was discovered to be there without legality
Chop shop indicates a criminal activity,” as if renaming the activity changed its legality
Apparently, neither side was concerned about the legality of the weapons choices
Once the Supreme Court succumbs to external (political) pressures or its own unqualified assumptions of Justice, without regard to legality, that legal body can no longer be properly considered an objective interpreter of our nation‘s laws; its critically-minded reviews and summary conclusions centering on the (penumbral) legality of questionable (historical) assumptions…
Legality and morality are not always linked, such as in drug abuse, where most consider drug abuse to be immoral, but some favor the legalization of drugs
While legality gives Cambodia an edge, geography is firmly on Thailand's side
Article 7th - It will observe the principles of the legality,
I had also questioned the legality of the University’s allocating approximately 80% of the cost of its two libraries to PSL which, in turn, billed 100% of those amounts to its government customers
After that is done, we will deal with legality and diplomacy
Irritated by the fact that not only the morality but the legality of
While the question might seem straightforward and the request by the mother reasonable, the answer, of course, depends on the legality in Australia of a sterilization procedure, especially as regards to under aged women
Sandra Coelho was a legal expert, she had studied the law but did not proceed when she passed her finals at university, instead she went straight into the governments special investigation unit to advise on the legality of situations
The legality or
Standard’s attorneys may have provided legality, but ethics never entered the picture
legality of our marriage is cast by all the residents of
Court who advised on the legality of the measures
The Legality of House Sharing
However, this raises the question of the legality of any proof or evidence we would then collect
There is a reason to be concerned about the legality of such accounts, for although many people would like to include them in their estate planning, a legal misstep regarding the use of any of these asset management tools could result in thousands of dollars lost in back tax payments and legal problems with none other than the IRS in addition to the possibility of spending time in prison
It is a request to check on the legality of the activities of a local strip club, the PUSSICAT CABARET, in Santa Monica
There were even some brave people that refused to sit by while politicians debated the legality of imprisoning, beating and terrorizing people in perpetual forced labor
called it a quarantine and received the permission of the Organization of American States to strengthen a claim of legality
to present to the world a situation of maximum legality
Uh, could I have the name of the father, just for the sake of legality?”
Whatever may be the Pakistani brief over all of Kashmir; it cannot harp on the legality of its accession to India for after all, Raja Hari Singh derived the power to accede his kingdom, the way he willed it, from the same document that created Pakistan!
Not because human legality was considered efficient or fair, but simply because all the shouting, crying, cheating, gavel-banging and opportunities for rousing speeches, applause, more crying and other histrionics were about as entertaining as justice could get
I say, this noble verse manifests the legality of fighting and the purpose behind enslavement, enjoying the tribute by the Prophet (cpth), and behind all of the other ways which check the damage of the unbelievers and their corruption in the land
This noble Verse explains the legality of fighting and the purpose of enslavement, offering a tribute to the Prophet (cpth), and all of the other ways to check the damage of the disbelievers and their corruption in the land
He concluded that either the land owner was swindling him about the legality of the property or he was utterly desperate to sell the land
The legality of visiting him (cpth)
“The law is neither moral nor rational, it does not follow logic but legality, it does not seek what is right, but what is permitted
The first step, the process of the actual removal from Kökensee to Berlin, from legality to illicitness, had in its smoothness been positively glib; and he had supposed that, once alone together, love-making, which was the very marrow of running away--else why run?--would follow with a similar glibness
His opening salvo was not unexpectedly aimed at the legality of the action
Yet he conceded that the legality of such a move was very questionable and that the service was a valuable intelligence asset
· And if we have the look that the messenger of Allah taught us for all these matters of poverty, richness, contentedness, satisfaction, legality and illegality
the borders of legality, such as the procurement of young men for
These nations commissioned a General Audit Committee that had thoroughly scrutinized the legality of these debts
On what grounds do we rest our infallible belief in science, where we never question the legality?
maintain as forming the back bone in science and what gives their personal position legality although it is
In this way, by reversing the basis of all legality, the masses of Europeans had their freedoms, rights and privileges reduced from a thousand – to one… the one written
The last major innovation intensifying the insane greed of selective ownership was the creation of the legality of modern patents
The concept of law, or legality: is an outgrowth of the unavoidable conflicts of different civilized cultures, traditions, morals, ethics and values
One flaw in all legality is that it is set in stone and not allowed to be changed
It is only recently that grass-roots movements have ever shaped law or legality
Which is completely apart from the idea of legality
This overriding basic condition tends to neutralize any other effect of legality
But in all this: the question of fairness, justice or balance has nothing to do with the adversarial conflict of legality except as an abstract joke
Laws are merely another way for humans to selectively focus-on and manipulate things like facts, evidence, testimony, the interpretation of all this, the legal meaning, the legality of it… all done for the purpose of winning, getting an advantage over your opponent
Law and all legality is merely one way all civilized societies force humans to treat each other inhumanely by sticking to the letter of the law, by putting law above all human concerns, by forcing people to act inhumanely, think inhumanely, feel inhumanely
How the can you mindlessly worship the legality of a court that did that for 200 years?
They were not stupid enough to respect a legality they despised
Why is Western legality so corrupt? It is based upon criminality
What is the root of all Western legality based upon?
Western legality attacks every person who is outspokenly honest
Western legality hates all honest people
Western legality fears all honesty
Western legality is a merely a maze of convoluted ways to avoid all direct simple honesty
Why does the law punish petty theft viciously while affording huge loopholes for the most outrageous thefts of billions of dollars to go unpunished? Legality has nothing to do with truth, or honesty, or fairness
In short: to arrive at a way of life that is good for all, where all can be happy, and not waste their entire lives pursuing happiness; you must outlaw legality
You must throw out the entire concept of legality
You can start anywhere; and civilization can be systematically improved… even by enforcing one simple Law… without any complicated legality
One: it reveals to the public a fairly accurate level of the legal corruption that exists as a norm in whatever unfair legality they uphold
A lawless insane gang of swindlers, courts run by outright bribery while constantly screaming about the sacredness of the Law and judicial legality, while inventing and practicing every legal corruption possible
Despite my own business dealings on the fringes of legality, I considered dealing in drugs unethical
until now: this insane condition called: legality, has become a legalized normality called Robber Baron Capitalism, or Globalism
Because they had brainwashed the entire world into their own sicker brand of Robber Baron legality
All because the masses have been brainwashed into believing in the legality of Robber Baron Greed, culture, selfishness and their endless code-words and icons and token… as the poor betray their own morality, and worship the lies called icons and symbols and tokens of the rich; that civilization has amassed for 12 thousand years
determined that order and legality will prevail
Cover up greed with legality and authority: institutionalize the greed that only filthy back stabbing black pirates once carried in their hearts: and spread the evil of the lust for gold amongst the masses of the poor: by giving an example of how the rich powerful ‘doctors’ and ‘magistrates’ and ‘squire’… become even more filthy rich… by stealing the well-earned spoils of the old dying generation of black hearted filth: the old seadogs of the English pirate era from them, and sending them to hell penniless, while the nouveau riche wallow in their ease and ill-gotten gains
publicly questioned the legality of this most blatant and illegal gaffe
Appeal after appeal was filed questioning and arguing the legality, the constitutionality, and all other –alities imaginable
Bryan is also well known as being the foil for famed attorney Clarence Darrow during the Scopes Monkey Trial, which argued the legality of teaching evolution in schools
Jonathan: I was with some Year 4 parents and we got into an argument over the legality and morality of that damned petition
The legality of mountaintop removal has been litigated for years; it’s still in the courts
Serious, well-informed men seemed to believe the fact, to hope forbetter things, for the establishment of legality, of good faith and order in public life
Mary and I had been separated, as much on account of my continuous absence on the road as through any legality at this stage, but I’d taken over a rented five-flight walk-up vacated by Jake Riviera and Nick Lowe that I now shared with Steve Nieve, who had also left home, his parents’ home
When you are entrenched in the financial world, there will be times when the lines of legality or conflicts-of-interest become blurred
Not only does it limit distractions but I never have to worry about the line of legality by mingling and having personal conversations with top executives
Strongly entrenched in legality though he was, he found himself constantly edged into infringements by the needs of his friends, and anyone could hustle him for a buck without half trying
‘And, what do you want with marriage, with legal marriage, my dear, noble Pyotr Petrovitch? Why do you cling to this legality of marriage?
The main manifestation of this contradiction consists in the fact that with the universal military service every citizen, upon becoming a soldier, becomes a supporter of the state structure, and a participant in everything which the government does and the legality of which he does not recognize
Even now a few such men who have refused are sitting in prisons, not for the essential point in the case, the rejection of the legality of the government's action, but for the non-fulfilment of the private demands of the government
Amidst them frequently serve freethinking companions,—volunteer soldiers,—and just such liberal young officers, and into their midst has been thrown the seed of doubt as to the unconditional legality and valour of their activity
to-day, Catharine to-morrow, and the next day Pugatchov; to-day the insane King of Bavaria, to-morrow the Emperor William? Why should I promise this to men whom I know to be wicked or foolish, or men whom I know nothing at all about? Why should I, in the form of taxes, hand over to them the fruits of my labor, knowing that this money will be used to bribe officials, to support prisons, churches, and armies, to pay for the execution of evil acts destined for my oppression? In other words, why should I apply the rod to my own back? Why should I go on wasting my time, averting my eyes, helping to give a semblance of legality to the acts of wrong-doers, play a part in elections, and pretend to participate in the government, when I know perfectly well that the country is ruled by those who control the army? Why should I go into the courts and be a party to the infliction of tortures and executions upon my erring fellow-beings, knowing, if I am a Christian, that the law of love has been substituted for the law of vengeance, and if I am an educated man, that punishment, so far from reforming its victims, serves only to demoralize them? Why should I, in person or in substitute, go and kill and despoil, and expose myself to the dangers of war, simply because the key of the temple of Jerusalem happens to be in the keeping of one bishop rather than in that of another; because Bulgaria is to be ruled by one German prince instead of another; or because the privileges of the seal fishery are reserved for the English to the exclusion of the American merchants
At the present time several of these men are imprisoned, not for their substantial offense, denying the legality of the acts of the government, but for disobeying the particular orders of their superiors
Serious, old, clever, good men, who, above all else, stand like the city on a hill, and who involuntarily guide the masses by their example, make it appear that the legality and beneficence of patriotism are so obvious and incontestable that it is not worth while to answer the frivolous and senseless attacks upon this sentiment, and the majority of men, who have since childhood been deceived and infected by patriotism, take this supercilious silence to be a most convincing proof, and continue to stick fast in their ignorance
, the next by Catherine, and the day after by Pougachef; one day by a mad king of Bavaria, another by William? Why should I promise to obey them, knowing them to be wicked or foolish people, or else not knowing them at all? Why am I to hand over the fruits of my labors to them in the shape of taxes, knowing that the money will be spent on the support of officials, prisons, churches, armies, on things that are harmful, and on my own enslavement? Why should I punish myself? Why should I go wasting my time and hoodwinking myself, giving to miscreant evildoers a semblance of legality, by taking part in elections, and pretending that I am taking part in the government, when I know very well that the real control of the government is in the hands of those who have got hold of the army? Why should I go to the law courts to take part in the trial and punishment of men because they have sinned, knowing, if I am a Christian, that the law of vengence is replaced by the law of love, and, if I am an educated man, that punishments do not reform, but only deprave those on whom they are inflicted? And why, most of all, am I to consider as enemies the people of a neighboring nation, with whom I have hitherto lived and with whom I wish to live in love and harmony, and to kill and rob them, or to bring them to misery, simply in order that the keys of the temple at Jerusalem may be in the hands of one archbishop and not another, that one German and not another may be prince in Bulgaria, or that the English rather than the American merchants may capture seals?
If, then, persons were punished by the sedition law in its full operation, carried into effect by the constituted authorities, where, I ask, is the distinction between that and any other law? To all the purposes of legality, that law is as much legal as that under which the direct tax was instituted
The legality and necessity of the course pursued, assure me of the favorable light in which it will present itself to the Legislature, and of the promptitude with which they will supply whatever provisions may be due to the essential rights and equitable interests of the people thus brought into the bosom of the American family
Congress alone were competent to decide on the legality of the returns, and on their act alone could the State Legislatures proceed
Are the wishes of this nation to be unattended to? Ought we not to relieve its anxieties? Or, are we to tantalize their hopes with energy in one law and imbecility in another? Are the merchants to be told we will protect their commerce? By what? By granting them a right which nature has already given to them? Is commerce to be protected by abridging the natural rights of the people? Is this measure no abridgment of their rights? Does it not confine the legality of arming to resident citizens alone? Look at the measure as you please, it is a dead letter
It cannot have escaped the attention of the committee, or of the nation, that Napoleon's decree, respecting the Berlin and Milan decrees, bears date the 28th of April, 1811, and is explicitly bottomed on the law of Congress passed March 2, 1811; the sole object of which law was to confirm the proclamation of the President which had then been issued more than four months, and the legality of which had become very questionable