarmed by her mother's death as by the imminent leave-taking she must endure
12. "It is the Lord Rafe's opinion that an attack is imminent," Bri Lynn broke in
13. And the Breton knew what was imminent
14. Sitting in meditation is not the same as facing imminent death
15. His officers weren't certain what more terrorized them at that moment: their Captain's debasement and impotency, or their imminent destruction as condemned by the Elf before their very eyes
16. ’ He must have wondered why she seemed so deep in thought, not responding to his imminent exit
17. But as he wondered whether he’d truly miscalculated and that actually death was imminent, his world became a watery morass of pain
18. Your imminent death will be by this preferred method
19. Lying in bed long after Joseph slept, my thoughts returned to the imminent journey
20. And in times of imminent doom the natural basic instinct was bound to take over
21. We had now reached the Turkish wire and it was here that things became dangerous as we moved along it looking for new gaps that had been cut into it this would signify that a major attack was imminent
22. sense the story’s conclusion was imminent
23. “Have the Goblins been neglecting you?” the threat to the goblins was imminent in Jacob’s voice
24. A horn sounded on the outskirts of the camp, followed by others to the east and west! They were warnings to alert the camp that an attack was imminent! Suddenly the faces of those Alit’aren were filled with controlled rage and the Ael Tarael moving about with expressions of caution and unease
25. ‘He has some sympathy for our cause and appreciates the imminent global threat
26. They agreed: Perhaps faced with the imminent prospect of Armageddon, the only alternatives to entering TIAR would be complete unconsciousness (even the prospect of centuries of unawareness must have its appeal), or death
27. But what was left of the real world? It seemed they had to experience conventional reality as if it still had its merits over the increasingly imminent alternative
28. Every precaution has been taken; the final stage is imminent
29. And on the flip side: the consequences of an imminent world war; the horrific effects of nuclear fallout, how life would be if someone chose to live through a nuclear winter
30. In one of the increasingly regular war-related analysis broadcasts, a psychologist claimed this was in part due to wartime solidarity: the sense of togetherness in the face of adversity but also imminent dramatic change
31. To have come so far only to be defeated at the final hurdle, with the imminent prospect of being caught – although he would return voluntarily
32. I know at this moment it – he will distracted by his imminent demise, and will be concentrating on each CPU node for signs of attack
33. It would activate automatically, sensing Gerrid's imminent rejection From TIAR
34. At that point, imprisonment was likely and imminent death a close second
35. Grimes’ Battery had reopened, and as there was imminent risk from our own shells falling short, he sent orders to the artillery to cease firing while the troops deployed
36. Crawling along the advanced ridge, I could see the Spaniards creeping forward, and the recapture of the position from our thin lines seemed imminent
37. Several shells burst nearby, and an explosion of the dangerous ammunition was imminent, before Basil Ricketts of the Rough Riders and two troopers hurriedly dug a trench for the boxes
38. He resigned from the Office of the Presidency once impeachment proceedings appeared imminent
39. Whittaker Chambers, lamenting on the imminent demise of Western Civilization, observed that ―a nation cannot save itself unless it wants to be saved
40. Once the brevity of human existence has been properly explored and the passage into the unknown of imminent concern, does the
41. When a contact (armed clash with the enemy) was imminent they called the K cars to assist and one of them would then control the contact from the air
42. “When rumors began to reach us about an imminent attack, we left Wloszczowa
43. The Davidians believed the Apocalypse and the return of Christ were imminent and so moved to a compound outside of Waco, Texas
44. Within a few seconds she text to MI5 emergency line that the Chinese President was in imminent danger
45. He gave brief consideration to awaiting their imminent arrival and greeting them with Michael’s confession
46. He was close now and the kill was imminent
47. Following what they had seen on the news regarding Raul, it was for Truman and Beth an impassioned, sleepless night of emotionally charged discussions with imminent violent death a very real possibility
48. He looked up suddenly again, a sense of dread making the thing more imminent
49. «He asked, “But what harm has he done?” But they shouted all the louder, “Let him be crucified!” Then Pilate saw that he was making no impression, that in fact a riot was imminent
50. My solo was imminent