Utiliser "incurious" dans une phrase
incurious exemples de phrases
1. He stopped, cursing volubly, ignoring the incurious look of a passer by
2. Thus Freemen are intelligent but not prone to questioning, while Vassals are not much smarter than imbeciles and totally incurious, as you’ll see when you meet the Emperor
3. Suddenly I felt incurious about her Germans
4. And one day, feeling almost hopeful about Lucy's prospects, on the advantages of which she had insisted that her mind should dwell, she went round again to the widow in Chesham Street and said suddenly to her, who was accustomed to these completely irrelevant exclamatory inquiries from her friend, and who being wise was also incurious, 'What can be better than two houses?'
5. In this last instance, too, I was so incurious that I would have liked to have fallen asleep on the shores of England and opened my eyes, if it were possible, only on the other side of the Silesian frontier
6. The ir progre ss wa s followe d by the bla nk, incurious e ye s of se cond infa ncy
7. Chingachgook turned a calm and incurious eye toward the place where the ball had struck, and then resumed his former attitude, with a composure that could not be disturbed by so trifling an incident
8. With such commodiousness of situation, these two learned persons sat themselves down, each in his own domain, yet familiarly passing from one apartment to the other, and bestowing a mutual and not incurious inspection into one another's business
9. But, no matter what sights they had seen, what menial tasks they had done and would have to do, they remained ladies and gentlemen, royalty in exile—bitter, aloof, incurious, kind to one another, diamond hard, as bright and brittle as the crystals of the broken ways as if the old days still existed, charming, leisurely, determined not to rush and chandelier over their heads
10. As they came down handle and cried; and Scarlett saw with incurious surprise that the kinks on his head, so jettily black when she went to Atlanta a few months before, were now grizzled
11. The vision of all this as what ought to be done seemed to Dorothea like a sudden letting in of daylight, waking her from her previous stupidity and incurious self-absorbed ignorance about her husband's relation to others