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    Utiliser "latter" dans une phrase

    latter exemples de phrases


    1. This in turn, will ensure that his long-term finances will not take a hit in case of major medical expenses in his latter years

    2. For my part, I certainly call it the latter

    3. This latter was a convicted pimp, an ex or perhaps still current member of the notorious C-Block gang of Bethnal Green, a suspected pedophile, rapist and drug peddler

    4. Ludicrous though it seemed, the latter appeared most likely

    5. not more complex for the latter group since when there are kids in the picture, things can

    6. I need to see him … there are so many unknowns … where would we live? Here? In Bournemouth? If the latter then what about my job?

    7. The latter was tough, especially because he was

    8. Never having done the latter he will not know the former

    9. latter that are to come, among those that shall come after

    10. Had he switched from investigating Tdeshi’s demise to Ava’s origin? He was leaning more toward the latter with each day

    11. To prevent the latter, it was also

    12. The latter was

    13. It was probably the latter Heather thought

    14. Elizabeth on after this,' thought Jean as the latter left the

    15. The latter turned his back and

    16. miserably at the latter

    17. The latter shook his head sadly

    18. was tall, handsome and dignified in his bearing; the latter

    19. Spelman looked at each other surreptitiously, the former, who would not be joining the party for factory reasons, gave the latter a look which said, 'rather you than me

    20. together – particularly when the latter is the smarter of the

    21. words were required, and the latter stormed out of the

    22. Have you seen him, Thomas?' The latter

    23. A brief nod from the latter

    24. This latter facility was the result of having been given the responsibility of performing the daily ordering and planning based upon the restaurant's business load, the current menus, and the seasonal availability of supplies

    25. Jameson, Titania and Hipolyta fell into that latter category

    26. Mandy invited the Livingson family and Sarah up to the Restaurant for dinner that evening, and assured the latter that Jameson and some other of her staff would remove her belongings to the Bungalows before then

    27. Francois the slightest of nods and the latter loosened his

    28. The latter could

    29. He chose to believe the latter

    30. After a moment the latter looked up and waved

    31. More often than not, she was roused for the latter; few Captains in Transit lasted more than a decade before they lost their minds and Argos determined them to be hazardous to the ship and the entire mission

    32. She was about to attempt the latter, believing the tower to be vacant, when she saw a pair of conical helms slowly poke up from the tower’s knee-wall

    33. He prayed to the gods, it wasn’t the latter

    34. The wear and tear of the latter, however, is, in reality, as much at the expense of his master as that of the former

    35. The disorders which generally prevail in the economy of the rich, naturally introduce themselves into the management of the former; the strict frugality and parsimonious attention of the poor as naturally establish themselves in that of the latter

    36. Masters of all sorts, therefore, frequently make better bargains with their servants in dear than in cheap years, and find them more humble and dependent in the former than in the latter

    37. The great stocks employed in every branch of trade, and the number of rich competitors, generally reduce the rate of profit in the former below what it is in the latter

    38. The glory of this latter house shall be greater than that of the former, says Jehovah of Hosts

    39. The great property which they possess both in French and English funds, about forty millions, it is said in the latter (in which, I suspect, however, there is a

    40. The seed germinated, yes, but there were latter

    41. of the former to be of a more nice and delicate nature than that of the latter

    42. find that the former sum will generally exceed the latter

    43. therefore, are likely to be higher in manufactures of the former, than in those of the latter kind

    44. Birmingham deals chiefly in manufactures of the former kind ; Sheffield in those of the latter ;

    45. wheel-wright; this latter trade having been exercised in England before the 5th of Elizabeth

    46. During this latter term, he is called the companion of his master, and the

    47. latter are sold, the cheaper the former are bought

    48. ‘His followers do him no justice,’ said the latter as

    49. “ However, I think in this case it’s the latter

    50. Strange to say very little of the latter could actually be seen, a few eagles and hawks overhead mainly following the uplift at the rampart edge, no rabits appeared in the grass clumps, the landscape seemed totally deserted

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    Synonymes pour "latter"

    latter second of two things last late following