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    Utiliser "jawbone" dans une phrase

    jawbone exemples de phrases



    1. I had it made out of the jawbone of the monster

    2. Such carnage had not been seen since Samson slew a thousand men with the jawbone of a donkey

    3. faced individual with a circular scar on his jawbone asked, reaching for the folder

    4. This is the dating of a Jawbone of an Australopithecus (southern ape) found in a cave in Northern Spain

    5. When the jawbone was damaged or eroded over time, it must be “rebuilt”, so to speak prior to a new tooth being inserted or implanted into the bone

    6. Bone of the patient may also be used such as part of the jawbone or the hipbone

    7. to re-align what was left of his jawbone

    8. 15 And he found a new jawbone of an ass, and put out his hand, and took it, and killed a thousand men with it

    9. 16 And Samson said, With the jawbone of an ass, heaps on heaps, with the jaw of an ass have I killed a thousand men

    10. 17 And it came to pass, when he had made an end of speaking, that he cast away the jawbone out of his hand, and called that place Ramathlehi

    11. He sat down on the last step of the gangway, with the elbows on the knees and the hands supporting the jawbone

    12. Dave looked around the floor of the large, square cage for something else to throw at these things, and spotted a large jawbone

    13. deep, almost to his jawbone, and it was bleeding profusely

    14. thousand armed warriors with the jawbone of an ass, and desert nomads found gods on

    15. Emory grabbed the jawbone, heavy and slimy in his hand

    16. Mallet in one hand and jawbone in the other, Emory braced himself

    17. What are things coming to! Pat also mentions that if any of us had intended taking away the lower jawbone of a caribou, we must forget it at once, as these must all be handed in to the authorities

    18. Samson killed ten thousand men with another jawbone from an ass because those ten thousand man were also guilty as sin of killing and eating other living creatures and because they were all being asses… His incredible strength is not magic

    19. Samson slaying the lion with the jawbone of the ass it killed is a moral tale of superior moral power and courage

    20. But he used the jawbone of the dead creature that the lion killed as a moral LESSON: to all living things

    21. I felt the edge of a sword slice along my jawbone where the back of my neck had been but a second before

    22. The third scene I remember occurred in perfect silence, except for my lame exclamations, balled fists that broke on the jawbone they struck

    23. debt and has been starting to jawbone about a weak U

    24. He had once tried strangling himself with one of those apparatuses you nail in a doorway and chuck under your jawbone and pull yourself up on, hoping to add an inch to his ridiculously short frame

    1. The sounds of breaking jawbones,

    2. Around him was havoc, it was a battle of Woodlanders and Lakellers, bodies were flung across the deck, the fists of Lakellers were pummelling into Woodlander jawbones, he could hear the crack of bone on bone, could sense the pain of bruising to flesh and bone

    3. He felt his jawbones forced out

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    Synonymes pour "jawbone"

    jawbone jowl lower jaw lower jawbone mandible mandibula mandibular bone submaxilla schmoose schmooze shmoose shmooze