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    Utiliser "jilted" dans une phrase

    jilted exemples de phrases


    1. Apparently he thought she was heartless, as well - over a stupid bird? How long had it been since he had been jilted - five years? And he was still bitter? She jammed her hands in her pockets

    2. An arm gently rested on my shoulders and jilted me out of my state of shock and panic

    3. "Could have been a rival megacorps, a jilted boss, Naturalist terrorists, who knows! But here I am, my life destroyed, because out there somewhere, two deathbots have got my name

    4. " Bones meant biz, and his tone jilted the surgeon

    5. Even in that long ago bitterness, when Norman Douglas had, after a fashion, jilted her, she had laughed at herself quite as often as she had cried

    6. " "He jilted her once--but it seems that does not count with some people, Mrs

    7. "He jilted her in a fit of temper and repented it all his life," said Miss Cornelia

    8. Folks say Ellen has jilted him just to get square with him for jilting her ages ago

    9. But even from the little I saw of her, it seems impossible that Dalia would commit suicide for so little provocation! That for every second of that fall, she could continue to choose to let herself impact and die because she had been jilted by her new lover!”

    10. the pockets of al the boys who’d jilted me

    11. I"d probably spend a couple of nights in the watch-house while Scumble and Glaze did away with Jon, and then be accused of murdering him myself in revenge for being jilted or some crap

    12. She was jilted by her boyfriend last week

    13. thousand dollar reward on your head, or because you jilted me

    14. day came, Dan was left standing at the altar, jilted by the woman he

    15. ‘Is Miss Clayden going to make a good witness? She’s an adulterer, she’s young and pretty which can work both ways and Turney alleges that she’s lying because he jilted her

    16. Why, psychic care is the order of the day for the jilted lovers in their tender teens

    17. You jilted wilted age without a qualm

    18. The scandalously jilted, the affronted, the run away from

    19. Feathers shellacked with dirt and bird poop and sticking at all angles, round eyes squinted shut as the robin jilted forward, retching up another wave of vomit into the toilet

    20. Ryan would have told his father, his father would have started a smear campaign against Gavin, getting everyone's support on Ryan's side by feeding bul shit lines like „boys will be boys' or claiming Gavin was hot for you or Ryan jilted you and you were just trying to get even with him

    21. I have been jilted,” sobbed Linda

    22. easy to get into when you have been jilted

    23. Thou hast jilted a maiden

    24. round you like a new world I could write the answer in bed to let him imagine me short just a few words not those long crossed letters Atty Dillon used to write to the fellow that was something in the four courts that jilted her after out of the ladies letterwriter when I told her to say a few simple words he could twist how he liked not acting with precipat precip itancy with equal candour the greatest earthly happiness answer to a gentlemans proposal affirmatively my goodness theres nothing else its all very fine for them but as for being a woman as soon as youre old they might as well throw you out in the bottom of the ashpit

    25. ” Merthin had spent a lot of time in Wigleigh while building the fulling mill, and he knew that Wulfric had married Gwenda only after being jilted by Annet

    26. She jilted him twenty-three years ago, but she’s never let him go!”

    27. She never wrote him and naturally he was married? He writhed inwardly at the thought that Suellen would never know the truth and would always think he had senselessly jilted her

    28. I have not so much to say for my friend Flora, who jilted a very nice young man in the Blues for the sake of that horrid Lord Stornaway, who has about as much sense, Fanny, as Mr

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    Synonymes pour "jilted"

    jilted rejected spurned