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    Utiliser "irrevocable" dans une phrase

    irrevocable exemples de phrases


    1. irrevocable and eternal) destruction

    2. The decision, at last made, quickly became irrevocable

    3. All that is a favorable omen, Roger thinks, of an intense, and perhaps irrevocable, eagerness for progress and eventual freedom

    4. An unexpected indicative vision undressed the truth of the continuity of life after my absence and this irrevocable fact filled me with a strange and glacial feeling, very similar to sorrow combined with anger

    5. Her laugh had taken on the tones of an organ, her breasts had succumbed to the tedium of endless caressing, her stomach and her thighs had been the victims of her irrevocable fate as a shared woman, but her heart grew old without bitter-ness

    6. The power of his presence was such that from the first time he was seen in the church everybody took it for granted that a silent and tense duel had been estab-lished between him and Remedios the Beauty, a secret pact, an irrevocable challenge that would end not only in love but also in death

    7. The outsiders, of course, thought that Remedios the Beauty had finally succumbed to her irrevocable fate of a queen bee and that her family was trying to save her honor with that tale of levitation

    8. 36-month look-back period exists for transfers of countable assets for less than fair market value, along with a 60-month look-back period for similar transfers into irrevocable trusts

    9. His move was irrevocable

    10. Stan’s glare then hardened noticeably in a way that Len knew meant that he had just taken an irrevocable decision

    11. Mars planetary hours are good hours to take decisive, irrevocable action; to stand up for yourself; but this is merely a help, not a necessity

    12. satisfying the constraints locally optimal (with respect to some neighborhood definition) greedy (in terms of some measure), and irrevocable

    13. "Under your grandmother's will, you're the beneficiary of an irrevocable trust fund currently in excess of five million dollars

    14. credit are irrevocable, i

    15. to UCP 600, all LCs are Irrevocable, hence this type of LC used no more

    16. India, the payment is taken as final and irrevocable

    17. Irrevocable : Not able to be undone

    18. A one-hundred percent irrevocable taboo

    19. As John 4:22 declares, salvation is from the Jews and they [Israel] are loved on account of the patriarchs, for God’s gifts and His call are irrevocable

    20. The popular feeling that somehow by irrevocable fate, or

    21. Then a clear thought congealed out of the swirling obscurity: perhaps he should defy the will – the puff-angry face glared at him from a small clump of dog's mercury, but he ignored it – and try to find out more before committing himself to something as momentous and hideously irrevocable as a confrontation with…

    22. The popular feeling that somehow by irrevocable fate, or unchangeable law, once in being always in being

    23. phrases of “everlasting fire,” “unquenchable fire,” “smoke ascending up forever,” “lake of fire,” “furnace of fire,” “worm that dies not,” into one grand conclusion, that a desolation no less complete, permanent and irrevocable is reflected, than was in the prophecy of Isaiah and fulfilled in Idumea

    24. Let the church give it the sure and irrevocable loss of life and note the change in a century

    25. The action of infernal spirits has established all-various foul delusions over the largest portions of the earth, and during the longest spaces of history; so that the question recurs, notwithstanding consolatory reflections of the order above set forth, What will be the doom of those countless millions who have lived under the shades of depraving heathenism, lived in the sin which was the essential element of such heathenism, popular and philosophical, and apparently died in the evil condition which it entails;—those countless millions, of whom not the broadest charity can affect to suppose that they were generally aught else than workers of unrighteousness? Are we compelled to believe, by the New Testament revelation, that all of these, without any further opportunity of knowledge or repentance, will be consigned to irrevocable destruction, and 'perish without law’?

    26. could have stayed me on that journey which now that I had started on it seemed an irrevocable thing, a necessity of my self-respect

    27. It was, he told Thieu, “my irrevocable intention to proceed, preferably with your cooperation but, if necessary, alone

    28. How often, while he was with me in my illness, had it risen to my lips! How irrevocable would have been his knowledge of it, if he had remained with me but another hour!

    29. Her sex, her youth, and the whole richness of her beauty, came back from what men call the irrevocable past, and clustered themselves, with her maiden hope, and a happiness before unknown, within the magic circle of this hour

    30. That decision was irrevocable –or so they said: Caris had never accepted what other people told her were the rules

    31. Sonia stood before him as an irrevocable sentence

    32. Everything that could happen happened, right up to the irrevocable, but at the moment when fear pulled him away, Mercer was still, technically, a virgin

    33. The joy was not the less—perhaps it was the more complete just then—because of the irrevocable parting; for there was no reproach, no contemptuous wonder to imagine in any eye or from any lips

    34. He had begun to have an alarmed foresight of her irrevocable loss of love for him, and the consequent dreariness of their life

    35. She tried to master herself with the thought that this might be a turning-point in three lives—not in her own; no, there the irrevocable had happened,

    36. Once made, the choice of mode is irrevocable; the connection must be severed and reestablished in order to switch to the other mode

    37. Each man lives for himself, using his freedom to attain his personal aims, and feels with his whole being that he can now do or abstain from doing this or that action; but as soon as he has done it, that action performed at a certain moment in time becomes irrevocable and belongs to history, in which it has not a free but a predestined significance

    38. A deed done is irrevocable, and its result coinciding in time with the actions of millions of other men assumes an historic significance

    39. The moment in which the first movement was made is irrevocable, and at that moment I could make only one movement, and whatever movement I made would be the only one

    40. Not a microbe or dust-mote or oxygen cell existed in the room without having an appointed and irrevocable station

    41. But without the force units snapped to their shoulders they were meteors, senseless, each going to a separate and irrevocable fate

    42. They had reached that irrevocable and irrecoverable moment, at the dazzling intersection of all youth and all joy

    43. He had not examined and weighed the right which man takes to dispose of the irrevocable and the irreparable

    44. “Taking life’s a serious thing, because it’s irrevocable

    45. And then some woman in Venice, Italy, with a blurred voice called through, saying she was at Harry’s Bar that very instant and was destroyed, this thing that had happened was terrible, a cultural heritage was placed in immense and irrevocable danger…

    46. A summer-day river going somewhere, murmuring and irrevocable

    47. The act was an exorcism of relief for Florentino Ariza, for when he put the violin back into its case and walked down the dead streets without looking back, he no longer felt that he was leaving the next morning but that he had gone away many years before with the irrevocable determination never to return

    48. So that little by little they swallowed their opposition as it became clear that the marriage was irrevocable

    49. He predicted that the United States would see oil production peak somewhere between the late 1960s and the early 1970s and thereafter enter an irrevocable decline in the lower 48 states

    50. He believes that oil has entered a period of irrevocable decline and that America needs to find alternative fuels for transportation

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    Synonymes pour "irrevocable"

    irrevocable irrevokable forfeited absent gone lacking passed lost