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    Utiliser "inflict upon" dans une phrase

    inflict upon exemples de phrases

    inflict upon

    1. C Rome, does not fail to inflict upon the reader the author"s collectivist, yea, communist, proclivities

    2. As they rode towards the mountains, he had already begun to plan what tortures he would inflict upon any of the Tanarian survivors

    3. The only course open to you, the judge, is either to resign your post, and thus dissociate yourself from evil if you feel that the law you are called upon to administer is an evil and that in reality I am innocent, or to inflict upon me the severest penalty if you believe that the system and the law you are assisting to administer are good for the people of this country and that my activity is therefore injurious to the public

    4. mind to inflict upon each other the

    5. they inflict upon their victims and society as a whole makes it

    6. If he was lying to her, then he deserved every bit of the pain she would inflict upon him

    7. So whenever you feel that the serpent of anger or hatred is creeping in, just Stop immediately then Think about the damage that these monsters can inflict upon you and resolve not to extend any kind of support or cooperation to these hidden enemies

    8. The worst possible punishment you could inflict upon a murderer is to force them to live with the victim’s loved ones and have them experience for the rest of their life; the suffering they caused

    9. This scam: this filthy swindle which they continue to inflict upon naïve living people, was how they first gained influence over the civilized societies of living humans

    10. Lothario was not so dull but that from the first moment when Camilla directed him to make Anselmo hide himself he understood what she intended to do, and therefore he fell in with her idea so readily and promptly that between them they made the imposture look more true than truth; so he answered her thus: "I did not think, fair Camilla, that thou wert calling me to ask questions so remote from the object with which I come; but if it is to defer the promised reward thou art doing so, thou mightst have put it off still longer, for the longing for happiness gives the more distress the nearer comes the hope of gaining it; but lest thou shouldst say that I do not answer thy questions, I say that I know thy husband Anselmo, and that we have known each other from our earliest years; I will not speak of what thou too knowest, of our friendship, that I may not compel myself to testify against the wrong that love, the mighty excuse for greater errors, makes me inflict upon him

    11. But tell me, traitor, when did I by word or sign give a reply to thy prayers that could awaken in thee a shadow of hope of attaining thy base wishes? When were not thy professions of love sternly and scornfully rejected and rebuked? When were thy frequent pledges and still more frequent gifts believed or accepted? But as I am persuaded that no one can long persevere in the attempt to win love unsustained by some hope, I am willing to attribute to myself the blame of thy assurance, for no doubt some thoughtlessness of mine has all this time fostered thy hopes; and therefore will I punish myself and inflict upon myself the penalty thy guilt deserves

    12. But about the wicked there is another strain; they bury them in a slough in Hades, and make them carry water in a sieve; also while they are yet living they bring them to infamy, and inflict upon them the punishments which Glaucon described as the portion of the just who are reputed to be unjust; nothing else does their invention supply

    13. Yes, I said; but small and great are comparative terms, and all these things, in the misery and evil which they inflict upon a State, do not come within a thousand miles of the tyrant; when this noxious class and their followers grow numerous and become conscious of their strength, assisted by the infatuation of the people, they choose from among themselves the one who has most of the tyrant in his own soul, and him they create their tyrant

    14. One of the principa l functions of a frie nd is to suffe r (in a m ilde r a nd sym bolic form ) the punishm e nts tha t we should like , but a re una ble , to inflict upon our e ne m ie s

    15. Yet such is the vulpine slyness of Dame Nature, that, till now, Tess had been hoodwinked by her love for Clare into forgetting it might result in vitalizations that would inflict upon others what she had bewailed as misfortune to herself

    16. He wiped his forehead, which had broken out in profuse perspiration at the thought of the pain which he might have to inflict upon the poor soul already so tortured

    17. Strange to say, I always had, perhaps from my earliest childhood, one characteristic : if I were ill-treated, absolutely wronged and insulted to the last degree, I always showed at once an irresistible desire to submit passively to the insult, and even to accept more than my assailant wanted to inflict upon me, as though I would say : " All right, you have humiliated me, so I will humiliate myself even more; look, and enjoy it! " Touchard beat me and tried to show I was a lackey, and not the son of a senator, and so I promptly took up the role of a lackey

    18. He said that although he was unwilling to abate a single pang which we might legally inflict upon our enemy, and might at the proper time oppose any thing like the swap proposed of one system for another, when we had the power and the right to impose upon our enemy both the one and the other, he nevertheless thought the petition was deserving of the attention which he now moved it should receive

    19. For the dishonor which such men bring upon pharmacy, and for the irreparable injury which they inflict upon suffering humanity I should like to give them several years of penal servitude

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