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    Utiliser "knobby" dans une phrase

    knobby exemples de phrases


    1. She wished he was less knobby, and she wished his language was more svelte at times

    2. ‖ The hair on the protective pup stuck out like a halloween cat and his knobby little bowlegs were braced like baby corner posts

    3. Knobby protrusions above the waterline gave silent witness to the alligators languishing beneath the mirror-like surface; no matter which direction one looked

    4. ” He nodded his head with indifference as he began to strum his bony fingers over the cords of a guitar that sat across his knobby knees

    5. The rifle rested beside a knobby root, the faint odor of gunpowder still unwashed from the air

    6. on "digging in" even when they weren't ski-racing---the knobby

    7. Smooth, yet knobby

    8. Huge, ancient trees cast shadows over narrow lanes lined with wild strawberries, blooming sunflowers, and knobby wooden fences

    9. The other clutched an old wooden cane that was as knobby and crooked as the massive chest that drew air behind it

    10. "What's the last joke? Undo the bundle and see, Meg," said Beth, eying the knobby parcel with curiosity

    11. Among the many pillows that adorned the venerable couch was one, hard, round, covered with prickly horsehair, and furnished with a knobby button at each end

    12. Then distorting his pockets with knobby bundles, and giving her the flowers to hold, he put up the old umbrella, and they traveled on again

    13. Again among the tiers of shipping, in and out, avoiding rusty chain-cables frayed hempen hawsers and bobbing buoys, sinking for the moment floating broken baskets, scattering floating chips of wood and shaving, cleaving floating scum of coal, in and out, under the figure-head of the John of Sunderland making a speech to the winds (as is done by many Johns), and the Betsy of Yarmouth with a firm formality of bosom and her knobby eyes starting two inches out of her head; in and out, hammers going in ship-builders' yards, saws going at timber, clashing engines going at things unknown, pumps going in leaky ships, capstans going, ships going out to sea, and unintelligible sea-creatures roaring curses over the bulwarks at respondent lightermen, in and out,—out at last upon the clearer river, where the ships' boys might take their fenders in, no longer fishing in troubled waters with them over the side, and where the festooned sails might fly out to the wind

    14. Patty’s body had been so used up that by her mid-twenties even her nipples were knobby; she’d bottle-fed Libby almost immediately

    15. Ben had seen the photos: all of them lying on their sides, big mound-bodies and sad knobby legs

    16. I look up at the stage just in time to see The One raise his knobby black stick and shake it menacingly at my sister

    17. He bolts down all events, all creeds, and beliefs, and persuasions, all hard things visible and invisible, never mind how knobby; as an ostrich of potent digestion gobbles down bullets and gun flints

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    Synonymes pour "knobby"

    knobbly knobby