Utiliser "judicial decision" dans une phrase
judicial decision exemples de phrases
judicial decision
1. Why, pray tell, are they displayed in the chambers of the United States Supreme Court but, judicial decision after decision, prohibits them from being displayed, even in a state Supreme Court? This, while the residents of Boulder, Colorado, home of the University of Colorado, are treated with ceramic displays of phalluses
2. Under such a regime does the Constitution remain a guiding and limiting factor in judicial decisions? Does it continue to uphold the limitation and distribution of power in government as intended? Does it have any meaning at all? Yes, it has meaning
3. It is such judicial decisions as these that violate the obvious and historically understood meaning of the establishment clause, not the acts these decisions prohibit
4. decisions and other judicial decisions of like Judges, an admitted lesbian law-maker in the California House of Representatives, has
5. Is it because you have power on your side, sir, that you will not submit to a judicial decision of this question? If there be a controversy about a right, there ought to be a judicial decision
6. I, sir, have been unable to see how an individual having property, in which he was put in possession in 1804 or '5 by a judicial decision, could be disposed of it by the act of 1807, the operation of which was limited to acts done hereafter, that is, after the passing of that act in 1807
7. The same gentleman is occasionally present here at this time, and seems yet to be a stickler for judicial decision, and still thinks the Executive, against an individual, matchless odds
8. The part of the resolution alluded to, runs thus: "that the decision of those questions by the President of the United States against the jurisdiction of the courts of the United States, in a case where those courts had already assumed and exercised jurisdiction, and his advice and request to the judge of the district court, that the person thus charged should be delivered up, provided, only, such evidence of his criminality should be produced as would justify his apprehension and commitment for trial, is a dangerous interference of the Executive with judicial decisions
9. The question on striking out the sections of the present bill (providing for a judicial decision) was taken, and carried—yeas 95, nays 22
10. impossible to see how an individual having property, in which he was put in possession in 1804, by a judicial decision, could be dispossessed of it in 1807, 148;