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    Utiliser "into thin air" dans une phrase

    into thin air exemples de phrases

    into thin air

    1. evaporated into thin air, leaving a vapor trail, like a mirage you see in the distance

    2. evaporated into thin air

    3. Reaching the apex of the mound it shot out into thin air

    4. It simply vanished into thin air amidst a distortion of the surrounding panels

    5. Those boys disappeared into thin air

    6. I started swinging karate chops and ninja kicks violently into thin air

    7. “He seems to have disappeared into thin air

    8. I watched as Liam and Patty made their way through the boarding gates, reminded of Egan’s disappearance into thin air

    9. Outside Laino stood with Calras who just stared blankly into thin air towards the graying dawn

    10. Not into thin air, no

    11. The UFO disappears into thin air

    12. The projectile disappears into thin air

    13. That is, I would’ve sprayed her if the drops hadn’t disappeared into thin air with a movement of her hand

    14. I fought the sleepiness; I didn’t want to close my eyes, fearing that he’d poof into thin air

    15. and I did, that mankind did, just disappeared into thin air after

    16. precise instant, the impact that artists thought they’d had would vanish into thin air

    17. Old Prune Face had escaped into thin air - puff… just like that

    18. Dean called on Millie; she was so shy and nervous that she disappeared into thin air

    19. Bella was gone; she had disappeared into thin air

    20. Suddenly all of them seemed to disappear into thin air, but they were hiding in the cracks of a rock

    21. They were so delicate that they could not touch the ground or they would evaporate into thin air

    22. “Ha!” barked Jai, triumphantly, but he immediately felt a tingling in his hands and discovered that one of the eggs was no longer in the satchel—it had vanished into thin air

    23. Mirus disappeared with Larry into thin air, and the elders went back to their temple

    24. dissolve into thin air the living images of themselves which He had made a

    25. vanished into thin air and at that moment, the surgeon came

    26. “Psssst!” The sound jolted her; her thoughts instantly evaporating into thin air

    27. It was as though the anxiety he’d felt his entire life had vanished; the invisible fear that followed him day in and day out had vaporized into thin air

    28. This much was indisputable: Yelaya had been replaced on the dais within the few minutes that had elapsed since Muriela had first left the chamber to be seized by Gwarunga; his ears were still tingling with the echoes of Muriela's scream, yet the Corinthian girl had vanished as if into thin air

    29. Many Nazi’s have been found especially by the Israeli Intelligence but Beck has just vanished into thin air

    30. Someone else got hold of the monster and it dissolved soundlessly into thin air

    31. vanishes into thin air

    32. they just vanished into thin air, but Lucky was the only one who could

    33. The other barely made eye contact, she was staring blankly into thin air, she wore a beautiful purple sari, she seemed almost as dull and conservative as the wheel chair she sat in

    34. Gulab began jogging on the spot jabbing into thin air

    35. The red line slowly vanished into thin air

    36. him had vanished into thin air

    37. that appear out of thin air and, very quickly, disappear back into thin air, leaving its distributors

    38. the giant tree vanished into thin air

    39. Yeshua then vanished into thin air, leaving the spectators stunned for a few seconds

    40. What followed happened so quickly that they did not have the time to react before Nancy disappeared into thin air

    41. Mother and child vanish into thin air, with all evidence of them having ever existed gone with them

    42. Are melted into air, into thin air:

    43. Only the sixth man and Gennady were able to fire wild bursts, only to see Nancy vanish into thin air just before they fired

    44. She then disappeared into thin air, leaving the four agents and the three black men staring at where she had been sitting

    45. He had no idea what had happened to his Tornado Fighter jet, but it seemed that it had suddenly disintegrated and vanished into thin air

    46. Then, suddenly, he opened both his hands, and shrieks of amazement followed, as Teyaka and Seffel realised that the handkerchief had obviously vanished into thin air

    47. “You mean to tell us that the Dianettes are claiming that disappearing into thin air, bare wall climbing, bare ceiling crawling, lifting extremely heavy objects and vehicles and levitating then spinning around in mid-air was all just an illusion?!”

    48. past 10 years were dissipating into thin air

    49. had towards her vanished into thin air

    50. The cop's strident attitude seemed to eradicate into thin air

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