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    Utiliser "keep pace with" dans une phrase

    keep pace with exemples de phrases

    keep pace with

    1. Lambs run on hillsides, learning to keep pace with the call

    2. He strode to keep pace with the other man, choosing his words carefully before he asked,

    3. Per Capita Income, however much it has increased among (native) segments of our population, has been barely able to keep pace with the rapid rise in immigration whose recent emigrants are living on the (economic) fringe in unprecedented numbers

    4. Whenever social costs begin to (marginally) exceed their intended benefits because (limited) resources are either inefficiently allocated or mismanaged or depleting revenue is (simply) unable to keep pace with spending requirements or whenever non-recoverable anti-social attitudes begin to compromise that society‘s quality of life or whenever that society‘s efforts to rehabilitate its economic, intellectual or moral infrastructures or restore flagging morale are no longer effective or have lost their (spirited) momentum or whenever (public) proposals fall short of (private) expectations is that society said to be in a state of decline

    5. Secondly, such intentions, in whatever manner their sentiments may be genuinely sincere, oftentimes fail to keep pace with popular expectations thereby heaping anger and resentment upon otherwise well-meaning individuals who may have fallen short of their intended purpose; that is to say, deliver their promises

    6. These same individuals, however, are counted among those critical in their old age of the federal government‘s inability to keep pace with the growing demands of an aging population whose extravagant spending habits over the years were seldom mindful of the need to set aside a portion of their income for a rainy day!

    7. How, for example, are future generations expected to balance diminishing global resources and job opportunities between ―ageless‖ populations and its younger claimants? How would arithmetic market growth manage to keep pace with the

    8. These abilities will help the human form to keep pace with Mother Earth"s evolutionary process

    9. your self-image age too? Does it keep pace with the clock, or according to another ratio?

    10. his words keep pace with the flow of the images

    11. The insidious combination of fever and dysentery had sapped their strength to the point where they could no longer keep pace with the rest of us

    12. On the way back, goading her to keep pace with him, he raced down the steps as though to announce his new-found joy to the world at large

    13. Suzy hurries to keep pace with her as Sharon steps out onto the pavement and starts to walk past the police woman, who is still leaning against the glass of the shop

    14. Machine to keep pace with the latest innovations

    15. With Onn weakened, Tylin was able to keep pace with Onn, managing to cut him a few times across the gut until Onn knocked away her weapons

    16. keep pace with the correcting progress,"① said in an article

    17. Graisco hurried to keep pace with his partner as they dashed up the steps and through the sliding glass doors into the fashionably decorated lobby of one of the city’s most prominent resorts for the upper-class tourists visiting a generally blue-collar destination

    18. keep pace with ever more sophisticated programming, and parts were not standardized

    19. In that war of attrition, after having nearly collapsed in the early months, it was the Soviets that eventually turned the tide and gained a lasting advantage as German armament production and personnel couldn’t keep pace with the massive losses abroad, damage from Allied bombing raids at home, and shortages of oil and other fital foreign materials

    20. Shoop managed to keep pace with the darting man but knew that

    21. When the computer technology came about and many of my employees could not keep pace with the revolution and technological changes, I woke up to my responsibility and organised appropriate training and development courses for them

    22. The trees lashed at their faces viciously as they cleaved their way through, desperately trying to keep pace with Krystal

    23. In order to keep pace with Tuvok, Shelby had to keep slowing down

    24. Whenever the pattern designed for `matter` forms is hurried or rushed faster than our lives could keep pace with them than catastrophic abnormalities are bound to occur that would always disorientate our lives away

    25. China but also failed to keep pace with the

    26. His legs failed to keep pace with the speed he had been propelled backwards and he fell heavily on the floor

    27. was swift enough to keep pace with the larger horse

    28. I now need to marry to keep pace with you

    29. keep pace with your friends

    30. had to almost run to keep pace with him

    31. And, moreover, Madame Lefrancois, one must know botany, be able to distinguish between plants, you understand, which are the wholesome and those that are deleterious, which are unproductive and which nutritive, if it is well to pull them up here and re-sow them there, to propagate some, destroy others; in brief, one must keep pace with science by means of pamphlets and public papers, be always on the alert to find out improvements

    32. career, so I had to keep pace with its members

    33. no need to push, for the road was downhill most of the way; so much so that they had all to help to hold back the cart, which travelled so rapidly that Bert found it difficult to keep pace with the others and frequently broke into a trot to recover lost ground, and Crass - being fleshy and bloated with beer, besides being unused to much exertion - began to perspire and soon

    34. Also, without being actually positive, it struck him a great field was to be opened up in the line of opening up new routes to keep pace with the times apropos of the Fishguard-Rosslare route which, it was mooted, was once more on the tapis in the circumlocution departments with the usual quantity of red tape and dillydallying of effete fogeydom and dunderheads generally

    35. I perceive three of the county constabulary in the drive, and I am glad to see that the little ostler is able to keep pace with them; so it is likely that neither he nor the interesting bridegroom will be permanently damaged by their morning's adventures

    36. Now, on the contrary, the feeling of joy and peace was keener than ever, and thought could not keep pace with feeling

    37. I struggle to keep pace with him because my wits have been thoroughly, royally, scattered all over the floor and walls of elevator three in the Heathman Hotel

    38. Clearly, his chief weakness as a novelist heretofore had been his inability to keep pace with the complexity of real life

    39. At her easiest, she was hard, because her brain was always working, working, working—I had to exert myself just to keep pace with her

    40. I’ve discussed the ones I favor earlier, and the inability of any and especially several of those indicators to keep pace with price can be very important in determining if you will need to take action such as exiting or tightening stops

    41. Thaniel went slowly to keep pace with her, close to the wall so that they wouldn’t knock elbows

    42. Arms: The Soviet Union was trying to keep pace with the Americans in the nuclear missile stakes, but the effort was driving the country towards bankruptcy

    43. In today’s day and age, with interest rates so low, traditional CDs can’t even keep pace with inflation

    44. Sonya, as always, did not quite keep pace with them, though they shared the same

    45. Wolzogen came to the assistance of his chief, who spoke French badly, and began translating for him, hardly able to keep pace with Pfuel, who was rapidly demonstrating that not only all that had happened, but all that could happen, had been foreseen in his scheme, and that if there were now any difficulties the whole fault lay in the fact that his plan had not been precisely executed

    46. Stock market indices (made up of listed stocks) do not participate in all growth, and indeed may miss the dynamic growth of yet unlisted startup ventures, other small businesses, and sole proprietorships—all of which count toward total business profits:• The aggregate earnings growth of the corporate sector (listed and unlisted firms) should better keep pace with aggregate GDP growth

    47. I will increase my savings rate each year by 2% to keep pace with inflation, until my 5-year review

    48. Norris began to look about her, and wonder that his falling in love with Julia had come to nothing; and could almost fear that she had been remiss herself in forwarding it; but with so many to care for, how was it possible for even her activity to keep pace with her wishes?

    49. I perceive three of the county constabulary in the drive, and I am glad to see that the little ostler is able to keep pace with them, so it is likely that neither he nor the interesting bridegroom will be permanently damaged by their morning's adventures

    50. What were the thoughts of his strange captor or guide Clayton could only vaguely conjecture; but that he had heard the shot, and was in some manner affected by it was quite evident, for he quickened his pace so appreciably that Clayton, stumbling blindly in his wake, was down a dozen times in as many minutes in a vain effort to keep pace with him, and soon was left hopelessly behind

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