Utiliser "institutionalize" dans une phrase
institutionalize exemples de phrases
1. When a strong and moving religion threatens to dominate him, he invariably tries to rationalize, traditionalize, and institutionalize it, thereby hoping to gain control of it
2. People have tendencies to organize, and institutionalize any and everything that they perceive as a foundation, and what was spoken by me, had nothing to do with religion, it was a way of Life, and founded on Truth
3. To institutionalize the equality, but not identicality, of everyone's experience of existence is the beginning of the social consciousness of a collective joy
4. thing to institutionalize it
5. Now isn’t this a wonderful opportunity for some of the sickest, weakest antisocial whackos to become powerful and have safe, secure, cushy jobs doing nothing? Isn’t this the easiest, best, most cowardly way to institutionalize and portray the sickest inhuman humanity as the highest human good? Simply by worshipping linear logic, and the Scientific Method, as the most sacred and only way any human can arrive at any truth whatsoever
6. Cover up greed with legality and authority: institutionalize the greed that only filthy back stabbing black pirates once carried in their hearts: and spread the evil of the lust for gold amongst the masses of the poor: by giving an example of how the rich powerful ‘doctors’ and ‘magistrates’ and ‘squire’… become even more filthy rich… by stealing the well-earned spoils of the old dying generation of black hearted filth: the old seadogs of the English pirate era from them, and sending them to hell penniless, while the nouveau riche wallow in their ease and ill-gotten gains
7. Th e fi rst attempt to institutionalize the second (but for the
8. states of consciousness and even tries to institutionalize them
9. ” Her parents, Eunice revealed, tried to keep her at home rather than institutionalize her
1. The litany of abuses predicated in the name of free expression, or proxy ―decisions‖ made on behalf of others who are unable to make informed decisions, are understood by the hordes of mentally ill people roaming the streets, who should be otherwise institutionalized for their own safety, if not for the safety of our society, for that matter, who remain on the streets, unable to properly care for themselves, mandated by civil rights organizations fearful that their rights may be jeopardized, people otherwise incapable of making a rational assessment of their own condition; not to mention conferring legitimacy to sexual deviancy in all its varieties that many of us have casually resigned ourselves to as ―simply‖ alternative lifestyles or championing (equal) protection under the law, that, in some instances, should call for censorship, or implausible assumptions regarding the ―unborn,‖ (Abortion) remanding millions of innocents to an early grave, a convenience for women fretting over their figures or professional careers, abetted by spineless politicians, who for expediency sake, continue advancing legislation denying them (―unborn‖) their own inalienable right to choose, had they the means, or encouraging a culture of death (Euthanasia) for the convenience of (the) would-be custodians of the terminally ill or perhaps to (simply) reduce the increasing costs of Healthcare, or the legalization of drugs because that too is a convenient alternative for a number of individuals who have seemingly lost the will to rid our society of rampant drug abuse and therefore justify such (hare-brained) schemes from the vantage point of opportunity savings or reduced social costs, or movements to eliminate God from the public consciousness lest society be reminded of its sins or perhaps because many of us have (conveniently) chosen to become our own gods
2. I agree with his assessment that a number of our public schools and (other) seats of higher ―learning‖ have, on some level, transformed themselves into institutionalized breeding grounds for racial/class agitation and social victimization
3. These include the usual suspects like institutionalized racism, cultural biases and exclusionary practices in general
4. Then as more time passed, his willingness to offer even this came to be seen as an indication of his devotion, and generosity to his newest Master, and the ritual became institutionalized
5. If this can be institutionalized in some manner, the memories of elders, genealogies, oral and then written history, there can be reference made to more than personal experience and a code of appropriate conduct can be tabulated and taught
6. ” In a fascist society where evil is institutionalized in the state the scope of available evil is enormously enlarged
7. It was institutionalized injustice and the Jews hated it
8. 10 Hillary was so impressed by this experience that she institutionalized it in a program in Arkansas called the ‘Governor’s School
9. animal shelter practice and the institutionalized cruelty towards animals through an
10. Anyone who has this much fun talking to themselves should be institutionalized
11. protectors of humanity are conditioned, institutionalized and trained to protect the greedy and
12. institutionalized but have come to define reality and normality itself
13. Paul's institutionalized church became a virtual substitute for the kingdom of heaven which Jesus had proclaimed
14. Secularism had its inception as a rising protest against the almost complete domination of Western civilization by the institutionalized Christian church
15. And this brotherhood is destined to become a living organism in contrast to an institutionalized social organization
16. Medical services: nursing home care, hospital care that exceeds 30 days, or services provided by the Community Alternatives Program (services which enable an individual to remain at home who would otherwise be institutionalized)
17. The protected share is calculated by assessing the value of all assets owned separately or jointly by either spouse at the point the individual becomes institutionalized
18. A portion of a married institutionalized Medicaid recipient's income may also be allocated to the community spouse
19. The differentiation between companies will depend on the extent to which analytics has been institutionalized in the decision making process of their organizations
20. Man has built an empire unto himself throughout the last seventeen centuries, and institutionalized, rationalized, justified, and flaunted on most any and every street corner, in any and every town or city
21. All see through a dark glass, and I guess that’s because we’re limited in this three dimensional world, but most are completely blinded by the rhetoric being spewed out by those that say they know what they’re talking about, the institutionalized layman
22. How can man go to school, talk with the traditional old-men of the past, put on their shiny clothes, rehearse their weekly sermon, draw their pay check and think that they have come up with a way-of-life that’s actually going to change others in a Godly direction? If I’m seeing right, then is not the Holy Spirit that knows all things, and teaches all things, anointing men to expound on the things of God? Again of course, it wouldn’t matter what type of clothes we wear, or if we have a Rolex watch, some institutionalized seminary training, or maybe just a gift of gab, since the people world-wide have been trained through the centuries to accept the status-quo
23. Bull-hockey, don’t kid yourself, the same rhetoric goes on in each and every institutionalized structure that man has put his hand on or his thought into
24. The hypocrisy of the Christian churches about sexuality had always grated on her, along with their institutionalized misogyny
25. torn apart by civil war because of the blatantly evil institutionalized injustice of slavery
26. children so much as they describe the nature of institutionalized
27. institutionalized inefficiency to the degree America is; but where there's obstacles, there's opportunity, and tomorrow still holds possibility that America will get back on track
28. because they rely so heavily on the institutionalized segment of the population of psychopaths, but they show that males outnumber
29. If that meant disrupting an institutionalized practice and using even an Independence Day ceremony for political benefit, then so be it
30. Once institutionalized within a cramped environment of dim lighting and abrasive mechanical structures, Cows soon lost their zest for life and became indiscernible to the eye from a clunky scattering of assembly-line equipment
31. Likewise, the next generation(s) will be reacting to what is currently being experienced, practiced, sought after, institutionalized and enculturated
32. The gravity of corportaenism's self-interest must be to domesticate human culture into institutionalized societies
33. Much of institutionalized behavior – how and why our images interact – is simply an elaborate ritualized market for regulating the buying and selling of emotions
34. Why do they want you sick, institutionalized, and unable to aid yourself or others 550
35. And if all must be equal at the beginning for all to have equal opportunity, then the actual equality must be institutionalized, i
36. “But when democracies are functionally limited to equal opportunity, this equals institutionalized inequality
37. According to the institutionalized religions or more traditional religions, you can steal, rape, and even murder, as did many of the prophets and still be allowed into heaven
38. birth, and of her mother secretly institutionalized, is not clear
39. The man seemed too simple and too adequately institutionalized by Duval to communicate with on a civilized level
40. resource and sanity of institutionalized work processes
41. until institutionalized religions wiped away all traces of
42. Even though everybody in the scientific community knows full well that they are a complete joke… that they are merely a convention that institutionalized scientific organizations have ordained as gospel
43. And that is what all institutionalized medicine and all conventional wisdom opposes
44. All institutions devoted to healing suffer from the fact that they are institutionalized and pyramidalized
45. But all of this fancy, expensive medical protocol hides the thousands of unscientific lies and corruptions, that have become institutionalized into modern Western healthcare
46. But actually; this kind of institutionalized ‘hardship’ is a complete hypocrisy
47. There was so much legalized bribery, and collusion, and corruption that had already been institutionalized by the rich for hundreds, and thousands of years… that an actually guilty verdict was only handed down once in a hundred years
48. Lying became institutionalized by the ancient Greeks
49. Although the seeds of Christ’s reality have been sowed and fertilized we can still observe that the beliefs and practices of organized Christianity and other institutionalized religions has impacted and influenced the world in a distorted and corrupt fashion, causing significant suffering to both followers of Christianity, other faiths and non-followers alike
50. Humans have, over the centuries, in part through misguided loyalty, arrogance and ignorance institutionalized, hijacked and power played the intrinsic essence of Christ’s’ sublime spirituality and supreme authority manifest in His teachings, examples, life, death and resurrection
1. He suspected the experience of years inside TIAR had had an institutionalizing effect
2. The trajectory of our intention is altered by the institutionalizing social will's mass to integrate it into the virtualnism's systems of self-perpetuation
3. While the wealthy and powerful are eliminating any and all investment and Death Taxes, they are also simultaneously institutionalizing inherited debt
4. What might be the relationship and why? Could it be that the farcemocracy of Stateco, which is an elaborate security apparatus fraud, wants to keep its citizens sick and unemployable because recidivism is job security for all those associated with criminal justice and private prison's profit? Plea bargaining, mandatory minimums, and three strike laws ensure that police, lawyers, guards, and legislators have a renewable crop by institutionalizing young and old with long sentences, terrible treatment, and toxic food
5. The old regime would have us believe that the law was superior to the lawmakers; herein is the gist of the social crime of every form of privilege and personal inequality, the institutionalizing of the fatalistic doctrine of Divine election
6. If any majority ever learns how to live their lives and run their everyday affairs without institutionalizing power into a few hands… without giving all of their own power to others