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    Utiliser "large piece" dans une phrase

    large piece exemples de phrases

    large piece

    1. They was a large piece of

    2. There were large pieces of shell strewn about

    3. There were many large pieces of machinery and consoles strewn about

    4. As he came around a rather large piece of machinery he saw his quarry

    5. This did not seem to encourage the witness at all: he kept shifting from one foot to the other, looking uneasily at the Queen, and in his confusion he bit a large piece out of his teacup instead of the bread-and-butter

    6. I felt the rest of the places where I had been hit and found out some of these were small holes made by shrapnel the one in my groin was quite large though and I could feel the hard lump of a large piece of shrapnel in there

    7. The wall friezes, tapestries, and paintings were large pieces depicting the ancient armies of the Nordic Kings in battle against the Shadow

    8. A short time later they were all gathered back on the riverbank, where collected by the water's edge were, three thick branches, a collection of thin switches, a pile of strong grasses, and a large piece of bark

    9. He was too late to avoid the flying object and it connected with the side of his head before breaking into a few large pieces

    10. Another clap of thunder rent the air, this time shaking the ground so violently that a large piece of rock fell from the roof, hitting the floor with a dull thud

    11. Cole Bell pushed a waded sanitary towel firmly into his mouth, then slapped a large piece of duct tape across it

    12. Karla got as far as the first word, then found herself spun around again as the man secured a large piece of tape across her mouth

    13. Piers knew it couldn’t have got out this time, he’d covered the top of the tank with a large piece of glass

    14. It was a sort of fish soup with a large piece of dark bread and some cheese

    15. He dropped a large piece of turquoise that had been carved into the

    16. outdoor pool on a large piece of land, and it still had a few changing

    17. For lunch I was offered two large pieces of buttered cornbread, more mush and a slice of fried sturgeon

    18. Several large pieces of shrapnel were stabbed into his shoulder, stomach, and leg

    19. Large pieces that do not vaporize completely and reach the surface of

    20. An unusual slab of stone, actually a large piece of slate, was set into the mountain

    21. Kneeling, covered with blood, Lovern carved large pieces of meat off its shoulders and haunches

    22. • Remove the skin of the chicken and cut it into large piece, wash and dry

    23. The purpose of the blade he told them was to make a tiny cut on the back of their hand in order to draw a little blood so that he could dip the ink pen he showed them in it and write their initials on the large piece of white paper he held in his left hand

    24. Large pieces of furniture were scattered all around the room and there were paintings on the walls, selected with scrupulous judgement and discrimination

    25. Lay a large piece of plastic wrap on the counter top

    26. Chop the Green Chile if it has large pieces of pork (meat) or vegetables

    27. Gonzales moved a large piece of plaster that had fallen from the ceiling and smiled

    28. Using a large piece of paper that is colored in white can already be used as your light reflector

    29. to move large pieces of wood for long distances was limited

    30. stage, get a really large piece of paper, because it always goes off the edge,

    31. sensors had picked up were large pieces of what once was the International Space Station

    32. He saw Jody"s pod exploded as a large piece of the exploded craft hit her

    33. He put one large piece of fruit

    34. In the room, there were large pieces of crystals and smaller stones

    35. A man stood at the entrance with a large piece of wood with various assorted nails and bits of broken glass embedded menacingly in it

    36. and then yanked out a large piece of flesh including his jugular

    37. grabbed two large pieces of garlic bread

    38. She nearly jumped on her supper when Iram returned half a hour later with a grilled chicken held on top of a large piece of flat bread

    39. Large pieces of the ship including the turret and main mast were seen hurtling through the air

    40. As he stepped over a large piece of charred metal, the tail of his black trench coat caught on a sharp edge, forcing him to stop and gently loosen his garment from its tormentor that threatened to tear the fabric

    41. Looking down at Farah’s ripped clothes, Petrova bent down and grabbed her shirt, cutting a large piece out and rolling it into a ball before forcibly stuffing it in Farah’s mouth, gagging her

    42. Before assembling the UPS, he tied a piece of thin wire to the tiny nuclear reactor of the UPS, then fixed the other end of the wire to the inside of the UPS's back cover with a large piece of gaffer tape

    43. 'Yes, well, I'm being informed by New Scotland Yard officials on the scene that apparently some form of explosive device was used to … as it were, remove a large piece of the wall of the second floor, and this … Grobut … made his escape through the hole

    44. That is however a large piece of very rugged estate with a population of around one million persons, most of whom are of Pashto ethnicity

    45. Angellina reached the air ducts, rolled underneath a large piece of equipment, gave Nick a quick ‘thumbs-up’, then started frantically dialing his cellular telephone

    46. The driver approached Nikita’s window, a disgusted expression on his face, and showed him a large piece of glass that had evidently been part of a bottle

    47. You can also cover a large piece of stiff cardboard with colored foil and use that instead

    48. Baby Man walked around the circle of gifts and began naming each one out loud: three flint axes, fire starting flints and moss, animal hides cut into five loincloths and five capes—each sized correctly, piles of smoked fish and doves, bowls of nuts, two strong bows, twelve arrows, five spears and a large piece of raw meat for the cheetahs, Everything we needed to restart our lives was in the circle

    49. He could see two other ships docked and large pieces of equipment offloading supplies

    50. which she responded by taking a scone, biting off a large piece, and then forcing down the eggs

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