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    Utiliser "invincible" dans une phrase

    invincible exemples de phrases


    1. “He’s not invincible after all,” Freddy whispered to himself and sat back

    2. ‘I’m an invincible armor plated long-life mother

    3. Not only was it invincible, but it was utterly evil

    4. But the declension of the naval power of this latter nation, in consequence of the defeat or miscarriage of what they called their invincible armada, which happened towards the end of the sixteenth century, put it out of their power to obstruct any longer the settlements of the other European nations

    5. “He was immortal,” said Noah, “not invincible

    6. ) In twenty campaigns, on a hundred battlefields, around a thousand campfires, I have witnessed that enduring fortitude, that patriotic self-abnegation and that invincible determination which have carved his statue in the hearts of his people

    7. Together, with me as your leader, we are invincible

    8. Alexander the invincible, Alexander the litigated against, Alexander who had to have the best of everything including Henrietta, he of two families, the great pain in the ass, Alexander

    9. Apart you’re strong, together you’re invincible

    10. There is nothing that can kill me now; I am powerful and invincible and eternal

    11. with him who seemed invincible, they were killed in the temple of Nanea by the deceit of Nanea's priests

    12. We are fireproof, acidproof, and waterproof; not invincible,

    13. No longer did the people see him as their invincible leader, as someone who would do when no one else could, as someone who was irreplaceable, as someone to look up to and to place confidence in

    14. survival of this attack on his heart made him invincible, and as if we

    15. He was invincible and amazing

    16. There is an invincible power in you

    17. 13 For when the leader was come into Persia and the army with him who seemed invincible they were killed in the temple of Nanea by the deceit of Nanea's priests

    18. 13 Let the heathen cower before your invincible might today O glorious One who has all power to save the race of Jacob

    19. 13 I will sing to the Lord a new song: O Lord you are great and glorious wonderful in strength and invincible

    20. Yet how weak and selfish it is for me to dwell on my insignificant loneliness! It would be more fitting to rejoice greatly that now, in these final days of a wicked world, the Lord Jesus has such women to praise his holy name and preach the Truth and seek after wisdom as you; you who gently leads a militia of marching virgins across the battlefield of souls, despite fearful temptations on every side, all of you armed with invincible weapons of piety and learning; often here, in my loneliness, I imagine your mild-hearted militia of girls and women singing sweet hymns of spiritual combat, of Christ's victory, and the eternal occupation of Heaven!

    21. They know that their captain felt invincible because of the way she loved and empowered him

    22. To me, my father was a giant; strong and invincible

    23. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall — think of it, always

    24. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall

    25. He felt strong and invincible and looking beside him to see his perfect Ruth sitting there made him feel pride, lots of pride

    26. He couldn’t resist showing off, the coke made him feel invincible and he drove as if there was no tomorrow

    27. Young demons, both thought themselves invincible until this moment

    28. As a reward for doing as he's told, the dominant partner makes the submissive partner feel invincible

    29. Self is man's invincible foe, and self is manifested as man's four greatest passions: anger, pride, deceit, and greed

    30. Rostam, the invincible warrior who was raised and trained by Zal, killed Sohrab

    31. Conan went with it, bruised, battered, invincible, hanging on like a bulldog to the hilt of his saber which he could not withdraw, tearing and ripping at the shuddering bulk with the poniard in his left hand, goring it to ribbons

    32. Invincible Don Quixote, though he has won very little: he reminds me both of Dylan Dog (the mystery investigator who almost never solves cases, although his fame does not decrease due to that), and also of the artist Diego Velasquez, who was summoned and received generous amounts to render princes and kings immortal in painting, but who instead absorbed the immortality that were destined to his clients by each portrait he painted, thus becoming increasingly immortal

    33. The man cringed before his invincible chief, and Yar Afzal, striding up to him, seized him by the throat and choked him until his face was turning black

    34. That source has been returned to him, and he is invincible

    35. With no Aquilonian armies to oppose them, they were invincible

    36. Then there were the special guards, the Chevaliers Gardes and the Cossacks, each in their own special ceremonial uniforms, watching over thousands of guests -- the nobility of Imperial Russia, proud and invincible in their fineries and the gentlemen in uniforms that sagged with medals

    37. It was as if Anna, in building her career as a highly successful dealer in the world of art, had also built a protective shell about herself, an invincible barrier that warned people, particularly men, to keep their distance

    38. It reminded him of those days at Nurnberg when Hitler's invincible Third Reich leaders were on trial and towards the end you could smell the fear, the stink of defeat emanating from their bodies

    39. I felt invincible at the time — crazy I know — but that's how it was

    40. The two opposites hit it off immediately and once Skeets decided that Sam was physically invincible, his demeanor mellowed and Sam became Skeets Kirby‘s only true friend

    41. It’s an invincible force that keeps you connected

    42. In his inebriated state, which, unfortunately is shared by users of other drugs, he felt himself invincible

    43. He sensed it in the way the tower-blocks defied gravity, he sensed it in the way people who had felt invincible the night before were reduced to gutter crawling mortals in the rubicund dawn, he sensed it in the way bits of paper could change lives and build fortunes

    44. The house was suddenly filled with unknown guests, with invincible and worldly carousers, and it became necessary to add bedrooms off the courtyard, widen the dining room, and exchange the old table for one that held sixteen people, with new china and silver, and even then they had to eat lunch in shifts

    45. Amaran-ta, however, whose hardness of heart frightened her, whose concentrated bitterness made her bitter, suddenly became clear to her in the final analysis as the most tender woman who had ever existed, and she understood with pitying clarity that the unjust tortures to which she had submitted Pietro Crespi had not been dictated by a desire for vengeance, as everyone had thought, nor had the slow martyrdom with which she had frustrated the life of Colonel Gerineldo Márquez been determined by the gall of her bitterness, as everyone had thought, but that both actions had been a mortal struggle between a measureless love and an invincible cowardice, and that the irrational fear that Amaranta had always had of her own tormented heart had triumphed in the end

    46. The spirit of her invincible heart guided her through the shadows

    47. She first tried to kill them with a broom, then with insecticides, and finally with lye, but the next day they were back in the same place, still passing by, tenacious and invincible

    48. appear to be invincible at their peak

    49. From what Christiane Amanpour had told her in a later exchange of emails, her reports from Tehran had resonated like the ringing of church bells around Washington and the rest of the country, while Israeli officials were said to be livid at this proof that their vaunted air force was far from invincible

    50. invincible and that no wrong could ever visit us

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    Synonymes pour "invincible"

    invincible unbeatable unvanquishable indomitable unassailable impregnable unyielding