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    Utiliser "in expectation" dans une phrase

    in expectation exemples de phrases

    in expectation

    1. She and George and White Feathers, indeed all their ancestors too, waited in expectation of some further developments in that line before making anything known to the girls and Jameson

    2. There was a certain expectation and tension in the air; they could feel it when they walked in

    3. ” She raised her eyebrows in expectation and hope

    4. to have certain expectations in life

    5. Skelda cringed in expectation of a physical assault but on this occasion it never came

    6. “These things are nothing more than false idols that people will stand and worship at in expectation of a greater gain,” said LP

    7. If Cain’s pride got in the way of a proper, obedient attitude, what was its source? Was it pride of place, of position, that caused him to become angry when he appeared to have lost it? Did this pride cause him to have certain expectations that, when not fulfilled ended in a sudden uncontrollable eruption of anger?

    8. in expectation born of memory — and they will cease to obsess

    9. (God wanted to kill Moses because He has certain expectations and He

    10. I expect my arm to rise and then I judge that it does, this increase in expectation-judgment pairs

    11. And as the people were in expectation, and all men mused in their hearts of John, whether he were the Christ, or not;

    12. This discrepancy found vent in increasing messianic hopes and in expectations that the eternal kingdom of the Jewish nation would be established

    13. I had a certain expectation that everyone else should be able to

    14. certain expectations I had of him that would fit into the “normal

    15. His eyes lit up in expectation

    16. 15 As the people were in expectation and all men reasoned in their hearts concerning John whether perhaps he was the Christ

    17. When the General moved his hand, Bates raised his in expectation, but quickly put it down when the General reached for his rear pocket and pulled out a handkerchief into which he sneezed heavily several times

    18. These unpaid recruits had been training for days in using spears and bows to support the army's core of professionals, in expectation of a spring-time war against Sogn

    19. But all of those honors came with certain expectations… He had to deliver

    20. So people were laughing, stomping on the pieces of paper, and overflowing in joy in expectation of what God was releasing into these situations

    21. He showed me that if I would just turn my heart to Him in expectation and faith, I could sense Him by me at any time

    22. Audiences will have certain expectations as to how a Murder Mystery or a Country &

    23. Would it be that the magicians were speaking some other language not understood by us, poor mortal, that although they were using the same letters and sounds of our alphabet, its significance was slipping for the walls of our humanity? I contemplated him with the confused expression of a child who in expectation of a toy what he receives is a cent

    24. This means that when we speak of a triangle there are certain expectations required, like the fact that the sum of the angles must equal 180 degrees

    25. Sebastian looked around at faces grinning in expectation of a fight

    26. Dominex would not expect her to pull this off so quickly and there was no way they could come back with an increase in expectations again

    27. The man cringes in expectation of something bad, but

    28. need and release aids to people in expectation

    29. ditties have caused more than a fair share of angst in expectation

    30. You should thus put your forces on full alert in expectation of a Vietminh internal offensive

    31. connection between the two models lies in expectations: both the risk free rate and the

    32. There were other teams, each designated with a specific grouping of talents in expectations of future needs, but Alpha team was generic enough to cover a

    33. head whirled around wildly in expectation of some sort of intruder

    34. Women are forced to produce a large number of children in expectation of a male child Women are beaten

    35. ’ Having resolved on a liaison with her lover, Roopa slumbered in expectation

    36. While you may know that there are certain expectations a client holds which may or may not be accurate, the customer perception is the critical aspect of building your Brand

    37. Her mouth was open in expectation and she could feel excitement

    38. Her clit hummed in expectation

    39. fitting for those who are in expectation; thenarrations require

    40. — de in expectation of, in the hope of

    41. And forasmuch as we are now brought one day nearer our end, Lord, enable us so to number our days, as that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom: Let us be minded by our putting off our clothes, and going to sleep in our beds, of putting off the body, sleeping the sleep of death, and of making our bed in the darkness shortly, that we may be dying daily in expectation of and preparation for our change, that when we come to die indeed, it may be no surprise or terror to us, but we may with comfort put off the body, and resign the spirit, knowing whom we have trusted

    42. Waiting in expectation for you to pass by

    43. Waiting in expectation for your returned call

    44. Waiting in expectation the hour is still unknown

    45. He turned from the mountains to look at me and the character of his bearing had me sitting up in the saddle in expectation of something I didn’t think I’d want to hear

    46. I came to a stop and the column halted behind me in expectation of the scouts' report

    47. In expectation of that eventuality I fell asleep

    48. The great head of the dragon swiveled back to us and I drew closer to Colt even as my mouth turned dry in expectation of what would come next

    49. The knife had disappeared to somewhere, as she held her hand palm up in expectation of payment

    50. As his hands came free there was a brief tensing of his abundant musculature and she correspondingly tensed in expectation of a grisly fate at this man’s hands

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