Utiliser "ingenuously" dans une phrase
ingenuously exemples de phrases
1. ’ I said ingenuously, and he has the grace to concede that he and Peter are alike in some ways
2. " She smiled ingenuously
3. He said he regretted that perhaps stupidly but ingenuously named the main character Lea
4. She smiled ingenuously as she approached the officers
5. It would be a unique delight to wait and watch for the melodious fragments in which her heart and soul came forth so directly and ingenuously
6. Barbier speaks ingenuously of these things
7. Jean Valjean laid a host of ambushes for him; he changed his hour, he changed his bench, he forgot his handkerchief, he came alone to the Luxembourg; Marius dashed headlong into all these snares; and to all the interrogation marks planted by Jean Valjean in his pathway, he ingenuously answered "yes
8. The strangest effect of the mirage is that it makes a man lie ingenuously
9. Observe how ingenuously he underlines certain words, and how crudely he glosses over his hidden thoughts
10. "No, I know nothing about that and I don't know what you are in such a rage about," the visitor answered without malice and almost ingenuously
11. Thus will it be with those who, through inertia, continue to fill offices that have long ceased to be of any consequence, until some chance observer, who happens not to be engaged, as the Russian proverb has it, in "washing one hand with the other," will ingenuously exclaim, "It is a long time since these men were good for anything!"
12. “We only lease it,” Archie explained, ingenuously