Utiliser "infiltration" dans une phrase
infiltration exemples de phrases
1. Maximal pressure of water (W, MPa) which standard specimens with height and diameter 150 mm can sustain without water infiltration
2. With the threat of the Elusivers ever-present, no firewall was guaranteed to be effective against their infiltration
3. And for security reasons (again the risk of Elusiver infiltration into the base) only he could know what the numbers meant, how they translated into the amount of temporal erasure he’d be exposed to
4. ‘They won't expect me to fall into the trap – they'll be expecting a remote infiltration
5. It was no surprise that the Darangi would have some kind of defence against even the most extreme infiltration methods
6. And yet, any infiltration from without was considered impossible, he knew, because he had helped to design that particular safeguard
7. In reality, the bomb explosion was the infiltration of the time device
8. At the very worst his attempted infiltration would be detected along with his location
9. At the moment, it was only a basic infiltration response
10. During the first phase of infiltration they managed to
11. The second line of defense was SAP COIN who roamed on the South African borders preventing infiltration
12. “The Inquisition created earlier [1184] [was meant] to counter the wide infiltration of heretical teaching [Catharism] into Catholic thought and behavior
13. It was only about nine li each way but after all the forced marches, hard rides, infiltration maneuvers, and long swims, it was not easy
14. of the Illuminati which at least partly accounts for the condition of the party at this time and through infiltration of the Republican Party
15. In the intervening decades since Roosevelt’s first election, years of depression, communist infiltration, socialist revolution and war, it has been forgotten that Roosevelt was elected in 1932 on what was
16. The reason was quite simple - the vision of one nation under one God would be diluted with the infiltration of foreign beliefs and idols
17. The Jewish Left was well aware of the degree of espionage and infiltration that the
18. It is only in the context of understanding the enormity of the Soviet infiltration of government agencies that the loyalty oaths and security measures of the 1950s can be properly understood
19. When we need to pass critical intelligence between us, we should meet here to do so, and swear upon the stone each time to prevent infiltration
20. “The present system of Wards and segregation was designed to provide defense and prevent infiltration by attackers and criminals, and with the conspiracy active, those concerns are still valid
21. “You are presented with The Medallion of Service for Bravery, Sacrifice, and Brilliance, for your actions in the battle, for participating in training that involved far more suffering than any warrior endured in the real fighting of the war, for your part in the infiltration of Zarkog’s senior officers, and for your contributions to creating the solutions that won us the war on it’s final day
22. There are three decades of successful infiltration of our school systems by the disgruntled ‘flower children,’ their indoctrinated students, and their sympathizers
23. Socialist Tactics Infiltration of the institutions of public education has been a highly successful activity for propagating the false message of Socialism
24. It appears that the aim of the gradual infiltration of the US education system and the achievement of transforming the spirit of individualism and Capitalism has been in large part ‘won,’ judging by the deliberate changes taught in the public schools away from the philosophy of individualism and the history of the successful system of Capitalism
25. Other tactics are opposition and criticism, besides the stealthy infiltration of schools for indoctrination and altered history teaching
26. The subtle and slow infiltration of these ideas into our schools and discussions has happened so gradually that somehow citizens of today, with the present welfare status, have become conditioned to accept these intrusions as routine without understanding what they are losing
27. "A coup consists of the infiltration of a small but critical segment of the state apparatus, which is then used to displace the government from its control of the remainder
28. Infiltration of organizations that store large amounts of personal
29. Erik was about to wake up Dean, who was sleeping in the reclined front passenger seat, so that they could prepare for their foot infiltration, when his cell phone buzzed
30. “The early infiltration of the Melioris Party, as he was gaining national attention, was key
31. HeavenPurelove Peace by Infiltration: occupy their battle stations and do nothing, shoot no one, do no harm
32. However, because of this attempted infiltration, the kidnappers had moved up the schedule
33. Their policy of secret intervention and secret sabotage has spawned puppet regimes in countries all over the world that would never have stood or lasted without US government intervention, support, sabotage, infiltration and funding
34. With the infiltration of undead ghouls into walking apes: the undead have been now for millions of been orchestrating an infiltration of the realm of life and a systematic poisoning of all life on all levels which the undead can attain
35. In the slow poisonous parasitic infiltration of human living bodies and souls by undead unspeakably evil things;: the tool and the machine has taken over the living humans who have been born into this worsening condition/state of evil
36. How was this undead infiltration accomplished? Poison Hitler’s health
37. Loud shots filled the night, as some of the defenders caught on to the infiltration of the city and the annihilation of their number by the swift moving scouts up ahead of us
38. -- With regard to North Vietnamese forces in South Vietnam: Our judgment is that the provision against reinforcement, the closing of the Laotian and Cambodian borders and the prohibition against infiltration would have the practical result of diminishing the NVN forces
39. “The question is: Are we still going to run this infiltration thing, if Hedy isn’t in the house anymore?”
40. Both were connected to the hard-line EDA intranet from inside their assigned drone controller pods—and both were already preparing to help my father execute his infiltration plan
41. When working with a small or large wireless network in a business setting, understand the process and address each concern and then follow through on a regular basis to at least lessen the threat of infiltration
42. I’m scouring the coastline for terrorist infiltration,” he cracked
43. Far over in one corner a little man with high cheekbones, the milk colour of the Spanish infiltration, thick glasses, a black coat, a grey hat and grey, unpressed pants and neatly laced shoes, moved about among the stones, supervising something or other that another man in overalls was doing to a grave with a shovel
44. Nevertheless, in the society into which his grandfather took him, whispers, innuendoes, and winks, had eventually enlightened the little boy's mind; he had finally understood something of the case, and as he naturally took in the ideas and opinions which were, so to speak, the air he breathed, by a sort of infiltration and slow penetration, he gradually came to think of his father only with shame and with a pain at his heart
45. Infiltration had taken place, a slip had followed
46. Far over in one corner a little man with high cheekbones, the milk color of the Spanish infiltration, thick glasses, a black coat, a gray hat and gray, unpressed pants and neatly laced shoes, moved about among the stones, supervising something or other that another man in overalls was doing to a grave with a shovel
47. Making it much worse for all concerned, this period in American history was particularly volatile due to Senator Joe McCarthy’s widespread fearmongering about Communism and its imminent infiltration of the United States due to the country’s loose sense of ethics and morality
48. The secondary aggregates of sandstone and puddings have been evidently beds of sand or gravel, and of course, in that state would be called alluvial, but when cemented together by the infiltration of water, carrying along with it lime, iron, or any other body capable of agglutinating the particles together, become rocks, and may alternate in all proportions
49. Thus, in building parlance, the grains are the rubble of the wall, the currents the quarrymen, masons and laborers, and the silicious infiltration the mortar