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    Utiliser "interminably" dans une phrase

    interminably exemples de phrases


    1. Collar up, he picks up the pace and pushes past a small family group, muttering curses under his breath, and disappears into the hospital foyer, where the interminably waiting stewed tea and bun brigade stand and stare

    2. Still, the minutes seemed to last interminably, until he began to think his premonition had

    3. And all I could hear was shuffling summer flip-flops across the Memphis soggy riverside ground, interminably coming closer and closer

    4. ‘Where were you last night?’ ‘Can you think of anyone who might have wanted to murder the headmaster, no matter how flimsy your suspicions might seem?’ ‘Can you think of anything, anything at all that might help the police with the investigation?’ ‘Was your disagreement last week with the headmaster resolved?’ Thus it continued - exhaustingly and seemingly interminably, as every student or teacher who had enjoyed more than casual contact with the headmaster was questioned

    5. The path followed a fold of rock, winding interminably down from tier to tier of striated escarpment, and once, far below, Conan got a glimpse of the ruin that had fallen—a mighty pile of broken stone and boulders at the foot of a gigantic cliff

    6. Twenty long minutes passed interminably, broken occasionally by officers entering with papers or messages for the Chief Inspector

    7. and body? Life can continue interminably with your same mindset and

    8. Antonia continued to keep her mouth shut during the interminably long lunch

    9. Fairness, desirability, the probable views of the other side, their equal Tightness, these things faltered interminably round each letter to be answered, were hesitated over interminably in the mellow intonations of that large-minded, well-educated young man's voice, and he was echoed and supported by the typist, who was also from Oxford, and had been given this chance of nearness to the most distinguished of bishops at such a youthful age that the undergraduate milk had not yet dried on the corners of his eloquent and hesitating mouth, and gave a peculiarly sickly flavour, thought the irritated Bishop, to whatever came out of it

    10. To Elm it seemed an interminably long time before the moon rose

    11. The year dragged interminably and still things were no better

    12. His week was spent, till around seven each night, stuck interminably to the dribble of incoming queries on the Problem Desk

    13. For two weeks they talked and talked interminably on the telephone and at their scheduled Sunday morning love sessions

    14. Vague as the night, draped interminably, head, front and form, in

    15. This story of Taffy would go on interminably, and everybody loved it

    16. Atlanta was only twenty miles away but the train crawled interminably through the wet early autumn afternoon, stopping at every bypath for passengers

    17. They had never, I think, wanted to do so many things for their poor protectress; I mean—though they got their lessons better and better, which was naturally what would please her most—in the way of diverting, entertaining, surprising her; reading her passages, telling her stories, acting her charades, pouncing out at her, in disguises, as animals and historical characters, and above all astonishing her by the "pieces" they had secretly got by heart and could interminably recite

    18. The suit caught light and stirred like a bed of black tweed-thorns, interminably itching, covering the man's long body with motion so it seemed he should excruciate, cry out, and tear the clothes free

    19. And this hypothesis was also erroneous, because the decision of the question as to the origin of species—that they have originated, in consequence of the law of heredity and fitness, in the course of an interminably long time—is no solution at all, but merely a re-statement of the problem in a new form

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    Synonymes pour "interminably"

    endlessly interminably