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    1. Rom: 8:33: Who shall lay anything to the charge of God's elect? It is God that justified

    2. "We really can't be sure that your instance back on Gordon's Lamp has ceased, but I feel the odds were great enough that I was justified in restarting the latest backup that I had

    3. what I do is justified

    4. justified of the means

    5. You may think that you are justified

    6. And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be

    7. justified by the Law of Moses

    8. “And you think that leaving me on the outside, trapped and useless is justified?”

    9. suggested that the interruption had better be justified, or

    10. ‘Anything is justified in carrying out the Divine will

    11. You are justified in being skeptical

    12. It justified the professor

    13. All his actions could be justified

    14. “Excuse me Zune, but it’s a hierarchy problem, don’t you see? There’s nothing wrong with classifying and grouping and organizing and all that, but the deal is, when we end up on top of the taxonomical pyramid, that tends to give us illusions of grandeur and superiority that are not at all justified when a global point of view is taken into consideration

    15. Her outburst was surely justified

    16. How far such drawbacks can be justified as a proper encouragement to the industry of our colonies, or how far it is advantageous to the mother country that they should be exempted from taxes which are paid by all the rest of their

    17. No true action will ever have to be justified

    18. To be fair, much of this criticism is justified: his laboratory comprises a workbench in the corner of his garage, and his training consists of a City & Guilds in woodwork and a Bronze swimming certificate

    19. Another point to note is that even if a prayer is justified, the timing of its fulfillment is not up to us to decide

    20. Expenses on admixture (E ) at the production of concrete mix are justified, if xa

    21. Act 13:39 And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses

    22. Rom 3:20 Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin

    23. The Bible also clearly states that no flesh will be justified by keeping the law

    24. The Bible clearly declares in the passages above that no person will be justified in God’s eyes by attempting to keep his laws; yet many people still think that they can prove God wrong

    25. Rom 3:24 Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:

    26. Rom 3:28 Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law

    27. Gal 2:16 Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified

    28. course the graphic descriptions justified the truth of it

    29. If retaliation to the maximum against an unprovoked attack has ever been justified in the history of the world, the events of September 11, 2001 constitute such justification

    30. But this was an act of self-defence and an attempt to save the fate of an entire world and to save a King! He knew in his heart his actions were justified, though the looks of scorn he received from Carl made his heart heavy with guilt

    31. ‘But military action as a show of our strength in the face of US hostility is justified, morally – and constitutionally

    32. Aside from yesterday’s heated words – which he felt were justified – he hadn’t realised he was in a battle with Millicent

    33. She knew that Millicent was justified in her anger and knew she deserved some sort of punishment from her

    34. He initially justified the release as protection in disruptions in supply caused by the current conflict in Libya

    35. In the back of his mind, Kiri’s voice protested, “Whatever you did, I’m sure it was justified

    36. He looked up to the sky and said, ‘So what the hell took you so long?’ Justified or not, Jimmy was feeling angry and bitter

    37. It was thorough justified by almost three decades of successful operations in more than three different countries

    38. “Therefore by the deeds of the there shall no flesh be justified in his sight” (Romans 3:20)

    39. Such fears were justified, in part, by the legitimate concerns of an incipient nation engaged in a war of independence against the British Monarchy

    40. No matter how her sister and father might try to spin the events, no matter how they justified it to him, he might never forgive her for the things she had said and done

    41. ‖ In what manner, for example, can we be certain of mutual love? Are demonstrable expressions of love sufficient proofs in themselves? Are outward appearances genuine or do such expressions proceed from affected emotions or selfish motive(s)? Does an act of love anticipate a reciprocity of tender feelings or is (that) love for an individual, apart from ―loving‖ that individual, expressed less for its own sake rather than the sake of the beloved? At what juncture does Reason, justified by Faith, provide us with some measure of certainty that we may rely upon without imposing limits or placing conditions on that love?

    42. ―unintended‖ results justified in every manner that oftentimes provides a convenient outlet for informed individuals who were (consciously) aware of the probable affects of their actions to begin with

    43. (Who was it that said ―you can‘t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs‖?) Nevertheless, such designs seem justified, on some uncertain level, at least, ( ‘tis better to err on the side of ―caution‖), on the basis of radical liberalism‘s excessive aversion for anything Western and its fawning enthusiasm for its vocal opponents

    44. Shall the broken sinner be justified in his need?

    45. This question was asked of The Lord: Lord, what does this mean, “Wisdom is justified by her children”?

    46. She might even feel justified for her actions because in her thinking - whether consciously or not – you are a problem

    47. If wisdom is justified by her children,

    48. This (very) troubling development has provided license to the meanest (latent) tendencies, a Will to Evil justified by the negation of eternal consequence(s)

    49. Some wars, however, are justified

    50. If I went over and punched him in the nose, it would have justified everything that went before

    1. justifies the small, seedy trivialities

    2. 15He that justifies the wicked and he that condemns the just, even they both are

    3. If ever the progressive/liberal agenda is implemented in its entirety in this country, we will be well on the way to the „Road to Serfdom," for the first rule of liberalism is that government failure always justifies more government

    4. I seriously considered it for I liked the idea of killing terrorists and could morally also justifies it by saying “Well, let us say we have a source in place and if we arrest the terrorist he will be blown

    5. For such individuals, race is simply a triggering mechanism that justifies (latent) violent behavior

    6. South African Navy ships rescued the stranded advisors in an operation which justifies a book in suspense and made South African Chief of Staff General Constand Viljoen say "it was the most difficult night ever in my operational career

    7. I seriously considered it for I liked the idea of killing terrorists and could morally also justifies it by saying “well, let us say we have an asset in place and if we arrest the terrorist he will be blown

    8. The end justifies the means, and we will fight fire with fire

    9. To them, they think that the end justifies the means

    10. I know what my mother is—she is someone for whom the end of a thing justifies the means of getting there, the same as my father, and the same, sometimes, as me

    11. lets out water; therefore leave off contention, before it is meddled with; he who justifies the wicked, and he who condemns the just,

    12. In any given situation, whoever justifies getting enraged loses and whoever uses that same situation to develop tolerance wins

    13. 8 He is close who justifies me; who will contend with me? let us stand together: who is my adversary? Let him come near to me

    14. a wise man who justifies in judgment

    15. The human sacrifice of self and liberty that environmentalism justifies is to be exacted “in the name of the planet

    16. In either case the end justifies whatever means may be necessary to achieve it

    17. The search for the sublime justifies all in these artists’ eyes

    18. He justifies his actions by how well he can supply himself with his addictions

    19. The end always justifies the means and they let nothing stand in their way

    20. You can ask yourselves if the I that has the power to decide justifies

    21. that justifies death as the only escape from the impossibility to realize one’s

    22. Another longstanding use of analogous outcomes is in functional justifications – the end justifies

    23. for instance, who insist that profitability justifies everything, might consider that by far their most

    24. thinking, how she justifies in her mind what she's doing

    25. They share together a common delusion which is the bond that justifies their actions

    26. 3 How cruel and unreasoning to compel innocent children to suffer for the sins of their progenitors, misdeeds of which they are wholly ignorant, and for which they could in no way be responsible! And to do such wicked deeds in the name of one who taught his disciples to love even their enemies! It has become necessary, in this recital of the life of Jesus, to portray the manner in which certain of his fellow Jews rejected him and conspired to bring about his ignominious death; but we would warn all who read this narrative that the presentation of such a historical recital in no way justifies the unjust hatred, nor condones the unfair attitude of mind, which so many professed Christians have maintained toward individual Jews for many centuries

    27. "What justifies this somewhat heavy expenditure?"

    28. An' justifies that ill opinion

    29. “That hardly justifies the rest of the damage they have done to our political institutions

    30. Who shall bring a charge against God"s elect? It is God who justifies

    31. to the Prosecutor, the end justifies the means

    32. And to the Bulldozer, the end justifies the means

    33. We plan to keep the combat robots and PDRs assigned to the static defense of the Global Council in storage until an invasion or attack justifies their activation

    34. While I understand that men readers spent their energy picturing the two women during coitus and female readers wondered if they were prettier than them when they were their age, neither of these justifies the amount of time I've spent in this building

    35. Hades justifies injustices, misfortunes and history of lies and crimes

    36. And then asked the questions, “what is a nation; what constitutes fighting; what justifies fighting?” Similarly, with love let us begin with a tentative operational definition: love is one caring for another

    37. When difference justifies conflict, and conflict justifies suspicion, then suspicion justifies surveillance, surveillance oppression which produces homogeneity of thought, speech, and action, i

    38. Be very observant of body talk gestures or tics that really complements, justifies or nullifies what is being said

    39. That justifies the militarization of your crowd suppression

    40. justifies what you did to me?

    41. framing proves the naming which justifies the meaning of the game

    42. when dealing with infidels, the end justifies the means; you can lie if you are

    43. “The end justifies the means, so it works for me in the long run

    44. ' The gun's highest virtue is shooting straight; to practice it is to engage in violence, which justifies the gun as the purest value in cultures of competition, conflict, and war

    45. By turning political dissent into treason and a cry of liberation into insurgent revolution, the manufactured anarchy of boogyman terrorism justifies the State in dropping the Digital Curtain of surveillance across all aspects of its citizen's lives

    46. justifies the state intervention

    47. It is the way man rationalizes the unknown and justifies injustice

    48. o They don’t believe that the perceived value justifies the price asked for

    49. Not a single soul has established concrete facts in most instances that justifies the many

    50. This one day that justifies your whole existence, isn’t that so?”

    1. Gal: 3:8: And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the

    2. It is amazing that we always find excuses to justify our

    3. we justify our lack of faith with all these crazy theories,

    4. How do we justify the exploitation of poor, wastage of food, raping women, killing people, settling disputes through war, grabbing land to build temples, churches, mosques in God’s name and minting money on the name of faith and so on

    5. He might have got away with Joanna’s murder on the grounds of her behaviour, but there’s no way on the earth that he can justify his behaviour towards you

    6. I try to remind her of the end, in hopes it will justify the means, "And he's safe now, we all are

    7. He wanted something to happen so that he could justify taking direct action

    8. It is by this suffering that He will justify many

    9. What does it feel like not to have to justify my actions?

    10. I’m stunned at his attitude but relieved that I don’t have to run the gauntlet of trying to justify the unjustifiable

    11. justify the criminal! An eye for an eye! A tooth for a tooth!

    12. I’m not angry with you Mya; it’s just that we will have to justify this when we return

    13. 29But he, willing to justify himself, said unto Jesus, and who is my neighbor?

    14. And he [figure] said unto them [figure], ye are they which justify [value] you before men

    15. Me – the other woman? Me - involved in a sordid, hole-in-the-corner affair? But it’s not like that … For the millionth time I try to justify the unjustifiable; to make sense of the illogical; to deny the undeniable

    16. We’ve not done this before … can’t justify the expense usually, but David’s cheque makes it possible and you thought it would be a treat …

    17. justify killing him if he raised a hand against the Cardinals –

    18. justify killing him in defence of you

    19. 'And it doesn’t justify the Church treating his accusers

    20. He who justify the wicked, and he

    21. servant will justify many, and he will

    22. There is no need to justify your

    23. Features are important to help the logical mind justify the purchase, but it is the

    24. action (and justify our buying decisions with logic afterwards)

    25. These reasons, however, will justify drawbacks only upon exporting goods to those countries which are altogether foreign and independent, not to those in which our merchants and manufacturers enjoy a monopoly

    26. The great importance of this subject must justify the length of the digression

    27. It was of importance to Columbus, however, that the countries which he had discovered, whatever they were, should be represented to the court of Spain as of very great consequence ; and, in what constitutes the real riches of every country, the animal and vegetable productions of the soil, there was at that time nothing which could well justify such a representation of them

    28. Finding nothing, either in the animals or vegetables of the newly discovered countries which could justify a very advantageous representation of them, Columbus turned his view towards their minerals; and in the richness of their productions of this third kingdom, he flattered himself he had found a full compensation for the insignificancy of those of the other two

    29. Our woollen manufacturers, in order to justify their demand of such extraordinary restrictions and regulations, confidently asserted, that English wool was of a peculiar quality, superior to that of any other country; that the wool of other countries could not, without some mixture of it, be wrought up into any tolerable manufacture; that fine cloth could not be made without it ; that England, therefore, if the exportation of it could be totally prevented, could monopolize to herself almost the whole woollen trade of the world; and thus, having no rivals, could sell at what price she pleased, and in a short time acquire the most incredible degree of wealth by the most advantageous balance of trade

    30. These considerations, however, will not justify the absolute prohibition of the exportation of wool ; but they will fully justify the imposition of a considerable tax upon that exportation

    31. He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities

    32. The dealers in those particular commodities, either by wholesale or retail, to be at all times subject to the visit and examination of the custom-house officer; and to be obliged to justify, by proper certificates, the payment of the duty upon the whole quantity contained in their shops or warehouses

    33. to justify their board, He did not intend for them to

    34. ) With respect, however, to the attacks by radical Muslims on the Twin Trade Towers and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, America had done nothing that would justify terrorists to come here and use commercial aircraft as guided missiles to kill 3,000 innocent Americans

    35. I asked the facilitator to justify her comment

    36. )" And, to further „sully the office," Obama"s Press Secretary, in a feeble attempt to justify the snub, said that was “…not a conversation worth having

    37. „diversity" do not justify violating the Constitution

    38. Raven interrupted, “I don’t want to hear it! There’s nothing you can say to justify that

    39. He didn't own a car; too much expense to justify; he imagined the hours he'd have to work – over a month of overtime, perhaps, for cheapest to be viable on the road

    40. Whatever his crime had been, and however much Raven wanted to continue his own punishment, how could he justify what he was about to do? If he did this, how was he any better than Khan when he had killed Collier?

    41. Rachel was a depressive; she would even use that to justify her violent tendencies as a child and the constant bad moods

    42. The only thing you can do now is make sure you do something worthwhile with your days, make a difference, justify your survival

    43. On the other hand, there may be a strong incentive among Republicans to change the political climate in Washington that will justify the people‘s confidence

    44. So do not use negative actions to justify an attack on the character

    45. As indicated elsewhere in these pages, many of us seek convenient targets to justify our hatred and fears

    46. The litany of abuses predicated in the name of free expression, or proxy ―decisions‖ made on behalf of others who are unable to make informed decisions, are understood by the hordes of mentally ill people roaming the streets, who should be otherwise institutionalized for their own safety, if not for the safety of our society, for that matter, who remain on the streets, unable to properly care for themselves, mandated by civil rights organizations fearful that their rights may be jeopardized, people otherwise incapable of making a rational assessment of their own condition; not to mention conferring legitimacy to sexual deviancy in all its varieties that many of us have casually resigned ourselves to as ―simply‖ alternative lifestyles or championing (equal) protection under the law, that, in some instances, should call for censorship, or implausible assumptions regarding the ―unborn,‖ (Abortion) remanding millions of innocents to an early grave, a convenience for women fretting over their figures or professional careers, abetted by spineless politicians, who for expediency sake, continue advancing legislation denying them (―unborn‖) their own inalienable right to choose, had they the means, or encouraging a culture of death (Euthanasia) for the convenience of (the) would-be custodians of the terminally ill or perhaps to (simply) reduce the increasing costs of Healthcare, or the legalization of drugs because that too is a convenient alternative for a number of individuals who have seemingly lost the will to rid our society of rampant drug abuse and therefore justify such (hare-brained) schemes from the vantage point of opportunity savings or reduced social costs, or movements to eliminate God from the public consciousness lest society be reminded of its sins or perhaps because many of us have (conveniently) chosen to become our own gods

    47. In the absence of persuasive moral arguments does the end justify the means?

    48. “Kay, you do not have to justify yourself to me,” he soothed

    49. Overlooking the fact that, for more than three decades, ETA (Basque terrorist group in Spain) has been causing desolation, which has resulted in more than 800 deaths, before Madrid there were already New York, Bali, Moscow, Baghdad, Najaf, Karachi, Istanbul, Mombassa, Jerusalem, Riyadh, Casa Blanca… What do those voices want to accomplish, blame the Spanish government and justify, or perhaps even applaud, the atrocities of soulless terrorists who only desire to kill? In addition, do those heralds long for Spain to be ready to surrender its foreign policy to the demands of pitiless and savage terrorists? Were that posture of appeasement to be adopted, it would create infinity of problems much more severe in the future

    50. She insisted, besides, that she understood the determination and the need to protect the caves, but maintained that that did not justify the decision not to allow us to visit the museum which was an artistic entity totally independent and does not require the same protective measures

    1. course justifying your actions)

    2. ) Bulletproof politician that he is, he can get away with casting his vote the way he did, as well as his incredibly stupid way of justifying that vote

    3. The obvious attempt at justifying her actions did not sit well with her conscience

    4. Justifying your actions in the name of your own

    5. But when justifying atrocities, many US troops described Filipinos as “niggers” and described going “nigger hunting

    6. Such privations, whether real, imagined (or self-inflicted), for that matter, have (otherwise) proven that industry and time have a way of justifying their own rewards

    7. One is denial, wanting to blame most deaths on accidental disease, wanting to blame Natives themselves, assuming this was ordinary warfare, or even justifying conquest and genocide as inevitable, as best for American progress

    8. With his headlights materializing the world from the night, Truman imagined justifying himself to her by pointing out that it was foolishness for the government to think it could prevent the populace from indulging in its vices by banning them

    9. Who was he kidding? There’d be no justifying himself in her mind – the moment she found out, she’d be gone

    10. Norman realised now that he would have to explain his plan in detail to Tony justifying his decisions and choices that he had made ready for the planned attacks

    11. All that the President could think of was those awful pictures from the prisons in the west and the memos floating around his office about justifying torture but he knew in his heart he could justify his revenge to himself and that is what he would do if he survived the attack

    12. A new reading of the time line of history would make the explosion of Thera and the Exodus, as described in the Hebrew Torah and the Christian Old Testament, concurrent events, justifying a new, realistic, first-person narrative of the Exodus

    13. 32 Then hear you in Heaven, and do, and judge your servants, condemning the wicked, to bring his way on his head; and justifying

    14. But there is an alternative approach to justifying false calamities and scary scenarios

    15. realize, were justifying his means and that perhaps compromised his

    16. ; these features function only to explain why the receiver believes the proposition and do not play a role in justifying the truth of the proposition itself

    17. I also am glad that I don't have to deal with justifying to my

    18. A respected psychiatrist once told me that the human mind has an infinite capacity for justifying

    19. justifying what they’d already begun to think: that I really

    20. true perception, that we were deprived of love, to justifying that this

    21. child, justifying my attempts as a way to make up for the abortion I’d had years ago, but it

    22. justifying the rejection, and concluded that, with

    23. ―other issues‖ justifying the ―red suit status

    24. that are associated with the page, therefore justifying why the search engine

    25. The mental health system was a crowded entity, fighting to stay afloat among the needy, and justifying its presence by going through the motions of treatment

    26. “I would have had a really hard time justifying an open chart unless Brian was going to start coming in regularly for addiction counseling

    27. And it’s strangely comforting, justifying, it has

    28. Justifying each gesture by the fury inside him at the images he would now carry always in his mind

    29. He counters feelings of emptiness from this lack by not giving up anything he already possesses, justifying his selfishness through perceiving himself as more important than other people

    30. Nancy nodded in appreciation: Coponius was doing a good job of explaining and justifying something that was bound to raise the hire of all Jews: direct taxation by Rome

    31. I’m not justifying it, but that’s why many of us cabbies drive

    32. This has apparently not hindered the Israelis, who regularly fly reconnaissance drones and helicopters over the Gaza Strip, from shooting at it while justifying their actions by saying that Hamas militants use the hospital as a command center

    33. However, he almost felt untouchable in that same thought by internally justifying his murderous actions, in that a potential future with him acquiring AIDS would ultimately become fatal

    34. ‘Marsh’ would have difficulty justifying his actions, agent provocateur, false fire alarm at the restaurant, and so on

    35. There was one admirably simple method of confuting these people and justifying ourselves in our erotic revolt: we would deny that the world had any meaning whatever

    36. justifying murder was all they’re reported to have been, as the defendents were tortured and threatened that their families would also be tortured and executed if the accused didn’t confess

    37. are used to being in charge, making decisions without justifying them, taking

    38. explaining, justifying and communicating with the US came to end the day I fumed

    39. ‘I let it be used as our village club,’ said Thimmaiah justifying his decision

    40. So the Musalmans have no hadith on that count to fall back upon, and even otherwise, Muhammad’s methods would show that he believed in the adage of ‘ends justifying the means’, rather than in the ‘merits of the means applied’

    41. Oh, what a fall! Though their methods are reminiscent of Muhammad’s realpolitik of ‘ends justifying the means’, it pays for the Musalmans to know that he was a pragmatist with a singular mission, while their new heroes are but bigots chasing un-achievable goals

    42. “Oh really?! That sounds like a man justifying rape

    43. She looked at all the life forms dead in the water stagnant and heard the DOD pragmatics justifying the Final Defense; but there was no one there to lip them to her now

    44. This is not love, but virtual vultures justifying picking the bones of the I'magistically dead

    45. ” The visitor, although stunned, instinctively resumed texting her What's happening now? “It's what the rich sound like when they are justifying their glorified gluttony, as the rancid odor of the decaying bodies of the escargot-nothing spit from their tongues

    46. There were times that she did feel guilty about stealing from her workplace, but she had come up with several means of justifying what she did, to make herself feel better

    47. With the exception of Fox News, after all, many of those affiliated with these various journalistic organizations went to great lengths in justifying as to why being associated with the American flag was beneath them as an unacceptable breach in their highly-vaunted but over-inflated sense of objectivity

    48. apparently justifying your suspicions and feeling

    49. This testimony is of great weight, justifying, as it does,

    50. had to spend ten minutes justifying how much he was on

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    Synonymes pour "justify"

    justify vindicate confirm corroborate warrant contend assert claim argue account defend exonerate acquit absolve