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    Utiliser "lectured" dans une phrase

    lectured exemples de phrases


    1. The historical events happened,” Kelvin lectured

    2. but in your mind always think straight,' Parekh-ji lectured Mama

    3. He has lectured nationally on the natural

    4. He could listen to her for years, while she lectured on so many concepts he’d never known the existence of before

    5. She sometimes lectured us on the time we wasted down at the Bigtree

    6. lectured my friend who had a habit of arriving for class at such

    7. hadn’t nodded off every time I lectured on the Trojan War

    8. I blush at how I lectured you on the qualities of epic heroes

    9. “You need rest,” Terese lectured

    10. “Sergeant Oberon lectured?” Fred’s eyebrows rose in disbelief

    11. At night, men creep out into no-man’s land, and try to overhear the opposition,” he lectured

    12. I scooted out of the door, none too pleased that I had wasted so long this morning being lectured in the bank by such a crassly moronic dickhead; I had things to do

    13. "We didn't think," muttered Jerry, feeling that it was a very lame excuse, seeing that he had lectured Faith so strongly in the Good-Conduct Club sessions for her lack of thought

    14. He grinned at the bird and began to laugh when the latter lectured him in his foulest Otomi

    15. They were both excited to meet Cuauhtzin, but he just lectured them rudely from the safety of my shoulder

    16. The other exorcists and I gathered in front of the shrine as Akito lectured us on exorcist safety

    17. “You have to train for hours every day,” she lectured

    18. Cuauhtzin pranced about from my shoulder to my head to my other shoulder and lectured dramatically in Otomi

    19. “He hasn't ordered or lectured me for at least a month

    20. To answer my questions, he told me that he knew of no comprehensive history of Europa; the professors in the university lectured from their notes rather than from any books

    21. Life is short, trust someone who understands” I lectured

    22. “Mallika! Will you just be still for once in your life, and let someone else lead the way?” he lectured in an agitated tone

    23. I laugh here because Adrian has lectured me time and time again on how to lay

    24. Maria lectured me upon return to work that the others had been shocked

    25. The teacher lectured or dictated a lesson, and the

    26. “You will watch and note every detail with all of your attention, Mark Longstrider, if you wish to ever have my services as a Healer in the future!” she lectured

    27. ” he lectured, then turned to announce; “Let the record show that all have agreed!”

    28. (Tetta the hypocrite -- for I had lectured my nuns many times about the virtues of tidiness and order! Alcuin, I hope that you may never learn to despise me

    29. realized while being lectured and taught about the different

    30. Actually 'Saint James' is more likely to be a reference to the Apostle James, than to a patron saint, like you say,” she lectured

    31. Everything seemed orderly and under control, now that she'd lectured them on proper conduct

    32. He'd thought of driving past his… that is, past Karen's house simply to take a look, but he lectured himself on how unwise it would be, considering the weather

    33. The body is your instrument, he lectured all who would listen, and a well tuned instrument is essential to a successful life

    34. 1 The night before they left Alexandria Ganid and Jesus had a long visit with one of the government professors at the university who lectured on the teachings of Plato

    35. Colonel Mohebi, the intelligence officer who had lectured us two weeks ago, came out of his office in the barracks and stood before the men of the 2nd Platoon and three more fighting units

    36. I have lectured on subjects relating to self-improvement in most of the principal

    37. d'Andrea, lectured at the University of Bologna in the early fourteenth century (de

    38. Fifteen years after Unica’s death, in the early morning of an autumn’s day in two thousand and fifty, Siri was making his way to work at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts in the US, where he lectured in environmental biotechnology

    39. “Let’s not bother the nice man,” she lectured graciously

    40. She invoked “y’all” several times and made quite an impression on the 13 year old she lectured

    41. lectured his army of believers and demanded repentance for their sin

    42. obtained his PhD from Harvard where he lectured in

    43. “And you lectured me about courts of justice?”

    44. “Worse, you were horrible,” she lectured him

    45. been lectured, we’ve all had arbitrary rules handed down to us, we’ve

    46. Father Frankee DeGraw while he lectured me on why it was necessary

    47. Satchidanand has lectured before audiences of Thousands and has

    48. Chapman tended to wander as he lectured

    49. Managed the Central School Library, wrote, published and lectured on various occasions

    50. He lectured his pupils on ancient classics in the hope that these

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