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    Utiliser "in sight" dans une phrase

    in sight exemples de phrases

    in sight

    1. There were no sails in sight but those of a few trawlers slogging their way home

    2. There was no one in sight; whoever was there before was gone now

    3. Soldiers were destroying everything in sight to find the Super Chip

    4. There was no one in sight, although signs of itinerant occupation remained; an

    5. Not a breeze is stirring, no land in sight on the mirror sea

    6. The target on the map should be in sight, but they could see nothing

    7. Ava left communications open and Glenelle stayed behind to keep them in sight

    8. He was called to emergency duty because the bus width for the number of personifications that are interacting within sight of each other was in overload

    9. His voice didn’t change pitch or tone at all when he said, "We have Hardway and the battlegroup in sight

    10. you, but on this occasion, the only two people in sight, were a

    11. Thongas, lentosaurs and many other pure grazers weren't having that problem, there were always herds in sight, but you could see so vastly far here

    12. There was almost always a herd in sight

    13. As usual, Joris is nowhere in sight when I emerge for breakfast

    14. And yet, before surrendering myself to the unknown, I wanted to walk along the sand with half-closed eyes and let the cooling waves wash my tired feet, to fill my palms and contain some of that wrinkled and wizened sea, and leave my footprints there with no others in sight

    15. The sun is sinking towards the horizon before we come in sight of the township where Berndt intends us to spend the night

    16. There was not a weed in sight and the flower borders exploded with colour and vivacity throughout the spring, summer and autumn

    17. She was a master at the art of illusion and had the ability to hide in plain sight; something the crew found very unnerving

    18. No boat in sight

    19. There was not a weed in sight

    20. In the end, the Admiral produced exactly what he promised he would; 600 dedicated fighting robots intent on killing every Ogatu in sight

    21. The house could be within sight of Tdeshi’s address

    22. Her chest heaving with the effort of catching her breath, she risked a glance back down the path – Mickey was nowhere in sight

    23. As she came in sight of the cliff, she saw that a gap had been ripped in the hedge of bushes which bordered the drop to sea level

    24. But there was no Roman in sight

    25. tower, trying to keep the mystery man in sight

    26. The trio then simply continued their stroll, the two gentlemen kept an eye on Harry's activity as long as they were within sight

    27. There had never been a public claim by the Kassikan that Ava was the person they had transferred, they had started a rumor that the soul transferred had been lost and might have come up under any helmet within sight of Narrulla at the time

    28. She must have been behind a bush picking the fruit off it when he walked by, but now that he turned around she was in plain sight

    29. He hoped she might go far enough to let him call in, but no such luck, she was still in plain sight

    30. Where she thought, he might have gone, to light up his pipe, but he was nowhere in sight

    31. He thought that would be one of those questions that could never be answered, but there was a perfectly logical scientific explanation right there in plain sight

    32. collecting all the clothes in sight and stuffing them into

    33. All this, and hardly a soul in sight!

    34. Alice was not a bit hurt, and she jumped up on to her feet in a moment: she looked up, but it was all dark overhead; before her was another long passage, and the White Rabbit was still in sight, hurrying down it

    35. There were no wagons in sight just yet

    36. "We saw that," Luray said, "it's too bad Alan didn't escape also, but Klarrain has the coach in sight and he has a good scope

    37. " Luray said, "We could keep the floater in sight

    38. last within sight of the village of Ornolac, high in the hills

    39. Nothing more complicated than one lens, one chip, a body and propulsive unit was allowed within sight of native humans

    40. Because I could not accept the contradiction I perceived in such type of message, I did what I always do when I see no solution in sight

    41. There were no footprints in the sand, no ships in sight, no sign of man’s inhabitation

    42. They told us to go in pairs and remain in sight of at least one other group, at all times

    43. There was no land in sight, and with no stars, no means to orient ourselves

    44. By mid-afternoon, this channel came in sight

    45. hours without an end in sight, she's lost sense of time as

    46. Ka-boom! Ka-bang! Ka-plop! Ka…yeow! And what a raging fire it was that burned and burned and burned with no end in sight due to his debts having been stoked up so heavily over the many months and years that had passed before the cataclysm took place

    47. Her hand flew to her blade instinctively, but with nothing and no one in sight, she felt helpless

    48. With the refuge in sight she made a final push forward, doing her best to run and keep one eye over her shoulder

    49. Soon, they came in sight of the clay pit belonging to Berenice’s friendly master Architalos

    50. The list seemed to grow without any end in sight

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