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    Utiliser "intestine" dans une phrase

    intestine exemples de phrases


    1. produced by the Heart or Small Intestine

    2. carbs enter the small intestine they are broken down into sugars

    3. strand of exposed intestine from across the guard’s groin with his

    4. government to evolve and solve intestine problems

    5. days? Meat can stay in the warmth of the intestine for at least four days until it is

    6. "He's got holes in the intestine

    7. A barb caught on her intestine, and the hole in her stomach was big enough to let it slip out

    8. Until the 5th pay attention to the heart; from the 5th onwards give more attention to the small intestine (diet is important then)

    9. First, the small intestine

    10. After the 5th, attention should be paid to the small intestine

    11. Other vulnerable areas are the lungs, small intestine, arms, shoulders and respiratory system

    12. Health is good this month, and you can enhance it further in the ways mentioned above, but also by giving more attention to the heart and chest until the 15th (chest massage is good) and to the small intestine afterwards

    13. You can enhance the health by giving more attention to the heart (always important for you) and to the small intestine (from the 23rd onwards)

    14. You can enhance the health by giving more attention to the small intestine until the 23rd, and to the kidneys and hips after that

    15. Desert and you were nailed to the stocks in front of your unit where every soldier in your command would thrust his penknife into your belly and pull out a length of intestine until the contents were strung upon the parade grounds

    16. Accompanied by the sound of escaping air a loop of small intestine blew out of the six inch gash in the heaving bull‘s flank coincidental with his rear end collapsing on the savage hog

    17. Remove the intestine

    18. Her monthly letters to her son José Arcadio at that time did not carry a string of lies and she hid from him only her correspondence with the invisible doctors, who had diagnosed a benign tumor in her large intestine and were preparing her for a telepathic operation

    19. Giving her some small, orphaned kisses in the hollow of her wounded hand, he opened up the most hidden passageways of his heart and drew out an interminable and lacerated intestine, the terrible parasitic animal that had incubated in his mar-tyrdom

    20. discolouration on the lining of the intestine

    21. discolouration on the lining of her intestine

    22. We had to reconstruct his small intestine, so he wouldn't be stuck with a colostomy bag for the rest of his life

    23. ribs, ripped open her small intestine and out the other side

    24. “Pull out the small intestine

    25. Aaron unravels the small intestine

    26. The intestine is five times as long as the

    27. personal and private that the image I have of it is of an intestine existing both inside and outside my own body

    28. It was the constant change of milk that caused the child’s intestine to be irritable

    29. intestine and things should get back to normal for you pretty soon"

    30. epithelial cells that line the small intestine (enterocytes), and for certain immune cells, namely lymphocytes,

    31. Probiotics is a term used to describe supplementation with the friendly bacteria of the large intestine; the most

    32. It has been shown that lactobacilli inhibit the growth of less desirable organisms in the large intestine through

    33. matter through the large intestine

    34. Niacin is absorbed in the small intestine

    35. Vitamin B6 is rapidly absorbed in the upper small intestine

    36. Significant amounts of Biotin are synthesized by bacteria in the large intestine

    37. Various types of antibiotics kill off the Bifidobacterium in the large intestine that synthesize Biotin as well as other B-vitamins

    38. Vitamin C is readily absorbed through the mucosa of the intestine

    39. KARATE CHOP – This is the inside side of your hands and corresponds to the smal intestine meridian

    40. By sitting up straight the stomach is able to empty effeciently and the force of gravity helps the process of moving the digested food into the intestine

    41. powerful will does sick intestine chill the bone of common sense, each season and to the

    42. The organs are all paired: heart and small intestine, pericardium and triple burner (the trunk of the body), spleen and stomach, lungs and large intestine, kidneys and bladder, liver and gall bladder

    43. The pulses for the lungs and large intestine were very weak indeed, suggesting deficiency syndrome once again

    44. He spent a few minutes over each lung and then proceeded to the area of the large intestine

    45. Types of stomas include an ileostomy, made in the small intestine; a urostomy, which connects to the urinary tract; and a colostomy, connecting to the large bowel of colon

    46. Recent change of bowel habits or constipation in the elderly may be an early symptom of cancer of the large intestine especially when this is accompanied by bleeding through the anus during defecation, and weight loss

    47. The DNA has spiral shape and the intestine like a snake

    48. All these planets and stars came from all over the vast expanses of time and space to form this new star system in the equivalent of the Gobbling Groobin’s large intestine

    49. His small intestine was the maze we escaped from by the way

    50. Exercise may increase the muscular contractions of the intestine, promoting elimination

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    Synonymes pour "intestine"

    bowel gut intestine