Utiliser "judas iscariot" dans une phrase
judas iscariot exemples de phrases
judas iscariot
1. The betrayer, Judas Iscariot, was shortly to reveal himself but a moment of anxiety was experienced by all
2. Their spiritual ancestor is Judas Iscariot
3. Judas Iscariot - The ultimate betrayer of Jesus who kept the money for the group and committed suicide from his wrong doing
4. 2 During supper the devil having already put into the heart of Judas Iscariot Simon's son to betray Him
5. 9 But Judas Iscariot one of the disciples he who was to betray him said Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence and given to the poore This he said not because of his care for the poor but because he was a thief and the chest was with him and what was put into it he used to bear; And that displeased the rest of the disciples also within themselves and they said Why went this ointment to waste? It was possible that it should be sold for much and the poor be given it; And they were angry with Mary; And Jesus perceived it and said to them Leave her; why molest you here a good work has she accomplished on me for the day of my burial kept she it
6. One of them, Judas Iscariot, had a flaw
7. Temple; on Wednesday the betrayal by Judas Iscariot; on Thursday the
8. Judas Iscariot was an only son of wealthy Jewish parents living in Jericho
9. Judas Iscariot was the only Judean among the twelve apostles
10. Philip now presented Thomas as his nominee for apostleship and Nathaniel presented Judas Iscariot, the Judean, for similar honors
11. " To Judas Iscariot the Master said: "Judas, we are all of one flesh, and as I receive you into our midst, I pray that you will always be loyal to your Galilean brethren
12. And early on this first day of the week, just as he was about to announce this to his twelve apostles, Simon Peter, James Zebedee, and Judas Iscariot came to have private converse with him
13. 1 After disposing of the fish catches of two weeks, Judas Iscariot, the one chosen to act as treasurer of the twelve, divided the apostolic funds into six equal portions, funds for the care of dependent families having been already provided
14. It was their personal association with Jesus during these months of testing that so endeared him to them that they all (save Judas Iscariot) remained loyal and true to him even in the dark hours of the trial and crucifixion
15. Judas Iscariot was appointed treasurer
16. He knew that trouble was brewing in the heart of Judas Iscariot even when none of the others suspected that anything was wrong with their treasurer; but he told none of them his fears
17. Nathaniel and Judas Iscariot were the two best educated men among the twelve
18. 5 The apostles all loved and respected Nathaniel, and he got along with them splendidly, excepting Judas Iscariot
19. " And the memory of this, with that of many similar experiences, long lived in the self-deceiving heart of Judas Iscariot
20. However, it required some little time for the rest of the apostles, especially Simon Zelotes and Judas Iscariot, to become reconciled to the publican's presence in their midst
21. 1 Judas Iscariot, the twelfth apostle, was chosen by Nathaniel
22. As far as they could see, Judas Iscariot was a matchless treasurer, a learned man, a loyal (though sometimes critical) apostle, and in every sense of the word a great success
23. John and Andrew thought the kingdom had already come; Peter and James believed that it was yet to come; Nathaniel and Thomas frankly confessed they were puzzled; Matthew, Philip, and Simon Zelotes were uncertain and confused; the twins were blissfully ignorant of the controversy; and Judas Iscariot was silent, noncommittal
24. " Then he designated the pairs of apostles as he desired them to go forth, and they were: Andrew and Peter, James and John Zebedee, Philip and Nathaniel, Thomas and Matthew, James and Judas Alpheus, Simon Zelotes and Judas Iscariot
25. Even Judas Iscariot offered a very plausible interpretation
26. The apostles who favored this attempt to proclaim Jesus king were Peter, John, Simon Zelotes, and Judas Iscariot
27. Judas Iscariot and Simon Zelotes stopped with friends in Jerusalem, while the rest of the apostles sojourned, two and two, in different homes
28. Simon Zelotes expressed the belief, in reality a hope, that "the Father in heaven may be about to intervene in some unexpected manner for the vindication and support of his Son," while Judas Iscariot dared to indulge the thought that possibly Jesus was oppressed with regrets that "he did not have the courage and daring to permit the five thousand to proclaim him king of the Jews
29. It was after this sermon in the synagogue that Judas Iscariot entertained his first conscious thought of deserting
30. 1 That evening Andrew took it upon himself to hold a personal and searching conference with each of his brethren, and he had profitable and heartening talks with all of his associates except Judas Iscariot
31. 6 As the apostles listened, Simon Zelotes and Judas Iscariot stepped into the presence of the father, saying: "We can heal him; you need not wait for the Master's return
32. Many of his disciples, and even Judas Iscariot, the apostle, had dared to think that Jesus had fled in haste into Phoenicia because he feared the Jewish leaders and Herod Antipas
33. Lazarus said nothing, but when some of the people murmured, showing indignation that so costly an ointment should be thus used, Judas Iscariot stepped over to where Andrew reclined and said: "Why was this ointment not sold and the money bestowed to feed the poor? You should speak to the Master that he rebuke such waste
34. 7 It was because of this rebuke, which he took as a personal reproof, that Judas Iscariot finally made up his mind to seek revenge for his hurt feelings
35. 12 Of all the apostles, Judas Iscariot was the most adversely affected by this processional entry into Jerusalem
36. It is unfortunate that Judas Iscariot could not have heard the first and mercy-proffering half of this farewell address
37. Though no man openly so expressed his thoughts, there was not one of them, save Judas Iscariot, who did not wish himself in John Mark's place
38. 1 Shortly after Jesus and John Mark left the camp, Judas Iscariot disappeared from among his brethren, not returning until late in the afternoon
39. Likewise, he knew Judas Iscariot had fully made up his mind to deliver him that night into the hands of his enemies
40. 6 And then the Master, passing around his own seat, paused a moment by the side of the place of Judas Iscariot
41. 2 As Jesus and the eleven made their way back to camp, the apostles began to wonder about the meaning of Judas's prolonged absence, and they spoke to one another concerning the Master's prediction that one of them would betray him, and for the first time they suspected that all was not well with Judas Iscariot
42. 13 While all this was in progress at the Master's camp, Judas Iscariot was in conference with the captain of the temple guards, who had assembled his men preparatory to setting out, under the leadership of the betrayer, to arrest Jesus
43. 4 Accordingly, when Judas Iscariot started out from the temple, about half after eleven o'clock, he was accompanied by more than sixty persons -- temple guards, Roman soldiers, and curious servants of the chief priests and rulers
44. The Master was taken into the presence of the Roman governor by the temple guards, bound, and was accompanied by about fifty of his accusers, including the Sanhedrist court (principally Sadduceans), Judas Iscariot, and the high priest, Caiaphas, and by the Apostle John
46. Peter then explained that they had decided to choose a successor to Judas Iscariot, and that a recess would be granted to enable the apostles to decide between the two men who had been suggested for this position, Matthias and Justus
47. Some say Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus for so many shekels of silver, that he led the guards to the garden and then gave them a sign to point out Jesus amongst the crowd
48. But their spirits did not dare to stand before [him], except for Judas Iscariot
49. What if that was the key? Judas Iscariot had abandoned Christ
50. ―Father, in all these paintings on the wall, is there a painting of Judas Iscariot?‖