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    Utiliser "inversely" dans une phrase

    inversely exemples de phrases


    1. The value of silver, therefore, in those ancient times, must have been to its value in the present, as three to four inversely ; that is, three ounces of silver would then have purchased the same quantity of labour and commodities which four ounces will do at present

    2. induced the theory, but inversely, the theory invoked

    3. The effect was inversely: the

    4. revolting, but it denotes a society inversely settled

    5. In accordance with the statistical theory of the strength (from Weibull) tensile and flexural strength (R) changes inversely proportional to a volume υ:

    6. That is, the intelligence contained in his shouted imprecations were inversely related to his vehemence in expressing them

    7. The requirements of job security and salary are inversely determined by age

    8. Malthus missed living at a time that would eventually come—namely when affluence inversely impacted the size of the family

    9. The isotopes carbon-14 and beryllium-10 vary inversely with solar activity

    10. inversely related to the mass of the particle

    11. plasma frequency is inversely related to the mass of the particle

    12. But as I was getting closer to the table and watched Americus to get up to meet me, my determination was dwindling at a rate inversely proportional to the distance, until it became tiny, tiny and infinitesimal

    13. Pressure inversely proportional to volume creating a new phase of perfect order and super emotion conductor and you’ve dealt with all this before, but never so much at once

    14. With the radiation intensity inversely proportional to the 2nd power of distance, the thing is obviously spherical

    15. We could, then, divide the answer on value/dollar by a pollution rate to get value per (dollar per amount of pollution/yr), and we’d have a number that increased linearly with value, inversely with dollars and inversely with normalized level of pollution

    16. would appear that this leverage ratio is inversely correlated with earnings - which the data

    17. Our kind of àpersonìs currently modeled out from the contents of `matter` to be versed out inversely over here

    18. Our kind of a `person` is currently modeled out from the contents of `matter` to be versed out inversely over here

    19. Any citizen's degree of separation from the horrors of their military, regardless of conscience, is inversely proportional to the degree to which they're attempting to stop the war machine's atrocities

    20. Of another 22 prospective cohort studies that had identified and examined this relationship, 15 studies found that religiousness was significantly and inversely related to depression

    21. For example, the degree of “inductivity” of the two qualitative components of the electromagnetic Field — Aspects of the Qualities ALL-Love-ALL-Wisdom and ALL-Will-of-ALL-Intelligence that form the main energy-information foundation of the Realities transformed by the specific creative dynamics of our Self-Consciousness, — is inversely proportional to the frequency of vibrations that form this Field: the higher the frequency (qualitative state) of wave manifestations, the weaker the electromagnetic dynamics generated by their interactions

    22. proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the

    23. masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them” and science cheats

    24. And inversely, representations approached from the point of view of pure vision, the mosaic of colour on the retina, if pushed far enough, may satisfy the mental perception of form with its touch associations

    25. Because of the way inverse portfolios are constructed and managed, inverse ETF’s may fail to move inversely to their index exactly

    26. Worse, in extreme circumstances they may even wind up moving in the same direction as the index instead of inversely to it!

    27. Goods that are elastic tend to have a high correlation between price and demand, which is usually inversely proportional: When prices of a good increase, demand tends to decrease

    28. By making each straddle delta neutral with the appropriate ratio between puts and calls, plus doing an appropriate ratio between the two indexes (inversely proportional to their relative prices and betas), you can establish a position that is immune to market price changes and overall volatility changes

    29. , as the rate of return on book value increases—then the arithmetical consequence of this feature is that value tends to increase directly as the square of the earnings, but inversely the book value

    30. Since bond yields move inversely to prices, those low yields meant that prices had risen—making investors most eager to buy just as bonds were at their most expensive and as their future returns were almost guaranteed to be low

    31. In general, avoid thinly-traded stocks as short-sale candidates, as risk can correlate inversely to a stock’s trading liquidity

    32. Response rates are inversely

    33. nucleus accumbens by cocaine are inversely related to basal levels: effects of acute and

    34. Left hemisphere hippocampal volume was inversely associated with cumu-

    35. Although the theta and vega of at-the-money options are proportional to their exercise prices, the gamma is inversely proportional

    36. How many options at each exercise price should we buy? It turns out that the proper proportion of each exercise price needed to create a position with constant volatility exposure is inversely proportional to the square of the exercise price

    37. On the near side, the seawall makes an elbow crooked inversely, and its end too has a lighthouse

    38. Newer research focuses on fundamental value-weighted indices and (inversely) volatility-weighted indices, given the historic tendency of both kinds of indices to outperform market cap indices (see Chapters 12 and 19)

    39. If we take these estimates seriously, it appears that subjective and objective expected returns are very much inversely related

    40. (Nominal bond returns are inversely related to inflation developments

    41. Convenience yield depends inversely on inventory levels, because the potential to profit from having supplies ready is greatest when inventories are low

    42. Scaling position sizes inversely by recent historical or option-implied volatility tends to improve Sharpe ratios

    43. The quantities of these combinations are approximately inversely proportional to the prices of the corresponding underlying stocks

    44. When stock-equivalency of option positions is used for capital allocation, the volume of positions opened for each underlying asset is inversely proportional to its price

    45. Allocating Capital Inversely to the Premium

    46. Since VaR expresses risk (combinations with lower VaR values are preferable), capital allocation among combinations should be done inversely proportional to this indicator

    47. Therefore, an indicator developed with VIX put and call volume would be viewed inversely to a traditional equity put-call ratio

    48. I do pay attention to codependencies of outcomes between companies and think true risk reduction comes from purchasing securities that are inversely or noncorrelated

    49. For example, owning natural gas producers, which benefit from a rise in natural gas prices, and also holding natural-gas-based utilities that benefit from a price fall would reflect hedging for inversely correlating outcomes

    50. It is the perfect use of this mystery that constitutes the symbol: little by little, to evoke an object in order to show a state of the soul; or, inversely, to choose an object, and from it to disengage a state of the soul by a series of decipherings

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    Synonymes pour "inversely"

    inversely reciprocally