Utiliser "latent" dans une phrase
latent exemples de phrases
1. Each sheath or vehicle through which the soul expresses itself (on physical, emotional and mental levels) carries latent within itself certain inherent potencies, but the soul, which is the source of them all, has them in their purest and most sublimated form
2. force himself to find the happy medium again, even if he could scarcely quiet that latent rage always carried within him
3. They have a latent talent for martial activities and their physical bodies seem to be constructed of brass and leather rather than sinew and skin
4. Without passion man is a mere latent force and
5. already latent in your heart and the ideal of greater
6. because of the Empaths, whom even he found unsettling to be about, despite being a latent
7. For such individuals, race is simply a triggering mechanism that justifies (latent) violent behavior
8. This (very) troubling development has provided license to the meanest (latent) tendencies, a Will to Evil justified by the negation of eternal consequence(s)
9. It may be correctly argued that although unusual circumstances often give vent to (our) latent tendencies, Reason must necessarily assert itself as the final authority that correctly informs our (potential) actions
10. A thought concerning insatiable consumerism: Many of us need to return to the basics; that is to say, curb our appetites and rediscover our (natural) mettle; so long have our latent potentials been properly tested
11. I am bewildered by the latent overtones implied in Mr
12. These (latent) voters, understood as the ―Silent Majority‖, had been posed since the late sixties to launch a pre-emptive strike against their own (Democratic) party in favor of Conservative candidates perceived as sympathetic to populist viewpoints that made many of them feel like outcasts in their own party
13. Guns are merely the disinterested implements of latent or pre-existing conditions that need to be dealt with openly and honestly rather than holding inanimate objects up to the standards that our society should otherwise be holding its citizens up to
14. [25] But, just as Christ was latent – but present – in the Old Testament, he can also be latent in other faiths
15. “Weinberg’s arena,” avers Berlinski, “is Elementary particles…A rather depressing place…Over there (in the Standard Model of particle physics), fields are pregnant with latent energy, particles flicker into existence and disappear, things are entangled, and no one can quite tell what is possible and what is actual, what is here and what is there, what is now and what was then, solid forms give way
16. That there is a way to be searched out, a latent talent that might be brought to expression, a puzzle beyond the capacity of Man’s intellect alone to solve, which can provide for this grandiloquent transposition, has forever consumed the consciousness of his very uncertain and limited existence
17. For a moment I considered the possibility of a brief interview to see if this gorgeous girl in her early twenties could provide any insight into Nigel’s business, but quickly concluded that it would only lead to big trouble and latent Catholic guilt
18. If this was a comic book, the shock of seeing Mana lying in a deathlike state would have been enough to bring out my latent special powers, which would suddenly come forth and help save the day
19. The witness is latent in every state of consciousness, just like
20. Columbia University, and there either her latent leftist tendencies came to light or she absorbed the radicalism of the place and time
21. Not satisfied with the latent response, he shouted in a voice that could crack steel, "A TOAST
22. Instead, there was this latent sentiment that ‘the best are the first to die’, implying that the likes of us who returned were of lesser quality
23. People in the self-growth and new age spirituality movement say that the answers are latent within us all, and that the most that they do is to help those answers bubble forth
24. In the morning it swept its forked tail over the crimson ashes, for there was a fiery power latent in the desert which the skeleton could sense as surely as the heat of the sun
25. practically the hidden mysteries of nature and the psychical powers latent in
26. probe her secrets by the help of the formerly latent but now active powers of
27. We the latent millions with that seed of prejudice
28. The first is the throwing outward of everything latent in the nature of
29. any virtue latent and concealed in him, it will work its way out as
30. The chela is called to face not only all the latent evil propensities of his nature, but in addition the momentum of maleficent forces
31. which in most people lies latent at the base of the spine, and of the seven
32. powers latent within them, expanding into radiant beauty
33. Andrew had a great gift for discovering the hidden resources and latent talents of young people
34. Jesus has taught us that God lives in man; then how can we induce man to release these soul-bound powers of divinity and infinity? How shall we induce men to let go of God that he may spring forth to the refreshment of our own souls while in transit outward and then to serve the purpose of enlightening, uplifting, and blessing countless other souls? How best can I awaken these latent powers for good which lie dormant in your souls? One thing I am sure of: Emotional excitement is not the ideal spiritual stimulus
35. But mistake not! these compromised ideals of the Master are still latent in his gospel, and they will eventually assert their full power upon the world
36. True, indeed, many individuals did penetrate beneath the surface of all this state religion and found for the nourishment of their souls the real values of the hidden meanings held within the latent truths of Hellenized and paganized Christianity
37. 10 Do not try to satisfy the curiosity or gratify all the latent adventure surging within the soul in one short life in the flesh
38. John-Paul's strong face darkened and the huge frame grew tense with a latent anger
39. Not knowing what to expect the protective beast was locked and loaded! Sam walked around the Indian‘s truck stirring up latent scents hoping not to detect signs of violence or bloodshed
40. latent fingerprint lab in Washington and they got a match
41. not find and develop his latent resources, and would fail
42. his latent powers and resources
43. Some stars dotted the sky, but most were chased away by the latent glow of the city lights far off beyond the hills
44. What we’ll be attempting to do is ‘wake up’ the latent stem cells in her brain
45. intentionally remained latent from eternity past in the mind of God until He decided to yield this
46. The test was also negative for a pistol (nitrates on both hands is inconclusive and likely the result of other contaminants) He documents the false trail of finger print evidence that the FBI fingerprint supervisor, with 32 years of experience, refuted when Lt Day of the Dallas Police shows up with a latent print 4 days later (when the expert saw none the day after the killing on the same weapon)
47. Years later his hit man, Mack Wallace’s finger print was confirmed as being the latent pinky print on a box in the depository on the 22nd of November, 1963
48. Barrington had no doubt at all of the latent threat in Murray’s information, it was as obvious as tits on a cow, stay away from mine because I know where yours are
49. My alarm must have been picked up by the hairy one, because he was following my every move with a quick eye, it was apparent that he was recovering by his swift grasp of the situation and his silence, he was aware of the latent danger that was threatening us
50. the result of repressed homosexual urges, or a form of latent homosexuality