Utiliser "indulgence" dans une phrase
indulgence exemples de phrases
1. I ask your indulgence in this Jake, we did not mean to deceive you
2. "There is forgiveness for additional indulgence within the marriage bed
3. Women still featured in his life, but only via the electronic highway of his one true indulgence
4. highway of his one true indulgence
5. Evil is the roaches' captivated indulgence of
6. Spelman had received a wire first thing before breakfast and had had to beg their indulgence to attend to the most pressing matter the wire introduced
7. Meanwhile the tale of Kaha’s incident of addiction sent some of the other guys off on taller tales of greater indulgence in stronger stuff farther back in history
8. It is the call of nature, which requires to be relieved by some indulgence, sometimes of ease only, but sometimes too of dissipation and diversion
9. exist, betting in this way their indulgence
10. The last duty that has been particularly imposed upon wine, that of 1780, is allowed to be wholly drawn back ; an indulgence which, when so many heavy duties are retained, most probably could never occasion the exportation of a single ton of wine
11. The period between the granting of this indulgence and the revolt of our North American colonies, was probably too short to admit of any considerable change in the customs of those countries
12. At present, however, by an indulgence of the custom-house, clayed or refined sugar, if reduced from loaves into powder, is commonly imported as Muscovado
13. 15, this indulgence was a good deal abated, and it was enacted, " That no part of the duty called the old subsidy should be drawn back for any goods of the growth, production, or manufacture of Europe or the East Indies, which should be exported from this kingdom to any British colony or plantation in America; wines, white calicoes, and muslins, excepted
14. By this indulgence of the public, the smuggler is often encouraged to continue a trade, which he is thus taught to consider as in some measure innocent; and when the severity of the revenue laws is ready to fall upon him, he is frequently disposed to defend with violence, what he has been accustomed to regard as his just property
15. Great indulgence would for some time be due to those provinces of the empire which were thus subjected to burdens to which they had not before been accustomed; and even when the same taxes came to be levied everywhere as exactly as possible, they would not everywhere produce a revenue proportioned to the numbers of the people
16. This was indulgence that was not at all useful in any way
17. I shall always carry with me the hope that my country will never cease to view them with indulgence; and that, after forty-five years of my life dedicated to its service with an upright zeal, the faults of incompetent abilities will be consigned to oblivion, as myself must soon be to the mansions of rest
18. A selfish indulgence into self-pity, and he cursed himself for brooding over his own career
19. He wasn’t allowing her the indulgence of crying
20. Once Mendoza had poured them all a glass of white wine, begging their indulgence that he was forced to use the plain water glasses that were all that the hotel was willing to supply to its guests’ rooms, Senhora Mendoza and Elizabeth sat on the bed chatting while Colling and Mendoza took the two easy chairs
21. She gave him a pleading look, but there was no indulgence in his gaze
22. Hebrew elements of religion and Buddhistic doctrines were also found in Mancihaeism, which appears to have been an eclectic jumble of wild fancies, among which the soberest and strongest dogmas of the Christian creed were sometimes seen to be embedded…The practical side of Manichaeism appears in the condemnation of marriage, or sexual indulgence of any sort…There were two classes of disciples, the initiated, or perfecti, and the auditores, hearers, or novices
23. “When the offerings of the indulgence agent Johann Tetzel appeared to him to interfere with the regular confessional discipline of his parishioners he decided to act
24. He goes on to write how the Leftist agenda preys on weakness and feelings of inferiority to divide the people by: (a) creating and reinforcing perceptions of victimization, (b) satisfying infantile claims to entitlement, indulgence and compensation, (c) augmenting primitive feelings of envy, and (d) rejecting the sovereignty of the individual, subordination him to the will of the Government
25. clear explanation: "his balance between rationality and animal appears to have been damaged, he always attack, indulgence, accompanied by rude and dirty language, these are not his habit of the past, he didn't listen to friends and partners, especially when they discourage needs conflict with him, he did very impatient
26. criminal record, there are hundreds of relatives is "beggars, indulgence and prostitute"
27. crossed the line of enjoyment to indulgence and as a result food has lost its true
28. temperate Joseph is praised in that by reasoning, he subdued, on reflection, the indulgence of sense
29. Dionysian indulgence; or gradual progress vs
30. The perpetual revolutionary truly believes that, with just a little tinkering, he can fumigate the horrors of his past indulgence in the sparkling visions that went dark in the Nazi concentration camps, the Soviet Gulag, and the “Great Leap Forward” of the Chinese Communists
31. Both indulgence and austerity have the same purpose in view
32. What else gives our souls a fighting chance against the ego? But money and indulgence, along with self-importance, dominates our lives
33. (This would be too much like buying an indulgence)
34. He knew he was right and, like a Grand Inquisitor, he would not grant his opponents the same indulgence
35. I remember the night after our healthy indulgence attending a first-run movie
36. mother’s indulgence, Lucy again felt bad that she was
37. 1 And what wonder? if the lusts of the soul after participation with what is beautiful are frustrated 2 on this ground therefore the temperate Joseph is praised in that by reasoning he subdued on reflection the indulgence of sense
38. 4 And it is not merely the stimulus of sensual indulgence but that of every desire that reasoning is able to master
39. 25 "Woe to you Scribes and Pharisees hypocrites! For you clean the outside of the cup and of the platter but within they are full of extortion unrighteousness and self indulgence
40. 00 per quarter for this indulgence
41. indulgence in pride conversation to impress her
42. Reversed: Here we have vanity and self indulgence
43. It had been an indulgence of the last but one CEO, who had succumbed to a slick sales pitch and bought the system, high definition colour monitors and all, without the knowledge of Charlie Norton
44. 17 Jesus now fully comprehended that he must constantly be on guard lest his indulgence of sympathy and pity become responsible for repeated episodes of this sort
45. He had loose and distorted ideas about fairness; he was given to the indulgence of hate and suspicion
46. But he has made no move, except to send word that unless they are freed he will burn Peshkhauri and cover his saddle with my hide, begging your excellency's indulgence
47. You cannot develop strong characters out of the indulgence of self-pity; honestly endeavor to avoid the deceptive influence of mere fellowship in misery
48. They also taught that such defects could be caused by some sin or other indulgence of the mother while carrying the child
49. It would be a journey of pure delight and indulgence all at the expense of Johnny Jones and Malcolm Bridges
50. But you have also been fortunate in that your parents possessed wisdom as well as love ; and it was wisdom which led them to withhold most forms of indulgence and many luxuries which wealth can buy while they sent you to the synagogue school along with your neighborhood playfellows, and they also encouraged you to learn how to live in this world by permitting you to have original experience
1. Most other indulgences were easily controlled, used only as the social situation demanded
2. his assistance, and the Indulgences were a considerable
3. In this capacity he could observe the harmful effect of easily available indulgences upon the religious life of his people
4. Just when the Doctrine of Indulgences was first promulgated I have not ascertained beyond an entry cited as Code of Canon Law, Can
5. 30, the following can be found: “In the year 1394, eight years before Bajazet’s misfortunes, Pope Boniface the Ninth proclaimed a Crusade, with ample indulgences for those who engaged in it, to the countries that were especially open to the Ottoman attack” (bolding mine)
6. It would appear that indulgences were given to those who had previously engaged in less than holy actions, in order to sanctify them before engaging in the pope’s Holy War of reprisal
7. 31, 1517) Luther tacked to the door of the Schlosskirche (Castle Church) in Wittenberg 95 academic theses ‘On the Power of Indulgences’…The point of his theses was that indulgences made sense only as release from temporal penalties imposed on the faithful by the priests; but if indulgences were understood as release from the temporal punishments of God or from pains…from guilt, they ran counter to the very spirit of the Christian religion which, Luther said, according to the teachings of Jesus, enjoins the believer to practice repentance throughout his whole life” (ibid
8. Luther’s action at that time was a response to the sale of indulgences by a papal representative named
9. For if we renounce these indulgences and conquer the soul by not fulfilling its wicked desires we shall be partakers of the mercy of Jesus
10. The righteous having succeeded both in enduring the trials and hating the indulgences of the soul whenever they witness how those who have swerved and denied Jesus by words or deeds are punished with grievous torments in fire unquenchable will give glory to their God and say "There will be hope for him who has served God with his whole heart
11. That was to say, he couldn’t be compromised over his sexual indulgences and forced to disclose classified information if the most important people in his life, along with his employer, knew his and Monica’s dark secrets
12. The principal that first divided Luther and the Catholic Church was the selling of indulgences by the Church
13. Indulgences were purchased in lieu of other temporary punishments for sin
14. the excuse for our indulgences, and the object of
15. With the creation of nu narratives, nu archetypes for nu ways of thinking, conceiving, and experiencing the reality we project and interpret, we can be conditioned to find happiness in extreme and senseless sacrifice, as well as life extinguishing indulgences of wastefulness
16. react pleasantly to these indulgences
17. Instead, humans have trained their brains just like they have trained their brats… by spoiling them with indulgences when they need discipline, and disciplining them when they need freedom, love and acceptance most
18. It was a time of short neat hairstyles and such indulgences were the prerogative of artists
19. The Sale of Indulgences
20. Exchanging religious indulgences and favors for money and land became the engine which made it so filthy rich and so powerful; the Roman Catholic church became even more oppressive than the Roman Empire it had replaced
21. And was excommunicated for his audacity, and was forced to create his own Christian church; a Christian religion which did not have any sale of indulgences for the extremely wealthy
22. What Luther’s Reformation did, was i8t revolutionized the idea of the Sale of Indulgences
23. This is what the idea, the invention, the culture of Luther’s Reformation did to Western European civilization when he tried to abolish the Catholic sale of indulgences: and instead: gave every western Protestant the idea of indulging their own conscience
24. They share indulgences with each other
25. They share addictions with each other, they share laziness with each other, they share snobbery with each other, they share exclusionary practices with each other, they share hate with each other, they share fear and terror with each other, they share envy with each other, they share selfishness with each other, they share meanness with each other, they share greed with each other, they share mistrust of each other, they share avarice with each other, they share the lowest lusts of the body with each other, they share pornography with each other, they share filth with each other, they share moral ethical rotten behavior with each other, they share fear with each other, they share dead boxes with each other, they share eating dead animals stuffing their bellies until the intestines inside their bellies become huge fat extended bubbles of rotting stinking accumulations of fecal matter that gives them terminal cancer: terminal colon cancer, intestinal cancer: all kinds of cancers that come from indulging themselves and sharing their indulgences as spoiled consumers
26. Luther tried to reform the Indulgences of the Catholic Church by starting a new movement where the church could not sell indulgences
27. He unwittingly created a mass of millions of Protestants who found they did not have to buy spiritual indulgences for money from the Church
28. So they went about buying and selling physical indulgences to each other
29. Was the religious sale of indulgences by the catholic church stopped dead in its tracks when Luther exposed it to the world? Did the Protestant Reformation stop undead evil from pushing this agenda into living human souls? No: What happened was an increase the sale of indulgences
30. What the undead did was: because Luther blocked the sale of religious indulgences, they orchestrated a deluge, a flood of the secular sale of indulgences and physical poisons instead of spiritual poisons: which were ten thousand times more indulgent than the indulgence of granting a forgiveness of sins
31. A sale of indulgences which were ten thousand times more effective at corrupting the lives and bodies and souls of living humans
32. It was a two-pronged attack upon the living human beings of Europe: Both sales of indulgences: secular and religious succeeded in corrupting living humans into believing that they has a god given right to indulge themselves in anything religious and also in anything secular
33. The corruption of religious sales of indulgences was instantly worsened: it got worse because of Luther’s 95 criticisms
34. These pseudo aids and defense mechanisms are, needless to say, compensatory indulgences inappropriately used to facilitate self-healing
35. From this powerful scripture verse we may extrapolate the meaning of the word ‘Satan’ to being a metaphor for acts of human indulgences, imperfections and indiscretions
36. This book is about Self’s conscious thoughts, feelings, attitudes, values, beliefs manifest in behaviours and contents of speech that build productive and caring relationships, whilst simultaneously casting hedonistic and selfish relationship destroying indulgences into oblivion, indeed casting them, ‘As Far As The East Is From The West’
37. Such unjust and unfair behaviours towards Self and others ultimately bring internal emptiness, sadness and pain to those who practice these indulgences as well to those who are unfortunate recipients of such misguided actions
38. those who have no one to win indulgences for them
39. into the church along with Purgatory, the sale of indulgences,
40. millions of years to those who have no one to win indulgences for them
41. Selling indulgences and paying to reduce the time the
42. and sometimes a very long time to those who have no one to win indulgences for them
43. An example of the Catholic teaching on the selling of indulgences that was common
44. changed by bringing into the church the doctrines of Purgatory, the sale of indulgences,
45. Selling indulgences and paying to reduce the time the souls of
46. Selling indulgences and
47. indulgences, an immortal soul, Hell, going to Heaven or Hell at death without the judgment,
48. with Purgatory, the sale of indulgences, Limbo, worship of Mary and saints, Nether
49. The doctrine of Hell came soon after the immortal soul doctrine along with Purgatory, the sale of indulgences, Limbo, worship of Mary and saints, Nether World, Holy Water, the rosary, forbidding Priest to marry, the crucifix, Monks and Nuns, forbidding eating of meat on Friday, and many other teaching; and was fully developed by the Dark Age Catholic Church before the Protestant Reformation
50. How long a person will be in Purgatory is sometimes taught to be a short time, and sometimes a very long time to those who have no one to win indulgences for them