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    Utiliser "lean on" dans une phrase

    lean on exemples de phrases

    lean on

    1. The priest offered a shoulder to lean on and

    2. Being able to lean on Menachem as I did, being so young and so inexperienced, gave me the strength to endure and to accept

    3. The priest offered a shoulder to lean on and a glass of raki

    4. "I'm sure you heard about our son, there's no way gossip like that stays clean on a ship like this

    5. She came over and slid her arm around his waist, and ducked under his right arm so he could lean on her

    6. Loosing me, she reaches past me and grabs the pillow, pulling it up so I can lean on it

    7. After all, how distant can you be with a man who has wound bandages round your upper leg? We debate whether I should put my stained hosen back on again or not – opting to leave the clean ones for tomorrow … I’ll have to wash this pair out as soon as I get the chance

    8. ‘Before, I had no real right to interfere in your life, Jo, and I was horribly aware that you had no legitimate right to lean on me either

    9. There was no one really paying any attention to them, they had come to lean on the wall beyond the cup-rail out of the busy traffic walking by

    10. Put the dirty ones in the laundry basket, if you would, there should be plenty of clean ones in the chest on the landing

    11. Kaha seemed to like to lean on him like he was a lamppost, liked to have his arm around her, liked to have her arms around him, and liked to have at least one breast in contact with him at all times and the other in contact with whoever she was talking to, male or female

    12. We are on a journey and I can’t express how important it is to lean on the Heavenly Father during this journey

    13. One could go so far as to say the reason for the journey is to learn to lean on the Father

    14. I will give interpretations to other common symbols, but you must promise me that you will not lean on them, but rather on God

    15. We must come to lean on him as if there is nothing else in the world

    16. Remember to lean on God for interpretation and keep in mind that pictures can be literal or symbolic

    17. Conversely, if the audience reacts positively, then it means that you have a support system to lean on

    18. “Look, sir, unless you make your intentions known to me, I must warn you if I lean on this horn, there will be more men here in seconds than you could possibly overcome

    19. the tree for its support just glad to have something to lean on

    20. I had to lean on Dakra, who managed to keep me moving with the rest of the group

    21. I would lean on its arm as on an archetype

    22. in the faith so that we can lean on Him in coming times of trouble

    23. 15 He shall lean on his house, but it shall not stand: he shall hold it fast, but it shall not endure

    24. heads of it judge for reward, and the priests of it teach for hire and the prophets of it divine for money; yet will they lean on the Lord,

    25. Using tap water from the faucet even to clean one’s teeth is risky

    26. Having just healed a foot fracture, Ramasamy would lean on his crutch and walk slowly; and Meenu would synchronize her steps with him

    27. 19 And the clean person shall sprinkle on the unclean on the third day, and on the seventh day: and on the seventh day he shall purify himself, and wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and shall be clean at evening

    28. 26 And Samson said to the lad that held him by the hand, Suffer me that I may feel the pillars upon which the house stands, that I may lean on them

    29. Still, she thought, it’s nice to have someone to lean on, if only for a moment

    30. lean on me with their grief or anger

    31. me to click that I just needed to be a shoulder to lean on

    32. hopefully, wash the Asian jungles clean once more

    33. He turns to the nearest man and gestures him forward so he may lean on the villager’s shoulder in order to walk

    34. He is pleased to find he is not too proud to accept it though he does not lean on her for long

    35. “Yes,” he says, wiping his fingers clean on his cloak

    36. hysterically, until I tipped over on the ground and had to lean on

    37. The ashtrays on the ladies’ side were regularly replaced by clean ones, those on the other side of the partition were not and stank

    38. hand, to lean on him, to follow his footsteps, to repeat what he says and to trust his ability to

    39. one of you as a loving parent most eager to be there for you to lean on me

    40. loss and would need a sympathetic friend to lean on

    41. Both of you head bang down the expressway, you lean on the horn coming off of the exit ramp scurrying the cars ahead of you down onto the service road

    42. You lean on the horn to get them going again

    43. I wiped the knife blade clean on his clothes and sheathed it before

    44. Rules as Saints we can lean onto in case of need and it is obviously so that there the more Saints there are …

    45. It is no use trusting these giants, therefore; one cannot lean on these fictitious giants to see better, to dream, to realize/be realized since they are nothing but dwarfs with stilts, dwarfs dressed up as giants

    46. Be a shoulder that she can lean on

    47. When we get to my house, you’re going to have to try to lean on me

    48. A friendly face, a shoulder to lean on and a much needed hit of a strong joint to sooth the pain would have been wonderful, but I couldn't see him or Hound Dog anywhere

    49. could lean on if I needed to

    50. She let him up and wiped her knife clean on his shirt tail

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