Utiliser "just like" dans une phrase
just like exemples de phrases
just like
1. "It's not about you Jorma, just like it's not about Tdeshi
2. "It looks just like him!"
3. “Your sewing is just like your writing,” she’d say
4. You should experience joy while giving help, just like the joy a mother feels while making her child sleep in her lap
5. I just like to hang out, watch movies, and surf the internet
6. Frank laughed as he swiped his card to check out and, just like magic, the doors opened for him
7. just like the
8. Not that there’s a lot left on top now … just like his father! At least he doesn’t comb a few strands over the top like some men do
9. Just like always
10. just like his father used to
11. She had been driving and driving for so long now she felt just like a machine
12. just like Rousseau gave the Sans Culottes a hope they could never turn into reality
13. Alice, who is a really good dancer, still remains at the rear places of the circle -just like I do, of course
14. I flirt him openly during the aerobics session, just like all women in class do; especially the married ones surround him ostentatiously during the lesson, preventing any single woman from approach him! Themis smiles and dallies with all women, giving them hope for something more
15. "Feels just like the real thing
16. A small spiral bound notepad and a short, stubby pencil, just like the ones my father might use to mark his score when playing golf at Ouzai
17. Moreover, they are isolated from the rest of the human race -just like I am; therefore, they can't help me in anything
18. They left us to rot out there in the fields just like the crops
19. Just like Babylon is Satan’s nation, God too has chosen a people to put His name upon
20. Artificials just like me worked for nearly two hundred years as your soldiers and destroyers, as your builders and pilots, as terra-formers, as engineers and as servants
21. You gave us a terrible hope, impossible dreams, just like Rousseau gave the Sans Culottes a hope they could never turn into reality
22. Was he really going to let a naked savage goad him into acting like this? Was this the only way he could get her to understand they knew better? What was he trying to prove now, that we are humans just looking for our offspring? Just like you but with a different vehicle? Here in the android he felt less biological than he did in his own space
23. The girls both knew it was just like a keda, just jump on it's back and grab it between the first and second legs
24. There was nothing running for cover, everything was quiet, and the house looked just like any other ordinary estate home on a hill
25. People on the move just like us
26. I realise Athens too has its unfair share of insidious tourist traps just like Cornwall and no doubt the traffic is nightmare and yes, it's a sprawling jumble of concrete and marble, of ancient and modern, of the implausible and the miraculous, but then they say Athens teems with spectacular sights, superb cafes, and much more that you just won't find in any modern city
27. It was just like traditional Sundays at home used to be with every shop closed at this early hour and every house dozing
28. Timeless, remote Sophia is just like this
29. Daniel chimed in with, “just like with dragons, it was quick
30. Through the narrow paths I trailed my fingers over her stubborn old walls just like I do at home, feeling for connection and warmth
31. Fortunately he just appeared and came over to where we were looking at something or other and gave me the Words – just like that
32. But on the afternoon of the get-together Virgenia's drew people from all over the village and they sat and chatted and played with the children and the children thought it was just like a holiday
33. "He owned these shin pads, just like Mr
34. "You'd never have believed that Chazza was just like you once upon a time
35. When you've been doing your best to communicate and neither of you speaks much of the other's language you resort to the universal language of mime, grunts and nodding just like we did in the beginning, and suddenly you make a breakthrough, well the gratitude you feel is huge
36. Almost a minute went by before someone sniggered, then someone else and it became contagious until, just like in school, the giggling grew to laughter until they were shaking their heads in uncontrollable mirth and wiping their eyes on chaotic squares of cotton
37. I don’t know if Jane mentioned it, but my mother suffered from depression just like you do
38. Even in Britain, you have old Celtic traditions with great spiritual, symbolic and mythological importance, just like any religion, and they suffer too
39. He leaned back and stretched out his frame, those eyes of hers… just like our women
40. it was painted to look like just like the clothes and shoes that he had
41. just like a fairy tale prince, but as she approached him the battered
42. It is weird yet wonderful sitting there in the quiet church, where generation after generation of couples just like us have sat going through the same service … facing the same future … some would have been happy
43. She remembered the letter from the captain’s mom, just like it was in life only perfect
44. “Many of us who lived in the later days of the Minoan civilization, especially those of us who watched the mainlanders smash and grab everything they could, chose to wander back in time to greater days, just like your captain’s mother has done in America, settling in the 1932 echo
45. She had to remember this was heaven, just like life should have been, only perfect
46. Rene looked out of place in 20th century tweeds, but the others looked just like pictures from their youth
47. Ava wondered why there was still a Vatican if they thought they were in Heaven? She guessed it was because of the ‘just like real life but perfect’ mantra and the fact that the heaven of a devout Catholic would not be perfect without a Vatican
48. And just like in this world, each year brings more and more youth who want nothing to do with their past or ancestry
49. as far as Tom could tell, just like the script he had seen on the
50. “There are memories coming thru, just like I told that clerk, subjects I’d studied before