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    Utiliser "in moderation" dans une phrase

    in moderation exemples de phrases

    in moderation

    1. By all means enjoy your food but take it in moderation

    2. Architecture was as challenging and fascinating as he'd hoped it should be, and the Waterhouse firm encouraged his input and creativity, though in moderation

    3. guests ate well, but drank in moderation

    4. are okay in moderation, but a lot of people use these in excessive amounts

    5. It is important that you continue to eat foods that you like, but in moderation

    6. I am able to do most of the things that I want to do in moderation

    7. There was a five second delay until the short hot boxing blonde said, “They cannnn?” in an eye-rolling tone, “ … My grandma always said everything in moderation” and then she went back to gabbing away with her buddy

    8. Ikati played with cute, spoilt Pookah cat as though this was his own little pet, and only teased him in moderation

    9. "The most dangerous flaws are those which are good in moderation," she said

    10. They should be used in moderation during the rest of the day

    11. Cut back on non-essential fats, excess carbohydrates, sugars, salts and alcohol (and consume them in moderation)

    12. However, you should do it in moderation

    13. when you drink it in moderation and only when you are

    14. Bally and Tony closed the store early that night for the party at the bottom flat, where music was playing at a moderate volume and drinks were filling glasses, also in moderation

    15. Heck I like it once in a while myself but through the years I now go there in moderation

    16. We need to just flat out eat less portions and eat the heavier and fatter foods in moderation that we really like

    17. life, if consumed in moderation it could help you function better mentally

    18. Some of the habits listed above are not bad, if done in moderation

    19. with olive oil, in moderation can improve your health

    20. and Apple, as long as they are pure, are also okay in moderation

    21. cholesterol, you should eat them only in moderation

    22. The key is to eat ―bad foods‖ in moderation

    23. should eat carbs only in moderation

    24. In moderation, maybe on a weekend or at a gathering, sure

    25. Alcohol will slow your progress, period, but it is a social thing and once a week or two won’t hurt a thing in moderation!

    26. Cheese is higher in fat so use it in moderation

    27. Tea and sugar should be used in moderation

    28. cheese in moderation (as it is higher on the fats scale)

    29. John always enjoyed sweets, but in moderation

    30. Just as Delaney had expected, hard work was something that was best enjoyed in moderation, meaning that they were taking their time with the project

    31. food he would like his subject to eat in moderation

    32. Of course we expect our guests to use the water in moderation

    33. Was it not Aristotle who said, „ pan metron ariston," meaning, everything in moderation is excellent? Passion and vindictiveness have no moderation

    34. If any man has seen fit to rear his sons with a view to their living idle lives, or, what is highly commendable, has instilled in them the sentiment that they are in a position to labor for public ends without reference to pecuniary considerations, then, of course, the duty of the parent is to see that such are provided for in moderation

    35. They were great! They seemed a bit crazy, but crazy in moderation is a plus

    36. But they can be an effective and safe medication if used in moderation and strictly according to the physician's instructions

    37. in moderation, because of the injurious effects of tobacco on their hearts

    38. Alcohol should always be taken with discretion and in moderation

    39. with so many other things, follow the ancient Greek advice: "All things in moderation!"

    40. poisonous or toxic effects when used in moderation

    41. twice a day is regarded as drinking in moderation

    42. in moderation is a great help to relax you, to put you at ease from your cares and worries; and

    43. Should you avoid alcohol? The use of alcohol in moderation is permitted and is, in fact, often

    44. What about coffee and tea? Coffee and tea are also stimulants which, if used in moderation,

    45. However, this is always so when carried out in moderation, never to the point of

    46. As for alcoholic beverages, follow the Greek advice, "all things in moderation

    47. you may suppose, with care and in moderation

    48. So many people thinking the state’s influx, especially blue Californians, has morphed the state into a crucible generating transformative ideas at the country’s vanguard, must mean that Colorado must be the state issuing the proclamation saying you must eat your junk in moderation

    49. They’re not telling anyone what to eat, just to eat in moderation, more sensibly

    50. Only a twisted, evil government could conjure up the crucible of legally smoking dope then having to ward off the munchies to keep the weight off so one could drive legally; all staunchly averring their product’s nutritional value when eaten in moderation

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